Fate/stay Night
In Fuyuki City, seven sorcerers will each summon and become "Masters" to powerful familiars known as "Servants" in order to wage a secret war for the Holy Grail. The seven groups will battle until only one is left - the one who will be granted a chance to wish upon the Holy Grail. While the origins of the war are obscure, it is set to begin again. Shirou Emiya, out of admiration and gratitude towards his his late foster father, strives to become a "Hero of Justice" in spite of his lack of talent for sorcery. Unexpectedly, he becomes a participant in the Fifth Holy Grail War when he accidentally summons Saber, who is said to be the strongest servant of all... Based on "Fate" and "Unlimited Blade Works", the first and second scenarios of the game.
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Chapter 64