The story follows Kiyotake, a man with no aim or accomplishments in life. He’s an actor who lands extra roles at best, works multiple part-time jobs to barely support himself, and has few personal attachments. His best friend Shun died when he was 19 in an accident and he now has a few casual friends. This expands when an old acquaintance moves in next door...
The Civil War continues to wage on the island nation of Alistria. The Waldrons lead a small arms shop on this island when they receive a large order of rifles from the army. However, this turns out to be a ploy by the colonel who made the order. He uses his ties to the rebel army to have them ransack the shop. Having her husband killed, her daughter taken away and her own left eye lost, Sophia Waldron decides to take the only remaining sniper rifle and sets out for revenge!
A young Taiwanese assassin codenamed \"Glass Heart\" committed suicide by jumping off a building, and her heart was pierced by a metal fence. Miraculously, her life was saved by heart transplantation. During her recovery she began to experience strange dreams, which led her to Japan looking for the donor of her heart, who happens to be Kaori Makimura, former partner of City Hunter. Note: direct continuation of Angel Heart, renewed in Monthly Comic Zenon after the cancellation of Bunch.
Female high school student, Chiya, encounters a tragic ghost in a pond.
Jun, a high school girl, laments the cold relationship between her family due to the debt her mother made. Feeling lonely in her everyday life, she ends up asking a truck driver she met at her part-time job to share some stimulants with her. Jun quickly became addicted to this and started sleeping around to get money to sustain her addiction.
From Titania Welcome to the classes of horror! I will be your guide to a world that lurks under everyday life. For these lessons, you don't need text books or notebooks. If you're prepared for the worst...
Universal Century 0087, pilot Edgar Edmund Smith, a hero of the story. The pilot of the Titans originally drawn fierce battle Edgar Edmund Smith. This work, however, the year Universal Century 0138, Maddin was discovered manuscripts of Sicilian women writers who died last year, \"Diary of Edmund Smith, Edgar,\" a setting of what was written. Does not exist at all other evidence that the description and the Universal Century of the time in the world, \"a fact\", and \"mere fiction\" has become a dispute with pilots and mobile suits that appeared in this film, really century, whether the universe exists in the world has become treated as the unknown. Episode 1: Half Zeta Gundam vs Gundam MK-II Episode 2: Amuro and Kiss! Episode 3: Diary of Edgar Edmund Smith Episode Extra: Diary of an Irresponsible Umonsamon Universe - Titans
The sequel series to \"Kinnikuman ii sei\". A new threat appears to defeat the Legends, known only as the \'Time Chojin\'. These mysterious villains travel through time, in their quest to eradicate the Justice Chojin. If their plan succeeds, they will erase the New Generation from history and usher in a new era of evil domination over the humans. The New Generation must travel through time to stop the Time Chojin. In the process, they earn the distrust of the Legends. The ensuing conflict triggers the start of the \'Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament\', which will pit Legends against New Generation, and Justice Chojin vs Evil Chojin. The winners will determine the future of the planet as we know it and reign supreme over Earth.
The story revolves around people who possess the ability to infiltrate human minds and manipulate memories. Their powers have been used in the underworld for covering up accidents, assassinations, and all manner of crimes. But these powers not only destroy others\' spirits, but also corrupt the users\' own hearts…
The story revolves around three teenagers: Nomiya Tomomi, a high school dropout, Togawa Kiyoharu, an ex-sprinter who now plays wheelchair basketball and Takahashi Hisanobu, a popular leader of the high school's basketball team who now finds himself a paraplegic after an accident. Real features a cast of characters who find themselves being marginalized by society, but are all united by one common feature: a desire to play basketball, with no place to play it in. Nomiya, being a high school dropout, has no future in his life. Togawa, being a difficult personality, finds himself constantly feuding with his own teammates. Takahashi, once a popular team leader, now finds himself being unable to move from the chest down. Real also deals with the reality of physical disabilities, and the psychological inferiority that the characters struggle against. The characters break through their own psychological barriers bit by bit.
From Go! Comi: From birth, Cesare Borgia is surrounded by shadows. Damned by his own father, hated by his closest brother, separated from the sister who loves him, and driven by the demons of Hell itself, his quest for power threatens to set the world of Renaissance Italy ablaze -- unless one innocent person can drive away the poisonous shadows ravaging him! Enter the world of the Borgias. A world of unspeakable conspiracies and forbidden desires. A family whose murderous intrigues would make them infamous throughout history. A history written in blood…and a poison called Cantarella.
[From Del Rey]: Ryousuke Akiba calls himself ES, a code name taken from a mysterious scientific experiment. Ryousuke will live to be at least two centuries old and possesses strange mental powers: He can enter people's minds, discover their darkest secrets, even rearrange their memories so that complete strangers will treat him like family. Ryousuke acts not out of malice but for survival-wandering Tokyo for reasons known only to him. No one recognizes him for what he is . . . until Dr. Mine Kujyou, a determined researcher, meets someone who challenges everything she knows about science- ES, possessor of the Eternal Sabbath gene. But is he the only one?