Chibi-san Date revolves around the life of Seiji, a young artist living in Nantucket. From Baka-Updates: On the crescent-shaped island of Nantucket lives Seiji, a young Japanese artist. This heartwarming story is about his daily life and interactions with the people there.
Kuroda Makoto is a working adult who is doing well at work and has a good relationship with his girlfriend, however, a series of small incidents in his real life make him mentally ill.then, Kuroda is reunited with Yomino Kirou, a junior member of his school's literature club. Kuroda's life undergoes a major transformation, creating a huge swell in the novel industry.Burn your life and weave a story.
The manga's story centers around Sachi Maruyama, a girl who has just entered high school. In her new school, she finds that no club activities really interest her, so she is invited by an upperclassman from her middle school — now the student council president of her high school — to help with student council activities. There, she finds Karasuya, a boy she had met three years ago on a baseball field.
The 18-year-old Taro Sato, who had no dreams or goals and was leading a lazy life, is scouted by chance to be a driver for a yakuza boss. Taro is at the mercy of the yakuza gang leader's life, which has suddenly begun. Can he become a "cool guy" like his gang leader?!This is a genuine gangster story that pursues realism to the extreme!
I'm Dullahan Itoshino. A normal girl who can take her head off. From today on I'll be a middle schooler! I hope I'll get closer to my destined one~ but sometimes my heart suddenly beats faster, I want to run away, and my body and mind feel torn apart... is this the thing called "puberty" I wonder? Heart(head) and body apart, story about puberty and love, start!
Amano, who returned to the city where he lived as a child for the first time in 10 years, meet Yukio Sawatari, a childhood friend on the first day of transfer, when he (a male friend) turned female! Although she shares her joy, as she suddenly turns into a girl and cannot hide her embarrassment. Yukio was affected by an illness like 100,000 other people, suddenly becoming a girl so-called " spontaneous isomerism metamorphosis ''! The female childhood friend ♂ is cute and in trouble!? Forbidden TSF (transsexual) Love!
Twenty-four countries are locked in a century-long war, all vying for control of the island of Wakoku. A young girl named Hinowa joins the army of the Soukai nation in order to end the war once and for all, but is killed in battle. Now her daughter Hinata, takes up her name and plans to finish what her mother started.
Seto is a serious kid who leads a quiet High-school life, until he starts to get teased by resident Gal Anjo. This is web version of Yancha Gal no Anjou-san
Following his estranged father's death, 30-year-old Tawara Souta returns to his home town in the Udon Prefecture, Kagawa, to deal with dispensing of property, which includes putting the family restaurant up for sale. There, he stumbles across a tanuki who's made the place his home; one thing leads to another, and he soon finds himself taking care of "Poco." But responsibility beckons, and his obligations in Tokyo force Souta to make a choice: abandon Poco and return to life in the big city, or stay on in the backwater town he'd left behind more than ten years ago?
The "Dark Flower" is a sword of legend; a horrible legend of a gruesome slaughter three hundred years past. Lilia, a small girl from a village threatened by the bandit group whose leader has obtained this cursed weapon is now searching for help to save her city. Unfortunately, she is spotted by the bandits and can only run for her life. But, just as she is about to be caught, she runs into a young and seemingly weak traveller... is this coincidence? The Winner of the 14th Square Enix Manga prize.
On a rainy summer evening, a woman and a "dog" happened to meet each other and life has never been the same since. What new adventures await this unusual duo as summer turns to fall?
In an attempt to win her homeroom teacher's heart, Itsumi Toudou purchashed a shady love potion, and tested it out on her stuck-up student committee president, Yomotsuka. Now, she has an uncharacteristically affectionate girl to deal with, and she's not even a lesbian! Right?