In a certain town exists a laboratory named "King Lab" that houses genius scientists who have way too much time on their hands. One day, the culprit of a series of murders arrives at the King Lab and a strange dark comedy begins to unfold...
Nine centimeters (3.5 inches) tall, the tiny girls Hakumei and Mikochi live in the forest. Living in a house in a tree, riding insects and birds, and making umbrellas out of leaves, they live a happy and comfortable life. Follow their tiny but lovely lives as they live their day to day in a fantastic world of inchlings, animals, and strange happenings. **#EverydayHeroes Scans Note:** Chapter 39 is next after 34. No chapters were skipped, as we switched to using Harta magazine raws, and the chapters from the magazine use a different numbering system.
Nine centimeters (3.5 inches) tall, the tiny girls Hakumei and Mikochi live in the forest. Living in a tiny house in a tree, riding insects and birds, and making umbrellas out of leaves, these tiny girls live a tiny life. Follow their tiny but lovely lives as they live day to day in a fantastic world of tiny people and gods. Note: Formerly known as Kobito Hiyori.
The heartwarming story of two different girls brought together over a cat, as they learn about each other, spend time together, and heal one another. Una conmovedora historia de dos chicas, diferente una de la otra, que se conocen por un encuentro con un gato y desde entonces han estado acompañándose y consolándose .
Take a child half succubus and half human.
From Nagareboshi Manga: • Halfway After graduation, a young couple must figure out what they’ll do about their relationship now that they’re going to different universities. • Kyou Dake no Unreal A girl learns to cope with the death of someone she hated in her youth…and comes to terms with that hatred. • Hoshi wa Hi ga Kureru Made Nemuru A girl reunites with her childhood friend, only to find that he’s quite different from the boy she once knew.
Mad Hatter Scans: Unknown to humans, a separate world, populated with supernatural creatures exists beside the world of humans. Some people of that world live secretly among humans, for various reasons. This manga is about four teenage boys, Minami, Shiro, Tohru, and Takaya, who all have links to the supernatural world. They pretend to live as ordinary humans, but they work part time to help solve the supernatural incidents in the human world!
Read manhwa Hamburger Are My Favorite / Ti Thch Hamburger Nht / Will Hwa, who developed an human allergy' after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend, succeed in dating? A damp love story of free-spirited loners who meet in an empty new town in early winter.
An official collaboration between the studios behind Hamefura and Arte, released on Twitter.
Hamerare Host summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Hamerare Host. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
A series of short oneshots from the author's weibo about the misadventures of a sly house cat and an earnest hamster.