A strange night in Edo unfolds...
Tohru Fujisawa attends AKB48's 19th Member Selection Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament held at the Nippon Budokan on the 21st September, 2010 and draws a one-shot from his POV as part of the AKB Observation Section. Titled Repoman Soul!, it showcases the soul of the fans at the AKB48 event!
Makoto prepares for his first encounter with his boyfriend Satoshi by researching how physical love takes place between men. Does his research turn up too much scary information for him to be able to go through with it? Scanlated by Atlantisdream
Lily Colored Lovers summary is updating. Come visit Mangakakalot.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lily Colored Lovers. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Rune believes that good children get spoiled except for her. She decides to run away from home. On the train she took, she encountered an odd stranger named Busujima... who keeps on insisting that she's an egg!
Hakugin No Teiou summary is updating. Come visit Mangakakalot.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hakugin No Teiou. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
If I could describe it in a few words, I’d say “poetic”, “lonely”, and “deliberate”. There’s a touch of the sadness that comes at the end of summer, the transition into cold and quiet. It feels heavy with undertones. Every word seems deliberate and filled with meaning.
Daddy, Mommy and Mika make up the perfect modern family. Mika is Daddy's little princess, and he won't hand her over to any one. But when handsome Atsushi-sensei at the daycare center becomes Mika's perfect prince, sparks fly. What ever will Daddy do?
Sanjou is a teacher whose love life surrounded by gossips about her failures because she had no charm as a woman. But when she sets out to capture the heart of one of her students, it is revealed that there is more, far more, to her than meets the eyes.
From Chibi Manga The guy I like is always alone after the swimming class. That faint fragrance is the scent of love!?