Mori Shintaro, a new first-year student, yearns for the sparkling high school life of having a girlfriend and experiencing youth, but is ridiculed by those around him. His classmate, Inaho Sawatari, entered the school as the top student and is a highly regarded beauty. The two are not supposed to cross paths, but after an incident where they are mistaken for a couple, she makes an unexpected proposal. "Shall we pretend that we're really dating?"---**Notes:**- The pre-serialization series is (
Gosutorai Taiga has very shoujo-like dreams, even though he's a boy. He decides that he wants to have his first kiss only at his wedding, and his girlfriend, Kogure Nao, thought that was cute. But dreams are still just dreams, aren't they? One Shot sequel to Meguro Amu's series, "Honey."
A short comedy featuring a group of three friends. All about that ebony gyaru life.
Jumin witnesses something strange going on at the rooftop and links her life with two young men.
"Sex" made more familiar! Health and physical education teacher Tsuji, who has doubts about modern sex education, attempts boldly to teach sex education to an audience of, among others, a girl who has a girlfriend, a girl who like BL, and a girl who simply likes cats. "What is safe sex between girls?" "Positive masturbation?" "Why do sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) have vaginas?" Beyond dirty jokes, but less than gravely serious, a sex education comedy! Bright sex education begins with a heretical female teacher and female high schoolers!
This 4-koma style manga features Yoshiko, a genuinely stupid girl (she can even manage to get all 0's on multiple choice tests). She hangs out at school with her childhood friend, who she claims to like, and he has to put up with all her ridiculous behavior!
From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Katsuyuki, a gifted, petty and egocentric high schooler, intends to work in the high financial world. His well regulated life explodes when his mother remarries his worst nightmare: a traveller writer, unproductive, nice and completely unpredictable and father of a son who looks like him. All his opposite. Consequently begins the subtle contamination of his entourage by their terrible joie de vivre. Even Nagasawa "the female brain of the high school", the only one for which he had respect for decided to find anew his peace. Katsuyuki feverishly seeks a way for returning these aliens on their planet and he's not sparing with spite.
"I'll teach you what's bad." As a high schooler, Ayumu's at a sensitive period in her life. She ends up being educated on adult matters by a bearded old man wearing a black t-shirt
From Delish Scans: Come and get them! Ice pops to cool down your blazing cheeks.
After her normal, happy life shatters, Tokiko and her father move to a small seaside town to live with her grandmother as sixth grade starts. There, the sound of the waves brings back a distant memory from when she visited seven years ago, a memory of almost drowning in the sea and being saved by a merman. Are there really mermaids in that sea? Tokiko adjusts to her new life in the small town as she holds out hope of once more meeting the merman who saved her.