In the manga\'s story, humanity fought against divine beings in a secret war for its existence seven years ago. A girl named Waka, as well as her companions became Valkyries chosen by the gods and gave their lives to end the battle. In time, Waka\'s younger sister Kiko grows up and enters high school. But now the divine beings have returned.
What does a bright world look like? Lee Hyun\'s world is filled with dark lumps left behind by grotesque ghosts and souls. As Hyun struggles to ignore these horrors in an attempt to live an ordinary life, a strange guy who seeks out haunted houses suddenly appears before him. In such perilous places, can they make it out unscathed?
Chapter 21 in Naver\'s 2023 Rookie Short Story Collection (2023 루키 단편선).
Ruoli received a mysterious gift from his brother Ruoji - a seriously injured little fox from across the ocean. Ruoli loves it very much and takes good care of it every day, but he did not expect that when the little fox healed his wounds turned into a man. It turns out that the little fox's name is "Bai Ye" and it is a demon who practiced in the immortal class. Before the ceremony of becoming immortal, he was washed away by his master Fox Demon King and let him go. True immortality. And if Li is his doom. (Google Translate)
The high school boy Onitake Daio is a gentle giant cursed to suffer pain when he comes into contact with the opposite sex. One day, a junior girl Minase Kaio came up to him and unexpectedly asked, \"Will you please be my pet\"!?
The story is an erotic comedy starring a strangely developed boy who, although he has a threatening look, actually has a very bad time when he comes into contact with the opposite sex. One day, after helping a mysterious girl, she says to him: Please, become my pet!
Cursed to take the life of anything she touches, the only cure to Bella’s ailment is an act of ‘true love’. However, shunned by the town, the ‘Poisonous Witch’ spends her days living alone in the forest. That was until one fateful day when she meets an unsuccessful painter named Anna… A oneshot published on Ciao Plus in October 2024.
Controlling the Queendom of Sevek’s female prison with the Power of the Kraken! From the author of Akame ga Kill and Mato Seihei no Slave!
Soul Wielder Siblings Stranded In A Desert Storm! In the desolate desert of the North American Sector, the government harvests the Soul Energy of siblings Eos and Maxima in secret. When their powers attract the attention of a dangerous criminal organization, their routine lives are shattered. Eos and Maxima must search for freedom and the truth about their past as hostile forces close in. The answers they seek lie behind one word--HYPERBOREA!
\"The extreme heat, and the stench of the factory, mixed with the unique smell of a fishing port, this town feels like hell on earth...\" A collection of tragic horror stories by horror manga master, Hino Hideshi, originally published by Hibari hit comics, and listed as number 1 in its \"black frame\" horror manga series 1 • Uroko no Nai Sakana: A boy keeps having terrible nightmares every night, but he can\'t remember a single thing from these nightmares, at the same time, he is getting tormented by hallucinations of a fish he caught. 2 • Semi no Mori: A boy and his beautiful sister\'s summer vacation are ruined by a swarm of cicadas... 3 • Mannequin no Heya: A boy believes the mannequins from \"the mannequin room\" are haunted. 4 • Jigoku e no Elevator: What will happen when this boy takes a strange elevator? 5 • Gama: A boy that kills toads for fun suffers a terrible fate. 6 • Tomodachi: The tragic tale of 2 childhood best friends... 7 • Okashina Yado: A family stays in a bizarre inn. 8 • Madara no Tamago: One day, a boy living in a factory filled area finds a strange spotted egg in a plot of land and brings it home, the boy goes to school and when he comes back, he sees a creature hatching from the egg, but his beloved pets...
Lerew lives in a small fishing village on the coast, and trades with a young boy called a witch for medicine for his father. But one day, while attempting to fish in a dangerous area, Lerew is thrown overboard and attacked by sharks. However, even with his body mangled beyond recognition, he still doesn\'t wish to die…
After getting bullied by his ex-friend, Baba, Daikichi discovers a god named Hanazki living in his grandpa’s antique shop. Will Daikichi follow along with Hanzaki’s plans for revenge and destruction or will he choose a different path? Golden Future Cup Nominee #5