The story follows Hikari, a girl who has mysteriously lost her sense of happiness. As she grapples with her growing sense of dread, her cheerful classmate Kage offers to help her search for her lost happiness.
In a crumbling and dystopian Lousiana, Rilind, a zombie, aims to help those cast out from society using a peculiar power- Magic \"strings\" which can heal wounds. However, his world begins to change when he makes the unlikely choice to save a vampire in distress. Rilind soon learns he\'s way in over his head when he learns she has a bounty on hers!
In Shimoyama Middle School, the Experiment Club and Karate Club each only have one member left, and as a result, must share one classroom. These two students, Sharaku Homura and Yamazaki Yousuke (a.k.a Karate Kid) together solve numerous impossible mysteries that they happen to run into! Originally a doujinshi by Nemoto Shou, now an award-winning manga, having won the Hokkaido Mystery Cross Match Award!
As demons start creeping in through the Witches\' Quarter, its protector must rise to the occasion and stop them from invading the human world.
\"Sometimes, on ill fated nights, shadows can follow the desperate with dark intent. And if they find you, there\'s only two options. To fight, or to run.\" And so Charlotte the Witch chose the latter, and she she has been running from that shadow since, trapped in the Witch Academy of J\'Almar at the Middle East. The Witch Hunt will comence, and she will have to decide again, sooner than later.