This manga tells the story of the previous Holy War, taking place in the 18th century, 250 years before the original series, in the Saint Seiya universe. The story centers on the relation between Tenma, the Pegasus Saint and his beloved friend, Alone, who would eventually become his greatest enemy, Hades. The story takes place in the same time period as Saint Seiya Next Dimension.
From Viz: Out of nowhere, a Japanese elementary school is transported out of the world they know, and into a nightmarish wasteland. Have they gone to another planet, or is this toxic world actually a vision of Earth's future? Soon, the students and teachers must struggle to survive in impossible conditions, besieged by terrifying creatures and beset by madness. Part Lord of the Flies, part post-apocalyptic science fiction, The Drifting Classroom (1972-1974) is a classic can't-put-down manga series. It was adapted into a Japanese live-action movie (1987).
An almost road accident victim loses his memory after being pushed to a street power line pole to save his life. Not knowing his identity he is compelled to stay at his savior's residence, a gym and boarding house for female wrestlers, until he remembers... During his stay he becomes his savior's manservant and the gym's referee trainee.
"Class 5's Chitose Saku is a fucking playboy!" Chitose Saku is at the top of the school caste. He and his friends are textbook examples of normies, despised by the less fortunate. Surrounded by girls and boys of every kind, he's chosen to lead his second-year class by his laid-back advisor. Watch how he and his friends reap the bounty of youth in this new romantic comedy!
A "dragon" appears from a container that fell in front of Dazai Ryunosuke's eyes.The disastrously beautiful "dragon", Rinne Irako, had been condemned to death as a world-destroying calamity, and was being transported to a place of refuge.Rinne Irako was sentenced to death and transported. But as fate would have it, the "dragon" girl had a miraculous encounter with a boy, and her destiny was about to change drastically.
A New Living Arrangement With My Friend Turned Succubus manga,
Procrastinator extraordinaire, Fang Ning, had lost his consciousness after banging his head on a night of celebration. He woke up to a realization that he no longer had control of his body, as a System had taken it over. Will he eventually regain control of his body or will he be trapped in his body forever? How does he maneuver this situation? What's in store for Fang Ning?
High school girl Akari mourns the loss of her mother who died when she shielded Akari from an oncoming truck a year ago. She discovers an adventure game her mother had gotten for her birthday some time ago, but never had a chance to finish. Suddenly, she is summoned to be the mother of the Demon Lord's 10 children in another world…
A year has past since the Demans took over the island. The humans await a savior. A tale of a crimson knight that appears before them.
My best friend is a girl I know since elementary school and was like a boy, but nowadays she acts odd. We were like two guys, but now... she tries to increase the skinship and acts kinda angry, when I speak to girls.
This is a continuation of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series and contains the Egypt arc. Originally just called Yu-Gi-Oh!, Viz renamed it to its current name. From the 1st Volume Cover: The final Yu-Gi-Oh! story! After hundreds of battles, Yugi has finally gathered all the Egyptian God Cards... the key to unlocking his memories of his past life as an Egyptian pharaoh. When Ryo Bakura gives him the Millennium Eye, Yugi opens the door to the "world of memory," and his mind travels back in time to ancient Egypt, when the magic and monsters were real! Now Yugi and his friends must explore the world of Yugi's forgotten past... and fight an enemy who has been waiting for them for 3,000 years!
The only solace for this young man, who has withdrawn into his own shell after a heartbreak, is watching his "idol" on stream. Then one day, he suddenly finds himself hiding from a girl who turns out to be his "idol"...? A life-changing romance between a heartbroken boy and a streamer begins!