Senpai, Show Me Who You Are Inside
The story revolves around Haruki, a timid and socially awkward young man who lives as an introverted shut-in, but shines as the popular VTuber “Youki Yara” in the virtual world. The stark contrast between his real life and the virtual persona forms a captivating aspect of this story. In his pursuit of gaining new followers, Haruki proposes a collaboration with a newcomer “Otokonoko” VTuber, Yuu, who claims to be his fan. However, on the day of their offline collaboration, an unexpected handsome man appears before him.... Haruki had been desperately portraying himself as a cheerful and outgoing character, but during their horror game livestream together, his shy nature is exposed to Yuu. “Senpai, show me more of your true self,” Yuu says. And thus, a captivating BL story begins!
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- Senpai, Show Me Who You Are Inside
Chapter 2