A high school student, Haro Ogawa, is a self-taught oil painter who is trying to paint the ultimate nude. After an encounter with a \"witch,\" he sets his sights on applying to art school...? The mystery that resides in the human body, the ultimate \"beauty\" is painted on canvas! A skin-colored coming-of-age drama!
\"It seems like I\'d like someone like you.\" \"You\'re really like a little pony.\" This is a slice-of-life of the romance and exploits of an adorkable and ditzy senior \"little fox\" and her dependable junior \"little pony\".
There's this pub (Izakaya) that was supposed to be in a certain place in Kanto region of Japan called “Gen”. After opening the door one day, it was found to be connected to the city of Parisia, the Kingdom of the Eastern Kingdom… Individual residents from a foreign world such as fallen monks, warriors, noble female knight, daughters of noisy famous aristocrats, etc. all visited the peculiar izakaya which they've never seen before, and gradually they'll become fans of the dishes… A foreign world gourmet fantasy has finally started! *From the same author of Isekai Izakaya "Nobu", which takes place in Kyoto. Raw DL
One young salaryman, who adores his plug-in, hybrid car that uses both electricity and gasoline, had been using camping in it as an escape plan from everyday life. Suddenly, he finds himself transported to another world with his car. He’ll start his life anew in this different world!
A story based on real-life events in 1966. The Sanrizuka Struggle told from the perspective of the peasants fighting for their land.
An orphan named Raul was taken in by the vampire Rose. Raul worked hard for Rose\'s sake, and as a result, he became incredibly muscular. This is the story of Raul, now buff and strong, and Rose, the eternally youthful vampire, enjoying their fun daily life together!
A young girl named Fu, travels into the past to make sure that her parents don\'t get together...