The story of Nogi Wakaba is a Hero takes place 300 years in the past, in the first days of the Divine Era. There are six main characters who form the very first Hero Team: Nogi Wakaba, Kamisato Hinata, Takashima Yuna, Gun Chikage, Doi Tamako and Iyoshima Anzu.
Collection of 6 short stories including: • Biroudo no Tensoku - Yuuki's boyfriend Eiichi hits him, leeches off of him, and even whores him out to some of the worst people. But Yuuki still says that he loves Eiichi and refuses to leave him
From Hoshikuzuu: For someone who has no recollection of their childhood, Yuzuru's been having the same dream over and over again. One where he and another boy are playing in a small shrine. But he can never figure out who the other boy is. Then one day, his brother Ryosuke brings home a classmate of his, named Takumi. Within the memories that Yuzura can not remember, he realizes that Takumi was his childhood friend and first love. Takumi reveals that he is ecstatic that Yuzuru remembers. Happy to meet his first love again, Yuzuru once again becomes attracted to him, but...
Everything happens for a reason, even the guy with the weird hair at the train station that apparently ruined your life.
Yami BL is an anthology of dark-themed BL oneshots made by various artists and authors.
Take me to the end of the world... said Blaise Cendrars. Come on, I'll take you, says Keiichi Koike. He takes you on a trip through time and space to the end of the world that is also but the beginning of it all...
Girlfriend decided to dress up her very effeminate boyfriend in a Yukata, and she takes it personal and accuses her of loving females only, and escapes to the fire work festival, its a trap one shot, gender bender fun
A nameless high school dropout teenager turns into an assassin for hire. He is a complete loner who uses his knife to kill his targets without any emotion or hesitation. He kills anyone who gets in his way whether they be a complete stranger or even the client that hired him in the first place. He meets a man named Iwanishi after one of his jobs goes bad. Iwanishi nicknames him Semi (Cicada) because he apparently talks too much and offers to become his manager, handling the business side of assassination. But it seems like Iwanishi has some secret agenda Semi isn't aware of.
Naho wants to be Hayato's girlfriend, but senpai won't quit noticing her.
In the rough and violent world of BDSM, there's Wookyung, a masochist who craves it all. Yearning to meet a man who will truly satisfy him, Wookyung's wish is granted when he encounters his "Master". Caught up in the whirlwind of their play, Wookyung is completely captivated.
Meet Watase, an awkward teen with an unusual power over the written word. One day he uses that power to do something impossible, which draws the attention of Aiba, a girl he finds interesting. But Aiba lives in a secret world of her own devising, believing that the world around her is a lie. And so Watase’s impossible act seems like fate to Aiba, and sets the pair down an unexpected path.