The story is set in a near-future Earth, in the aftermath of a major disaster that shifts the planet's polar axis 90 degrees, situating the poles along the equatorial line and killing everyone on Earth. A moon-based colony avoids the disaster, and begins recolonizing the depopulated Earth by establishing seven cities in strategic locations. However, to ensure the loyalty of the Earth colony, the moon establishes an orbital defense system that destroys anything that flies 500 meters in the air. When an unknown virus kills everyone on the moon, humanity becomes trapped on Earth, where the political intrigues of the seven cities continue to play out.
Two friends Haru and Gaku plot to gain enough money to have anything they desire at any time: a trillion dollars. A new work from the mind of Riichiro Inagaki (Eyeshield 21, Dr. Stone), drawn by the veteran artist Ryoichi Ikegami (Crying Freeman, Heat, Sanctuary)
(from ebookjapan): Mirage is an old-fashioned bar on a street corner. Men who are lost in life come to the mirage, transcending time and space, and become captivated by Maya, the beautiful proprietress. What do the defeated men want from Maya? A bewitching and sad story of men by Leiji Matsumoto.
Hina from 5th grade has a secret she can't tell anyone: 3 months ago she started having periods. However, one day her childhood friend Daichi found out about it. These are the endless worries of children starting puberty.
Stories about the lives and experiences of people living on an island in the desert, a place where the present and past intermingle.**Won 9th place in the 2024 *Kono Manga ga Sugoi!* men's category rankings.**
The world is full of stories... novels, manga, movies, and anime. These stories that are thought to be fiction are a record of a world that actually exists as "another world". This is the story of a summoner who connects the world of stories and reality.
What does it mean to be strong? What attracts men to fight in hand to hand combat? These and many other questions are explained and detailed in Garouden, a novel series by Yomemakura Baku (illustrated by celebrity manga author Itagaki Keisuke).
The new Student Council President wants to abolish the old "romance is forbidden" rule between students but the school counselor wants proof that romance won't affect the integrity of the school and the student's education. The president and vice-president attempt to form a fake boyfriend and girlfriend relationship in order to show the counselor, trouble is, they have no dating experience.
The Genius Fighter Jason Kim. However his winning streak ends with an accident during match, and he couldn’t use his left arm anymore. After defeat, he quit the pro scene and returned to hometown, but the life is just hard to live quietly for such fighter. He’s getting involved into endless fights, regardless of his will..
The story begins when the gods call a convention to decide the whether to let humanity live or die, and settle on destroying humanity. But a lone valkyrie puts forward a suggestion to let the gods and humanity fight one last battle, as a last hope for humanity's continued survival. 13 gods will fight against 13 human champions in one-on-one battles to decide whether humanity lives or dies.
Yu Dal-li (Darla), the daughter of the landlord and girlfriend of the school gang's boss, is the absolute power to the tenant, Jun-pyo (Junnie). She always treats him as a peasant at school, but when only the two are left at home, they take a completely different attitude... The complicated jealous relationship of two childhood friends who grow up within their harsh family and school ties.
Misato Takuma, who has a crush on a classmate, is suddenly kidnapped at the infirmary when he comes to have a second checkup. When he wakes up, he's strapped to a bed and forced to do "something" by a beautiful nurse he doesn't know! It's a mysterious hospital where men are locked in an isolation ward and managed by beautiful women! Where the hell are we? And what is the purpose of these beauties? And then the love game between a woman and a man with their lives on the line begins!