Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school student, manages to survive a vampire attack with the help of Meme Oshino, a strange man residing in an abandoned building. Though being saved from vampirism and now a human again, several side effects such as superhuman healing abilities and enhanced vision still remain. Regardless, Araragi tries to live the life of a normal student, with the help of his friend and the class president, Tsubasa Hanekawa. When fellow classmate Hitagi Senjougahara falls down the stairs and is caught by Araragi, the boy realizes that the girl is unnaturally weightless. Despite Senjougaharaprotests, Araragi insists he help her, deciding to enlist the aid of Oshino, the very man who had once helped him with his own predicament. Through several tales involving demons and gods, Bakemonogatari follows Araragi as he attempts to help those who suffer from supernatural maladies.
Tamami-san is a bakeneko, an immortal cat-human, seeking revenge on all the descendants, to the seventh generation, of the man who scarred her for life. But to hunt down those descendants, she needs money. For money, she needs a job. Days in the office, nights out hunting. No wonder she can't stay awake!
Tamami-san is a bakeneko, an immortal cat-human, seeking revenge on all the descendants, to the seventh generation, of the man who scarred her for life. But to hunt down those descendants, she needs money. For money, she needs a job. Days in the office, nights out hunting. No wonder she can't stay awake!
Every good thing in Naoya Kamitani's life comes with a catch: He managed to get into a prestigious university... missing the fine print that he'll be sacrificed to appease dark beings. When he arrives at the school, he immediately runs into a man with all the answers... who never tells him the whole truth. A rather pretty girl wants him all to herself... as her dinner. He gains the favor of the richest, most influential girl in school... and she's a total sadist. He even finds out he has a daughter... who sets fire to everything when she gets excited. Will Naoya come out on top? It's a long road ahead of him..
from Iskultrip Scans A long time ago… there was a disease that would cause nightmares and kill people. Doctors and wizards threw in the towel, unable to find a cure. All of a sudden, mysterious magicians appeared. These magicians ate the nightmares of those who suffered from them. It was said that those who had their dreams eaten were able to sleep peacefully. This is the story of “Baku”.
Miku has loved singing since she was little. She earned a magnificent victory in her audition and stepped into the world of idols. Finally, she became a top idol, but the office she belongs to has forbidden any kind of romance. Soon, Miku starts to wish that she could fall in love like a normal girl. Then, one day, she meets a mysterious boy named Len in a dream...
A little tapir boy comes from his planet to immigrate to the Earth. All of the things here are entirely new for him. Let's have a fantastic adventure with this brave boy!Baku-chan, a little tapir from the planet Baku, immigrates to Earth and comes to live with Hana, a human girl who has come from Nagoya to live in Tokyo. Baku-chan comes into contact with new and different things in everyday life and encounters discrimination toward immigrants. However, he also gets support from Hana and other friendly Earthlings, and also from his immigrant friends, and lives a cheerful and robust life. Masumura's experiences as an immigrant in Canada are reflected in a story depicted through colorful and fantastically designed drawings. While heartwarming, the story also depicts immigrant situations and feelings that could come about in the real world, including thoughtless violence, pressure to conform, and the difficulty of adapting to a new land. It is an adventure that poses questions for society.
After the decline of her family, Yangsun finds herself living as a book seller, while hiding her real identity. One day, she visits Eumseokgol to deliver some books. She runs into a breathtakingly beautiful scholar, Sungyul Kim, who is actually a vampire in disguise! As much as they are drawn to each other, they can't be together because of the fact that one of them is human and the other, is a vampire! Could their love come to fruition? The mystery of the palace from the Chosun dynasty adds to the excitement. Enjoy this eerie and yet beautiful Chosun-era vampire story!Bameur Geonneun Seonbi / Scholar of the Night / Scholar Walking at Night / Scholar Who Walks the Night / Th Sinh Bng m / Vampire In The Darkness / , / / / / ()
While Graham appears cold and stern on the outside, he has quite a salacious affair with one of the butlers, Alex. Is Alex just a toy or will the unflappable countenance crack when someone else threatens to claim Alex?
A series of fairytale-like stories, loosely connected by the ongoing adventures of the enigmatic Hwa Ryungang, a man with strange powers and a connection to the spirit world, and Moohwe, an irrepressible wanderer with a mysterious past.
As a loyal disciple, Ye Chen dedicated himself to guard the spiritual medicine field for his sect. But, during a fight with enemies, the spiritual field was destroyed. His loyalty and dedicating to the sect could not save him. The loyalty he thought he had obtained from his peers and lover, could not save him from betrayal. Thus, he was shamelessly banished from the sect. With the help of a flame falling from heaven, Ye Chen began to develop himself into a stronger cultivator. Battled against his opponents, unfolded his legendary life and rewrote his own story…