Based off of the critically acclaimed manga series Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z by Akira Toriyama, Young Jijii sets the stage for an excellent story and awesome adventures in the Dragon Ball Universe! Dragon Ball AF takes place three years after the end of Dragon Ball GT, following the adventures of the Z-Fighters and their fight against the all-mighty Lord Ize, son of Frieza! Dragon Ball AF has no affiliation with Akira Toriyama, Funamation, Toei Animation, or Fuji TV. Dragon Ball AF is a fan-made doujinshi created by Young Jijii and is made purely for entertainment.
In Age 788, the Dragon World is at peace, when a tremendous threat appears… the strongest Saiyan warrior, Kakarrot, has awakened! Son Goku, the hero who brought peace to Earth, attacks his own family and friends! His fated rival, Vegeta, tries to stop him in a battle of destiny! Will Vegeta be able to defeat Kakarrot…? And what will become of the Dragon World…?
After his epic battle with Vegeta, Son Goku and his friends must obtain the wish-granting Dragon Balls in order to resurrect their fallen allies! Their search will take them all the way to the planet Namek, where the evil Freeza and his minions are slaughtering the Namekians in order to fulfill Freeza’s wish for immortality. What will it take to defeat this great evil?
Son Goku is the greatest hero on Earth. Five years after defeating the demon king Piccolo, he’s grown up and has a family. But what is the real reason for Goku’s incredible strength? A visitor from outer space arrives bearing terrible news—Goku is an alien, and the visitor, Raditz, is Goku’s brother! When Raditz turns out to be a ruthless killer, Goku must fight his incredibly strong brother to save his family and the entire human race. A surprising alliance may be Earth’s last hope: Goku will team up with his old enemy Piccolo to save the world!
A Japanese high school student is on his way to a Dragon Ball event with a friend. Suddenly, he sees a cute girl wearing a short skirt, but when he runs over to get a closer look, he trips and dies. Upon waking up, he realizes he's turned into Yamcha from Dragon Ball. Being an avid fan of the series, he knows what lies ahead in Yamcha's future, thus he decides to take matters into his own hands, in order to change Yamcha's fate.
Age 789: Five years have passed since the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai, and all is peaceful around the world as Goku and Oob finish their training in Kami-sama’s palace. However, this peace soon ends as Pilaf makes a terrifying wish, transforming Goku into a child. The rush is on to retrieve all seven Ultimate Dragon Balls from around the Universe before the Earth and its inhabitants are destroyed…
A spin-off manga created by Toyotarou, and based on the arcade game Dragon Ball Heroes. It debuted in the November 2012 edition of V-Jump, the release date of which was October 20, 2012.
The misadventures of Son Goku, Krillin, and other friends from the original story. Supervised by Akira Toriyama.
SonGoku is stuck in the narutoverse
The Red Ribbon Army was once destroyed by Son Goku. Individuals who carry on its spirit have created the ultimate androids -- Gamma 1 and Gamma 2. Who will save the world and defeat the Red Ribbon Army?!
Based on TFS's (Team Four Star's) Mr. Popo and Dragon Ball Z, Piccolo doesn't believe that Goku will be powerful enough to deal with Vegeta and Nappa in the Saiyan saga. So he goes to Kami's lookout to discuss options, that's when Kami comes up with the idea of having Piccolo fuse with Mr. Popo! Hilarity soon ensues. Artist's websites: