Harumi Sawa is an ordinary high school student finds himself at odds with Ayako Kawahori, a girl who has recently transferred into his school. Not only does he become drawn to her bizarre stench, he also begins to pay close attention to her seemingly odd behavior. After being reminded of harpies - the half-woman, half-bird beasts of Greek mythology - during a lesson in class, Sawa begins to think Kawahori might actually be one of those mythological beasts herself.(https://yamagishi-ryoko.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/01/25/001908)Also contains:- **A Visitor in the Rain** (雨の訪問者, Ame no Houmonsha) - **Undine** (ウンディーネ)- **Strawberry Night Night** (ストリベリー・ナイト・ナイト)
Cheeky fox goddess Vs Sadistic Miko JKIchiyo is worshipped at a shrine as a fox divinity. But she is in fact a cheeky goth loli osan kitsune who gets carried away very easily. But is it really okay for a goddess to be so rude? A comedy about teaching her a lesson.
Eunsung is a guy that has a pretty face but with an ugly personality. He has been courting Jung-min since elementary school, the reason why he worked on the sports center, and coincidentally on his way home from work, he happens to meet Junha who is a ghost not willing to left him off. "You... You can you see me...?!" In order for Junha to go on the after life, Eunsung must have to turn Junha's first love, Minhyuk, into a gay man.Why did he get involved into this? Will he be able to turn Minhyuk gay? Will The Perfect Gay Maker operation succeed?What will happen next?
Sunwoo is thrilled to be starting his new job! Full of energy and enthusiasm, he's eager to please Manager Kang. The problem is, he keeps making dumb mistakes and getting in trouble. Things come to a head one night after work when he pours soju all over his boss. Typical! But hang on… Why is Manager Kang blushing like that? And what are those cat ears sprouting from his head?! After discovering his boss' secret, it isn't long before Sunwoo has him purring with pleasure.
A series of natural disasters has reduced the world to rubble, with the survivors doing whatever they must to survive in a world gone mad. But one young boy, Kakugo, gifted with amazing martial arts and a superpowerful suit of armor by his late father, has been charged with making the world (or at least his school) a safer place. But his sister has a matching set of skills and equipment, and she`s on a mission to bring peace to the world... by wiping out humanity!
Togari continues the story of Tobei as he continues to rid of 108 sins to free himself from hell. This is the sequel to Togari
The Origins of "The Hunter"! The master of the diseased, clean and obsessive blood clan X is a cruel and powerful werewolf servant. Eno Azeril is a wayward and clean blood clan. He signed a master and servant contract with a werewolf on a whim. Ordering him to do things for fun, but I didn't expect... I ordered, but the situation was a little bit wrong. "Wait! I didn't let you do this! "Master, please rest assured, I will make you satisfied." +
With the power of the shogunate, Ieyasu, the supreme ruler of Japan, holds sway over the Sengoku Era. Those who refuse to follow his whims are doomed to be put to death by the god of war, Kibitsuhiko-no-Mikoto. But behold! Seven shadows are still rampant in this ruthless world. Are they men? Beasts? Petals? The wind? No, they are the seven blades of the Efu–the grudgeful ninja! Note: The Efu were the personal guards of the Emperor of Japan and his palace before the Feudal Era, following the establishment of Ritsuryō.
Kuon Otogami was a genius pianist whose name is among the greatest in the annals of the music world. He had seven children who also all became genius pianists. All seven except for the one named Lucky that is. This is the miraculous story of a regular kid taking on godly talent!
In a war-torn world: Every day, Sak suffers as he attends ‘the School’, a research facility studying ‘possessors of the Core’ — people who have obtained special abilities… And the reason for his torment is his subpar Core. But one day, a plague unlike any the world has ever seen, strikes outside ‘the School’ and eventually infects a person within it. Upon infection, this disease forces the infected to attack the people around them without mercy. Sak, shakes with fear as he comes face to face with the infected victim. And Ginger, the upperclassman who has always been Sak’s greatest pillar of support, informs him of the existence of his ‘Caller’. “If you want to live, you have to find your Caller.” Being essentially forced out of the School, Sak wanders blindly and soon finds his Caller. The two begin journeying together, however…
The apocalypse. The chaos that enveloped the entire planet in an instant. Many gates have emerged from the sky on different continents of the Earth. These were the dungeons, inhabited by monsters eager to devour, destroy what is dear to us: our family, freedom and, most importantly - life. Betrayal, deception and lies! And for what? But I closed my eyes... because I was already dead. Since I was a weak piece of meat... useless, and no one needed me, I stayed. But in a moment I felt like I was dreaming... But I found out it wasn't a dream. What I saw was empty. And no, it was not a natural void. This is the Limitless Abyss. I appeared where only one type of creature lived: the monsters. I'm just a Rank F hunter, but... something pulled me into this massacre... I wanted to kill... I wanted to live. I will devour everything that is here. I will kill everything that opposes me. I'm going to come home… and kill everyone!
From CMX Manga: This suspenseful, supernatural series tells the tale of Canon, the only student to escape from a bloody vampire attack that took the lives of her fellow classmates and turned her into one of the undead. Struggling against the terrible needs that compel her, Canon commits herself to use her powers for good and do whatever she can to avenge the deaths of her friends and her own terrible fate. Joining forces with a talking, vampire crow, she begins her quest to find Rodd, Lord of the Vampires.