Yu☆Gi☆Oh! Arc-V centers around Yuuya Sakaki, a mysterious Entertainment Duelist known as "The Phantom" along with his three other personalities: Yuuto, Yuugo, and Yuuri. He was chased after by Leo Corporation for hacking into their Solid Vision with mass system and used it for his own purpose. While on the run, he meets Yuzu Hiiragi, the daughter of the principal of Syu Zo Duel School that was on the verge of bankruptcy and tricked Yuuya into a contract to become a teacher at her school. However, before Yuuya could teach at the school, he first must find a card called Genesis Omega Dragon that said will determine the fate of the world that also connected to his scattered memories. The story is set in alternate version of Miami City where Leo Corporation, run by its president Reiji Akaba, dominates most of Solid Vision system throughout the city. The spread of the company's Solid Vision with mass not only gave birth to "Action Duels" but also help improving the city in saving lives and repair damage in case of disaster, becoming a vital
A regular person falls in love with a superhero who protects Earth! In terms of circumstances, ability, experience--they are from two different worlds, but they get to know each other, support each other, and then... A unique love story on a planetary scale now begins!
A romcom centered around two childhood friends: Tarou and Umi. It took four tries professing his love, but he finally gets a 'Yes'. Not long after, Tarou finds that Umi only has 100 days to live!
The deadline is his 18th birthday... Let's search out all the reborn demons that are still hidden in the academy! After transferring to such a huge school, Aitan Gakuen--Yuki, who possesses a disaster attraction physique--has been told that he is actually the reincarnation of Momotaro from folklore. If he doesn't break the curse cast upon him by the demons he defeated in his previous life, he will die upon reaching the age of 18...!
This is a game traveling story of a man and his perfect best friend. Will this be a relationship of subjugation or will they turn into complete adversaries? When your best friend becomes your opponent, and the line between the real and virtual worlds becomes blur, how should we face the truth then?
Saitō Yu'ichi, a young man without prospects, decides to kill himself at the turn of the year. However, a fateful encounter with a stranger, Mitsumune Sakutarō, who is his complete opposite, changes Yu'ichi's future in a way he could never have imagined.
Alan is the strongest miner on earth who rescued a princess being attacked by bandits. His shovel can shoot laser beams after a thousand years of digging.
Keyman is the resident hero of Lockville City, a place inhabited by both humans and animal people. In the years since his debut as a hero, crime has decreased significantly, which does not look all that great for the local police force. But one day, after he catches yet another group of criminals, Keyman is mysteriously murdered. Detective Alex and his police force are investigating the murder, and one of their major clues is the words "Dr. Necro," which were carved onto Keyman's body after his death. Their case gets even stranger when Alex unexpectedly meets "Dr. Necro," who appears to be a young girl, in a bar. What monster could be behind the murder of Keyman, and what does the childlike Dr. Necro have to do with it all?
Suddenly one day--energetic high school girl, Katagiri Hina, has time slipped into the year 1907. The first person she sees is the sorrowful man by the name of Hongo Takaaki. Who exactly is this Hongo-sama? As fate works its gears, how would their romance unfold? Transcending time, two people meet. A destiny.
When a family of three book passage on a luxury liner they soon realize that the glamours cruise ship is nothing but a facade as a series of mysterious killings spread throughtout the ship. With the sea proving no escape, how will they survive?
From Yen Press: Wending his way home after a bender one evening, master moocher and game programmer Keita Ibuki decides to satisfy a craving for ramen at a noodle stand. Instead of slurping soup, though, he surrenders his meal to a manic girl who, unbeknownst to Keita, is a Mototsumitama, a guardian of the coexistence equilibrium. When his new acquaintance is attacked, Keita gets caught in the crossfire and loses an arm. Awakening from the shock of his injury, Keita finds himself back in his apartment... arm intact! But just whose arm is it?! Asking the strange girl raiding his refrigerator reveals only that Keita's life has become a great deal more complicated.