A long-running web-manga hosted by Neetsha, by Muu-Muu.
The story revolves around Nishimiya Shōko, a grade school student who has impaired hearing. She transfers into a new school, where she is bullied by her classmates, especially Ishida Shouya. It gets to the point where she transfers to another school and as a result, Shouya is ostracized and bullied himself, with no friends to speak of and no plans for the future. Years later, he sets himself on a path to redemption. Won the 19th Tezuka Osamu Cultural Award New Artist Prize.
A story about two youthful boys--one named Yu Xiao Guang, the other named Lin Xiang--who have to deal with the problems forced upon them by reality and their families.Through their tough teenage years, how will they console each other? What will be the true nature of their friendship? And what does the future hold for them?
From Stiletto Heels: Although the mangaka and editor are partners on the job, they have, in some ways, a relationship that is more "deep" than that of lovers. Though unfortunately for Touko Futaba, not only is her series suddenly discontinued due to a slump in popularity but the editor in charge of the project deserts her, leaving her on the verge of throwing herself off a cliff. A new editor, Akimito, then decides to step in, and his high expectations strikes Futuba's heart with the desire to work sincerely once again and helps her regain support for her work.
"In Tokyo, anyone can become the protagonist of a love story." Nagao Kanji has recently moved to Tokyo, where he now finds himself uneagerly working at a small advertising firm. He reconnects with an old friend from back home, Mikami Kenichi, a medical student from a wealthy household who never lacks female company. For years, the two have shared a crush for their childhood classmate, the kindhearted and innocent Sekiguchi Satomi, who now also lives in Tokyo. Mixing things up is Akana Rika, an infectiously cheerful girl working at Kanji's company who decides that she will call him by the nickname of "Kanchi." Tokyo Love Story is Saimon Fumi's masterpiece manga about the relationships between these four young adults living in bubble era Tokyo. It was adapted into an extremely popular TV drama in 1991.
Her name is Orange. She's a young girl in high school, coming of age in the heart of the city. And she has decided she has nothing to live for. Not her shallow friends. Not her parents. Not school. Not even the empty promise of love. Her head filled with morbid fantasies of suicide, Orange finds herself standing at the edge of her rooftop when the drunken, enigmatic young man, Dashu, entered her world changing it forever. A heartbreaking tale of a young woman desperately trying to understand the bewildering world around her, brought to life by the luscious artwork of global manga icon, Benjamin, Orange is a profoundly moving story of loss and redemption.
Read some slice of Asuka-chan's normal life. And see how interesting some daily activites of a cute high schooler girl can be.
Takenaka's contract with his soccer team was suddenly cancelled, and he had broken up with his lover a while ago. The desperate Takenaka throws himself into Yamazaki's arms- a senpai that betrayed him when they were in school. When he sees no end to this lifestyle, memories of his inconsolable, bitter, frustrating days come flooding back... The long version of the oneshot "The abandoned town and you and I" is also included.
This manga is a heartwarming beautiful girl anthropomorphism gag manga created to soften the hardenened hearts of the present day.
The story of two best friends who enter the entertainment industry together. But as time goes on, one young man becomes a star while the other is left to languish in supporting roles.
From Day of the River: Sakuraba Junko is turning 27 years old soon, but even so, she is without a boyfriend. But who cares?! Junko has a stable job as an English teacher and she is fine with spending her upcoming birthday alone. Well, until she is set up with on an omiai with a Buddhist monk... which, of course, she rejects. But then he shows up at her school where he has enrolled in private lessons... what will become of our Junko-sensei?
Fuu is a girl who was born as an elf/human hybrid, which caused her to be unwanted by either side. Fuu leaves her hometown and arrives at a place called "Limbo", a world where hybrids like Fuu gather. Day by day, Fuu's interactions with the residents of Limbo let her heart and feelings grow bit by bit.