Set in U.C. 0084, before Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, the story follows the Titans Test Team, Black Otter Team, on their mission to test new mobile suits for the Titans. It begins with Eliard Hunter, an Earth Federation mobile suit pilot being assigned to the Titans and transferring to the Aswan, an Alexandria class carrier. There he meets Carl Matsubara, another new Titans recruit, Audrey April a skilled pilot and chief of test operations and data gathering, and Wes Murphy, a veteran of the One Year War and the Delaz Conflict. The Black Otter team doesn’t just carry out test runs, it also participates in real combat missions against Zeon Remnants and later, against AEUG. Manga adaptation of the photonovel of the same name.
From Shinnen: Shouta Tanaka is a high-schooler with an unusual problem; he’s going bald! Worried what his classmates will think, and how it will affect his future, things seem grim for Shouta. But then his biology teacher approaches him one day and states “I will find a cure for your baldness!” Could this really be answer for his problem?
It's a story about a time-traveler, who passes through time and space of different world. Finally, he arrives at Three Kingdoms period. With familiar heroes, such as Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, he is going to rewrite the history in this fantasy journey!
Edith is an "Original School Love Anthology". Most stories contain BL and varies greatly. vol 1. Summer vol 2. Fall vol 3. Winter vol 4. ??? vol 4. ??? It's a beautiful story about the love of two different tribes. Of Fuyu, a sky mage who has fallen in love with a water mage, Akihi whom was actually a sky mage however was dump into the sea at birth, turning him into a water mage.
A supplementary manga for Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Reflection.
A story about two "friends" who might want to become something else entirely. One of them seems to be more aware of this and is always teasing the other. Chapter 1 - Fuyu no Hanashi Chapter 2 - Natsu no Hanashi This is an original doujinshi by a romantic comedy mangaka; her first attempt at BL.
The first time Tsujiya met Hayashi, it wasn't a pretty sight, at least for him. He had his clothes blotched with paint and was blown away by his senpai's frankness. Tsujiya asked Hayashi whether he could practice in the studio once in a while. Before they knew it, their relationship started to blossom
From Ramsus-kun: A collection of short manga stories by various artists based on the PS2 video game, Suikoden 5. Volume 1 1) Out of Contron Prince by Yuu Satsuki 2) The Prince's Counseling Room by Sakuraguni 3) Please Heal My Heart by Morozumi Sumika 4) Indecision by Michi Kiri 5) The Melancholy of a Great Tactician by Kawancha 6) Oath of the Setting Sun by Ayumi Takawatari - Miakis' Princess Observation Diary 7) Beavers & Me. by Papiko Nanjyo 8) Genetics by Kaori Akatsuki 9) Flowers by Kuroi M 10) Supersonic Rider by Nao Mitaka 11) A Sure Smile by Tomomi Mizuna 12) The Truth about 16 Years Ago by Satoko Akimi 13) Today, Yesterday-Nothin Has Changed by Ren Koizumi 14) The Secret by Mizuki Fujuu 15) Idol Prince by Harukiyo - Other Omakes 16) On My Mind by Ayumu Hanmichi Volume 2 1) A Father's Depression by Shinki Kisutsuki
Kannagi Kazuma was considered useless within his family because he could not use "Enjutsu" (lit. Blaze Technique), the power to control flames. When he was defeated by Kannagi Ayano, one of his very distant relatives, in a bout to decide who would wield "Enraiha" (lit. Blaze Lightning Supremacy), a sword that was wielded by the family heir, he was banished from the family. Four years later, he returns as a master of "Fujutsu" (lit. Wind Technique), the power to control wind, and with a new name, Yagami Kazuma. Soon after his return, he is reunited with Ayano and his younger brother, Ren, who is also gifted in Enjutsu. Soon, however, Kannagi family members are killed and the murder weapon is revealed to be Fujutsu. Now Kazuma has to fight his family to prove that he is not the murderer and follow a series of adventures with Ayano. NOTE: Incomplete due to author passing away.
A samurai is worried about the fact that his wife always seems to wear a forced smile whenever she's with him.
Kuromine is a guy who does not lie, hence his nick name "a bag full of holes". But everyone has secrets, and even Kuromine has one. Meet the very lovely, elegant, and mysterious Shiragami whom Kuromine has new found affections for... But what is this? Why does she have humongous wings when no one's looking and super long canines? Something is very different about this girl...
In the Sengoku Period (1579), there is a young woman who has lost everything, and dedicated herself to seeking strength and a death on the battlefield. Reiri once lived happily with her family, until the day soldiers came by after a battle. Her father, mother and brother sacrificed themselves in order for her to survive. She was only saved with the intervention of Okabe Tanpa no Kami, who had been sheltering in the village. In his service, she grew and learned to fight well, chasing her goal of a death in battle. However, her path to death may not be as short and straight as she hopes...