The story revolves around Taira Yunokami a boy in fifth grade that helps his father run a food truck. One day, he meets a famished girl in a park on his way to school. After helping the girl, the city is suddenly attacked by Glutton, an inter-dimensional threat that endangers the world. Amidst the chaos Sworg, a young member of the Space Administration Bureau Braver saves both Taira and the girl. Sworg has come to Earth to pursue the enigmatic and malevolent Glutton. When fate brings Sworg and Taira together, they\'ll find themselves unexpectedly thrust into an extraordinary journey through multiple dimensions.
The perfectionist class president, Tsukamoto Anne, has one small problem: a gyaru in her class, Kenzaki Kaoru, is so exceptionally dumb that she\'s in danger of repeating the year! However, Kenzaki Kaoru has one small problem of her own: the class president, Tsukamoto Anne, is exacly the kind of person she worships as a god-like fave! The serious class president wants her reign to be perfect, while the creepy otaku gyaru wants to hide her true nature—and so, a battle between the two begins!
Ex reigned supreme over the game Lin Online. However, he was betrayed by his trusted subordinates and left the game. Two years later, he came across the VMMORPG . He vowed to take revenge on the guild “Kaimus” who had betrayed him. [You have obtained the hidden class Heavenly Gourmet!] [ has discovered the hidden flavor within Rye Bread!] [Your strength has increased by 2 points!] \"Wait, I can increase my stats just by eating?\"
An introverted part-time food delivery guy working in the countryside receives a food delivery order. When he reaches the delivery address, he discovers that the recipient is a tall and intimidating-like woman. However, as the story unfolds, he eventually discovers…
“If you don’t love me, I’ll jump.” Hwibeom, who is cursed with bad luck, is partnered with Yeonwoo for a group project. Despite Yeonwoo’s gloomy appearance, the project is flawless. Hwibeom starts putting in extra effort to take care of Yeonwoo for his own grade’s benefit. Whenever Hwibeom is with Yeonwoo, he can’t help but feel that his luck is improving… Until Yeonwoo threatens to jump off of a building.
When I returned home for the first time in a long time, my brother transformed into a girl!?
A man who no longer can turn a blind eye saves a girl who\'s being bullied by the other classmate, but little did he know.
After a demonic ritual, 20-year-old Shelley Highgate has mysteriously risen from the grave, and is under fire from a Grim Reaper for cheating death! The two form an unlikely alliance to find the cult that killed Shelley and traverse the gothic world of the Deadlands.