The story follows an average, albeit untidy guy named Hajime Tsukiyoda. Hajime's peaceful everyday life comes to an end when a man-eating goldfish overtake Shibuya. The fish are everywhere, filling the famous scramble crossing, hanging near the Hachiko statue, and even floating through the city center all the while eating as many humans as they can. The unprecedented crisis marks the "worst survival competition in history."
Lin Xitang chances upon an injured young boy while out on a mission around the nevernight continentThe boy's name is Qianye, and he'll be Xitang's son if he survives the Netherworld training campAn exciting story following a boy working to graduate in order to escape the eternal night continentKing of the Eternal Night, The Legend of Eternal Night's Sovereign,
A collection of Mizuno one-shots, including some of her earliest works: - **Night of Blue Stars** (青い星の夜, Aoi Hoshi no Yoru) - **Carnival!** (カーニバル!) - **Granite** (みかげ石, Mikageishi) - **The King Who Ate Blue Roses** (青いバラをたべた王様, Aoi Bara wo Tabeta Ousama) - **The Swan of Tuonela** (トゥオネラの白鳥, Tuonela no Hakucho) - Adaptation of Sibelius\'s tone poem. - **Tale of One Snowy Night** (ある雪の夜の物語, Aru Yuki no Yoru no Monogatari) - **The Mermaid Lights the Fire** (人魚が火をともす, Ningyo ga Hi wo Tomosu) - **Star Child** (星の子, Hoshi no Ko) - The \'title\' one-shot of this compilation. Goro is an astronomer down on his luck, struggling to discover something. One night, an little angelic being named Chiru comes down from the stars, changing Goro\'s life... - **Glass Angel** (ガラスの天使, Garasu no Tenshi) - **Two Suns** (二つの太陽, Futatsu no Taiyou) (Note: Official raw only for Star Child).
A graveyard in contemporary Israel has an unlikely visitor. The elderly gentleman from Japan, a former news correspondent, lays a bouquet of flowers at the tomb of one Adolf Kamil. For he remembers the tale of three Adolfs: Kamil, a Jew who grew up in Kobe, Japan, the son of a baker; Kaufmann, only child of a German consul stationed at that port city and his Japanese wife; and the Fuhrer with whom the Far Eastern nation made common cause. ---- **Won the 10th Kodansha Manga Award for General Manga in 1986, shared with Makoto Kobayashi's What's Michael?**---**Volumes 372-376 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**
[From Ivyscan]: Feeling rebellious toward his overprotective mother, Soma Mitsuya, a first-year high school student, only cares about his violin and his hospitalized grandfather. On the night his grandfather’s condition suddenly worsens, an earthquake hits, sending Mitsuya to 1921 in the Taisho era…
Through the looking glass into Camelot Garden, falls a boy named Ryu, whose purpose is to crush this weird, semi-malignant fantasy world. Oh yeah, and the below is a direct quote from the beginning of the story. The Lady of Shallot by Alfred Lord Tennyson There she weaves by night and day A magic web with colours gay. She has heard a whisper say, A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Camelot. But in her web she still delights To weave the mirror’s magic sights: A funeral, with plumes and lights And music, came from Camelot. “I am half-sick of shadows,” said The Lady of Shalott. “Tirra lirra, tirra lirra,” Sang Sir Lancelot. She left the web: she left the loom: She looked down to Camelot.
"Akatsuki" is the first ray of light emerging from pure darkness. "Samson" Takaki is the ace wrestler and company president of the Akatsuki Pro Wrestling group. Samson has devoted his body and soul to his wrestling career. Now, Samson not only has to endure the bodily damages caused by his long wrestling career, but he has to face prostate cancer. However, this doesn't deter Samson. He continues his fight to bring joy and entertainment to his fans.
Nagai Jinsei, aka "Bare-Knuckles Jinsei". Born in a dumpster, raised in an orphanage, living as a yakuza, he is tough enough that he fights all his fights bare-handed, and is covered with countless knife and bullet scars from his battles. But his life changes when he saves the five-year-old Ayumi, daughter of the new police chief, Enjoji Masayoshi, and befriends their family. For the first time in his life, Jinsei feels like he's found a family of his own, and decides to start his life over, but his past and his ties to the yakuza keep getting in the way.c
Suzuki Sora is a cheerful country girl from the small town of Bie. She made a promise to her father, and following this promise applies and is accepted for a magic intership in Tokyo, where she will face the life in a big city. While training to get better with her magic, she meets a mysterious boy also practicing to become a mage. While he can not use magic that well and he seems distant and cold at first, Sora's fate intertwines with his and the two are thrown together, learning a lot of new things about life and each other.
[From OSTNT] When the maid from the heaven failed to protect the Phoenix egg from a mysterious figure, she used her last power to send the Phoenix, king of all birds into a chicken egg and soon the Phoenix hatched into a chicken. Follow the Phoenix and his chicken sibling on an epic adventure!
Lilith is a snow woman who scorns her dead mother’s choice to live as a human being and hide her magical abilities after falling in love with a human man. But although Lilith views mortal men as mere sustenance, what will happen when she meets a handsome man who’s kind and who claims to love her…?