"Barbara" was originally serialized by Osamu Tezuka from 1973 to 1974. The original story tells of an encounter between the novelist, Yosuke Mikura, and the mysterious woman with an alcohol addiction, Barbara. In celebration of the live-action film adaptation directed by Makoto Tazuka, Go Nagai, a master artist, brings a unique interpretation of this world. A dream collaboration between the two great masters... Is born here and now!! This story can also be considered a sequel. This time the mystical Barbara has charmed a painter, Kyosuke Mitamura. And later a musician, Goro Nikaido. Both are excellent artist in their own fields but their careers have hit a slump. Is Barbara the remedy for these men's artistic struggles or is she only poison for their work? Includes bonus story "Go and Travel" about Tezuka’s and Nagai’s trip to San Diego, USA in 1980.
A cataclysm has destroyed the cities and empires of men and disfigured the spirit of humanity. In this nightmare, it falls to him to descend a mysterious tower in search of absolution. Is the angel correct that he is responsible for the destruction of the world, and what can he do in this monster infested world to redeem himself? Based on the Saturn/PSX/PS2/Wii game Baroque.
Baskerville, the family of tragedy. Sophia, the daughter of a wealthy family, is to marry Gwyn Baskerville, the young heir of the Baskerville family who succeeded the title at the mere age of thirteen. After the recent death of his family, Gwyn, the ‘tragedy boy’ was thrown into the public eye. Although Sofia manages to establish a good relationship with Gwyn, she holds a secret that, when uncovered, will keep everyone away. This is the tale of a boy seeking the truth of his family's death and a girl who can see the dead as their bond grows deeper and deeper.
Deadly Curse , Kutukan Mematikan , ,Son of Bathory , Bathory's Deadly CurseThere is a beautiful woman named Elizabeth Bathory that is more beautiful than anyone. She who took care of her beauty with the blood of young girls, gave birth to a son named Miguel. No one knows anything about that son and he grew to become a human eating monster.Read more
After being banned 20 years ago, Program 68 is back, this time under the direction of a sinister government artificial intelligence. The troubled and misbehaving kids of Daitoa Academy's Class F have been chosen, divided into squads, given weapons, and commanded to fight to the death. Now friendships and loyalties will be tested, and only the strongest will survive.
“Warning: Yuri content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Lee Jinhwa lived an ordinary life until she swallowed a fox bead gifted by a mysterious peddler, mistaking it for a wish-fulfilling marble. Little did Jinhwa know that her actions would lead her to be haunted by Koo Miho, an infamous nine-tailed fox who wishes to retrieve the bead. To add fuel to the fire, Jinhwa soon discovers that she’s also become a target for various spirits and demons, and the only way to extract the cause of the issue is for Miho to kill her…or kiss her! Bead’s Owner; Marble’s Owner; The Bead’s Owner; The Marble’s Owner; 구슬의 주인 / Master of the Fox Bead (Official)
A weapons shop owner who is more much more capable than he looks, a clever and cute young demon loli from unknown origins. What roles do these two play in a new world where nothing is certain!
Being reborn ten years later, my childhood friends have become a ruthless businessman, a son of a rich family, and a superstar respectively. What is even more ridiculous is that I seem to be their first love from years ago?
Aylin is a hotheaded (and equally chatty) law scholar with a peculiar knife throwing skill. In her goal to become a judge, she lands an exclusive job at the Royal Palace. But due to a last minute change, she winds up being assigned to an insufferable partner who happens to have a knife throwing turn-on.
16-year-old Nanakusa is spending his mundane life on "Stairway Island" where he found himself "discarded" along with 2000 other people, all missing the memories of the time just before they arrived there. The name of the island originates from the long stairway running through the island and extending up to the summit of the mountain where the witch who rules the island is said to live. The only way to leave the island is by finding what was lost. Yet Nanakusa doesn't wish to leave this stagnant island. He enjoys his life there. That is until Manabe Yuu, his childhood friend appears in front of him, and turns his new life upside-down. Why did Manabe Yuu, the world's most optimistic person, get discarded, and who is the witch behind all these mysterious occurrences? Follow Nanakusa and Manabe as they uncover the true nature of Stairway Island.