In this world, there exists individuals known as "Majin": supernatural beings able to wield unique powers. They live among the normal human beings, but the divide created between the Majin and the normal human race is severe. There exists a school known as Dangerous, where the population ratio of Majin students exceeds that of any other high school. In this school, two groups known as the "Banchou Group" and the "Seitokai" face each other in war, but they have created a balance of power, resulting in a temporary peace. Now, with the inclusion of new students, this balance of power is about to collapse. One of the "normal" students, Ryouseiin Otome is forced to choose sides before the beginning of Armageddon.
From Demonic Scanlations: Just because he tried to be a cheapskate and scan a QR code that he thought was for a business promotion, the Li Ming Yang who was rushing to be on time for his date with his girlfriend was sent to a mysterious place… Crimson Skies ( Bloody Heaven )
Yamada was hospitalized after breaking both hands, to make things worse, due to a unknown condition he has to ejaculate every three hours. The ward is full of evil nurses. Will Yamada be able to live and be discharged from the hospital? TLDR: Guy has busted hands, gets sent to hospital for chronic ejaculation, guy gotta get his nuts busted by busty whacko nurses.
In the Victorian ages of London The Earl of the Phantomhive house, Ciel Phantomhive, needs to get his revenge on those who had humiliated him and destroyed what he loved. Not being able to do it alone he sells his soul to a demon he names Sebastian Michaelis. Now working as his butler, Sebastian must help the Earl Phantomhive in this suspenseful, exciting, thriller manga. Overcoming many obstacles like Jack the Ripper and Noah's Ark Circus in the name of the Queen, Ciel and Sebastian truly make the best characters in this amazing story!
In the near future: A world renowned mathematician / physicist Francis Dullam loses his left brain hemisphere and retires from hard science to study dolphins. Several years later he comes up with the new thesis which is essentially a collection of dolphin footage. As the "thesis" is being severely criticized by the media, Ishii Mitsunari (a student living in America) discovers the idea hidden there, that will help to create the true Artificial Intelligence. Motivated to create the AI first Mitsunari leaves for Okinawa to follow the footsteps of Dullam.
In Shanghai in 1914, many forces had gathered to fight for their own interests. This included warlords, the Japanese, the old Qing court, colonial concessions and gangs. The survivor, Xia Sheng, also came to Shanghai to find the enemy in Tucun. With his strong detective instincts and Feng Xichen as his companion, they will solve multiple cases and identify the true culprits whilst trying to solve a mystery of their own.
Caught in the conflict between the Mikogami Family and the Kuroe Family, twin sisters Maiko and Shouko will need to use the full extent of their supernatural abilities and investigational skills to uncover the truth behind a bizarre demonic ritual disguised as a murder in Wakayama Prefecture.
On a pitch-black night, corporate wage slave Qi Yan sees his first love — the one that had passed 10 years before. After quite a bit of pestering and persuasion, he finds himself forced into the miserable lifestyle of working during the day and investigating at the night. The topic of the investigation? Finding out who the culprit is. Can the top who had passed years before successfully manage to be resurrected?
The year is 2030 in Midnight City, USA. Josiah Jones, an ex-convict, faces the cruel changes that have undergone his home city. While crime, gang violence, and political corruption wreak havoc throughout the city, Josiah must find where he belongs in the world all the while facing strange humans with even stranger powers. This is a fan-creation inspired by the works of Hirohiko Araki in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険)
Ding Xiaoyi's grandfather passed away and the Ding family business went bankrupt. Ding Xiaoyi initially thought that his life as a rich second generation was over. However, he later discovered that his grandfather had actually left him an estate in the underworld, built upon the Yellow Springs!Monsters, artifacts, curses... A fascinating and treacherous new world unfolds before Ding Xiaoyi! I have a house in the Yellow Springs; it has a field, grain and many things.
Nick Spade is a detective in a city where super heroes exist. However, his work consists of walking dogs and investigating cheating cases. One day, a former well-known super villain becomes a prospective client of his. What request would a super villain make to an ordinary detective?