The story centers on grade schooler Nanoka Koyanagi, who meets a short-tailed cat and three different women as she is out taking a walk. The first woman is Minami, a high schooler whom Nanoka sees has many wounds on her wrist. The second woman is another high schooler, constantly called a "whore" by her classmates. The third woman is an old lady, trying to live out her twilight years in peace.
Sami-chan, who lives alone with her dad, has inherited her mom's silver hair and perfectly round eyes, making her an incredibly adorable daughter. However, this daughter has a secret. When she feels lonely, horns sprout from her head. She's a "half-demon" born from a devil...! Would having a daughter like this bring happiness!? Or... A heartwarming comedy filled with the bond between father and daughter?
Hatsuseno Alpha is a girl who runs a small Cafe Alpha in the remote country side. If she hadn't mentioned herself to be a robot we would never guess. Alpha's life is calm and slow-pace, yet anything but boring. Alpha enjoys drinking coffee, seeing her few neighbors, making new friends, riding her motorbike along overgrown roads, watching the sunset, swimming in the sea. She's kind, cheerful and optimistic. She lives through small adventures and little by little learns more about people and the world she lives in. The world of YKK is some time in the future. It's strangely, incredibly beautiful. Because of some cataclysm in the past, the level of the ocean keeps slowly rising; there are heavy hurricanes and typhoons every now and then. Japan is isolated from the rest of the world. The techno era of skyscrapers, megapolises, media, virtual space and globalism has completely gone and was forgotten. Nature takes back its space, once conquered by civilization. There are not many people anymore, and they went down to peaceful and simplystic, plain, living with doing simple jobs, growing vegetables, visiting each other, writing letters by hand. What has happened in the past? Why is it so now? How were these human robots created and what for? Where is this world going to? This future world is full of mysteries for readers. The story slowly uncovers some secrets and keeps others. YKK has very well-worked plot and the characters are plausible and very charming. It has many curious turns that open a new piece of that world. The manga somehow gives quite a few of simple, witty and wise observations on life and people. All the stories are very-very kind and nice. ~ all credit goes to Irina19 ^^
The 4 brothers of Yuzuki family... Are family? Friends? Opponents?
Shion is anxious about having to find a new hairdresser to cut her hair, when suddenly a strange girl from an unknown hair salon calls out to her.
Sekine Keiichiro is handsome, intelligent, and popular. He's a jack-of-all-trades who's loved by women. Loved, that is, until they find out he's passionless and stoic and completely lacking in conviction. In a moment of self-reflection he starts hunting: Can anything make him feel? He's about to find out.
Tatsuhiko Shiroyama hates being stuck in the boonies. Greetings from strangers feels fake, part-time job prospects are limited, and he's been "blessed" with the nickname "Niyayama" from his classmates due to his creepy, unsociable attempts at smiling. He turned to the radio as a means to escape, and thinks about nothing more than saving up for a move to Tokyo where he can explore his passions. But Tatsuhiko's life changes forever when he saves a rich CEO from a rice paddy and is set up with his granddaughter, the equally as shy and antisocial Tamiko Mita. Together, the two stumble through the nuances of "dating", and Tatsuhiko's dreary days become a whole lot brighter.
Uozumi Aiko, an employee at Rainwater bookstore, is 29 years old and single. Despite her family pressuring her to “get married soon”, she lives life at her own pace. But one day, Aiko is frightened by a young man staring at her at work. However, it turns out that he's her cousin! Moreover, they're going to live together?!<br>This is the story of a clumsy woman and a clumsy man living together.
A one volume sequel of the Nodame Cantabile series. Chiaki and Nodame are back in Japan, Nodame for her first recital there, and Chiaki for his first Opera Concerto.
-from Baka-Updates: A manga that revolves around an old-fashioned all-night food stall, the various dishes that the stall owner prepares to suit the tastes of different customers, and the joys, griefs, trials and tribulations of his faithful patrons. Nominated for the 2nd Manga Taisho Award (2009). Won the 39th Japan Cartoonist Awards Grand Prize (2010).
A pair of childhood friends deal with a couples' discount in an odd way.
Destination is a state of mind. A tale of one girl and her bike and the road ahead. Kino wanders around the world on the back of Hermes, her unusual, anthropomorphic motorcycle, only staying in each country for three days. During their adventures, they find happiness, sadness, pain, decadence, violence, beauty, and wisdom. But through it all, they never lose their sense of freedom. They discover that because of the world's imperfections, is is actually a thing of beauty. "The world is not beautiful, therefore it is." (Source: TokyoPop)