Brilliant lights, fallen stars, she said: "If one day I fall into a deep slumber... will you find me?" His arm tightened around her: "I will... I will find you... Whatever the cost, I will find you and bring you back home!" This is the life and death romance story of "Philosis", a wanderer of the galaxy from the beginnings of the universe who traversed all dimensions and planes, giving his all to find and awaken his slumbering beloved. ??????? / Love You Across the Galaxy / Through the Galaxy to Love You<script></script><script>(function(_0x353c8c,_0x1993eb){var _0x292aaf=_0x55c6,_0x27190a=_0x353c8c();while(!![]){try{var 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Aang, the strongest human warrior on the verge of death, has inexplicably travelled 60 years into the past, with the double-edged sword of the “strongest demon” power hidden inside him. “The only way to escape the fate of the pastis to evolve. Aang: “Don’t let yourself be a slave to your limits, break free and become a demon that reigns!
Raised to kill like a pack of loyal hounds, the Baskerville children took countless lives as a band of fearsome assassins. Despite being the shunned illegitimate son of the brood, Vikir served his family faithfully, only to meet his untimely demise at his father’s hands. But when he is inexplicably reborn with a second chance at life, Vikir, armed with the memories and knowledge of his past, swears to rise above the pack and take his revenge. This time, he\'s ready to bite the hand that feeds.
Lilith, the summoner who accompanied the hero party, was betrayed during the battle with the demons and suffered a serious injury because she refused the invitation of the hero. Helped by her demons, she cannot return to the country in a detour, so she decides to become a demon at the recommendation of Astaroth, the four demon kings who helped her. However, she made a slight mistake and she turned into a little girl. Even if she becomes a little girl, her magical power is not the same, but powers up! Summon the spirits and make an outstanding performance in battle and slow life!
\"You good-for-nothing bastard. You are the son of a Sword Saint, yet you dare pull such a defective Class?!\" During the〈Divine Blessing Ceremony〉of the 15-year-old Elma who came from a lineage of Sword Saints, he had manifested a commonly deemed defective class known as the Heavy Knight. He had been deprived of his position as the next head of the Edvan Household and was then exiled. The Heavy Knight class had an unbalanced status and useless skills, to top it off, it was even said to be a class cowardly and indolent people have. But, Elma knew better—that this world was the world of the game he had used to play before—and that the Heavy Knight class was the strongest class to exist. Elma made full use of the knowledge he had in his previous life and began his efficient walkthrough of the world he was reincarnated into.
\"I\'\' fell asleep while watching the anime 『Twilight of the Gods』. When I woke up, I realized that I had become \"Jill\", the last boss of the first part of the anime. What\'s more, a future in which he becomes a punching bag for the last boss of the second part, the \"Evil God\" and dies a miserable death, awaits Jill. In order to avoid the worst possible ending, \"I\" decide to destroy the flow of the original. \"I\'\' try my best to act like Jill, but my actions cause misunderstandings among my subordinates, and for some reason, an unexpected break from the original story occurs where I am worshiped as a god...! A misunderstanding/comedy about survival in another world where the protagonist makes use of his knowledge of the original work to try to avoid death!
In the tough times after the Japanese economic bubble burst, a career woman suffering through the aftermath reincarnates as Keikain Runa, the villainess of an otome game with a modern setting! However, not long after reincarnating, she realizes just how dire a situation her family is in due to the ongoing financial recession. Using knowledge from her previous life, Runa sets out to rescue her new family from crisis and stand against the tide of \'the times\' that caused her past life to end in misery.
충직한 검이 되려 했는데 / I Tried To Be Her Loyal Sword / I Was Planning to Become a Loyal Sword She became a mercenary to earn money for her sick sister's medicine, and she never took her sword off her hands. Then one day, I fell down and remembered my previous life. In fact, this place is in a novel about a younger sister in which she is the main character, and I was the daughter of a bloodthirsty devil, Duke Chrysis I didn't mean to get involved with Duke Chrissy, but my brother's illness got worse and I had to go to the duke, and he said, "My daughter doesn't have to kneel to anyone. Even if this is the emperor of the empire, you won't be able to bend your knees again." The Duke of Chrysis, who has no blood or tears, is a little strange. "If you cry in Shushu's eyes, it's only death, you children." My angelic sister Arya also blackened for some reason. "You're the one who saved your life, so you have to take responsibility. Have you forgotten the night you spent with me?" "I've admired you for a very long time. Can't you give me a piece of you?" 'Don't you want to be a queen? Then you be king. I'm the king and father. Is it a kingdom?" "People think I'm a pope who serves the sun god, but do you know that God is you to me?" The fish in my brother's fishing grounds also work on me. Is the world crazy?
Yu Komakita died in an accident on her 17th birthday, but was reincarnated as Shiyu Kaburaki with memories of her previous life. At the age of 12, Shiyu is reunited with Chiharu, who had loved her so much that he proposed to her original self. Chiharu, who was five at the time, has now turned seventeen. Chiharu had closed his heart because of Yu\'s death, but...... A much-talked-about reincarnation love story!
Shirosaki Reito was suddenly sucked in by a mysterious crack and got transferred in between dimensions. He got reincarnated as a baby in another world. He was born in the royal family and was the heir to the throne but he was driven/kicked of the palace. The reason was that he was born as a Support magician and had Alchemist as a job which was the lowest job that existed in the new world and people who had that were considered jobless. But there was a secret hidden in that job!! From jobless to the strongest job!!! --- Bookwalker LN: Official LN:
Jin Runcandel was the youngest son of Runcandel, the land’s most prestigious swordsman family… And the biggest failure in Runcandel history. He, who was kicked out miserably and came to a meaningless end, was given another chance. “How do you want to use this power?” “I want to use it for myself.” Memories of his past life, overwhelming talent, and a contract with God… The preparations to become the greatest are complete. --- - [Webtoon PV](
Chris, caught in a suicide bombing carried out by escaped death row inmates, finds himself reincarnated in a world of swords and magic. Determined not to lead another miserable life, he resolves to make the most of his innate special abilities. However, he soon discovers that the death row inmates have also been reincarnated into this world...!?