From Stiletto Heels: In a small provincial town filled with a spirit of preservation for a traditional performance art called, "Owara," arrives Hotaruko, a transfer student from Tokyo. When a local boy named Hikaru catches her in an awkward stance in - what was supposed to be - an empty classroom, they form a strange bond. What's more, their bond makes way for an unexpected development...?!
The piano prodigy Shinbi and the genius boy soprano Taeui had played together and been friends for a long time. One day, Taeui suddenly went abroad for study, leaving Shinbi, once a piano prodigy, to return to an ordinary student life. Five years later, the dramatic reunion of these two high school students marks the beginning of their challenge in a competition.
IS (Pronounced Aiesu in Japanese) is not your everyday manga. This manga strictly deals with cases of intersexuality. IS stands for Inter Sexuality. This manga deals with very serious issues concerning intersexual people. The pain they go through, the troubles they confront, and ultimately their inability to reproduce and even find a partner who will accept them as they are - It's all there in a form of manga. The series is consisted of cases, each dealing with different people - although some cases are much longer and more dramatic than others. The first volume is about the case of Hiromi and the case of Ryoma. The third case is of Haru and characters related to him. If you don’t know what intersexuality is, refer to the Wikipedia on Intersex.
After causing the destruction of his parents, the protagonist only lives for the sake of his younger sister and avoids other people. But one day, a mysterious stranger appears and calls him 'master'...thus his life is forever changed.
From Lililicious: Rutsu, a novelist, finds herself caught between her boyfriend and another woman.
Through round after round of extensive plastic surgery and vigorous maintenance, Ririko has become the absolute manifestation of beauty, and becomes a wildly successful model, actress and singer. However, soon her body, unable to withstand the burdens of surgery, begins to crumble, and along with it so does her mind, as she plummets towards a frightening and inevitable end. A story about a woman's vanity, greed, hatred and despair, by the author of River's Edge. Helter Skelter won the 2003 excellence prize at the Japanese Media Arts Festival, and the 2004 Osamu Tezuka Culture Prize.
A story packed with the yet unnoticed charms of Kyoto, brought to you by a society of her public servants.
Asuka is a twenty four years old successful career woman who dreams of marriage so she can become a full time housewife and someone who can create a warm home where in her husband would always be fond of returning. Nanami Ryuu is the complete opposite; although he is someone sincere in his job and a gentleman to women, for him, marriage is nothing but a hindrance. To Asuka, Nanami is a person who belongs to a different world and will never connect with her own, a matter which is insignificant, because right now she expects that her dreams of married life will soon be realized since she feels her boyfriend of five years will propose to her soon…
This is a story of a woman whose husband turns into a bear. When they go to the doctor he tells them it’s stress related and that he will turn back to normal soon. But how can you define normal when your husband looks like a wild animal? A story about love and the hardships of keeping it.
Marie's life is nothing but work, and it's been way too long since her last love affair. In fact, it's so long that she might've forgotten how to even start one. Slowly, her miserable days pass by. Her only joy is going to a beauty salon, where she is captivated by the amazing technique of that salon's leading employee, Shinobu. One day, when she's heading to a meeting, she meets Shinomiya, the son of the owner of a large corporation. But, he looks exactly like Shinobu, the lady at the beauty salon! And to top it off, when Marie loses her balance and is about to fall over, Shinomiya catches her and touches her weak spot that only Shinobu knows about!
From Village Idiot: The colourful story of Aya, Hina, Kei, and their classmates, trying to figure out the mystery behind Risa's sudden disappearance. It all begins with the discovery that her disappearance haves some correlation to the online dating site called "Amore." Hina proposes that they should try out the site first-hand themselves, and upon doing so, they encounter something completely unexpected?!
Description As a child, Chiyoko loved chocolate, and loved her dad the chocolatier even more. But after he suddenly disappeared, she grew up detached and cold, and now hates the taste of chocolate. Her dad’s old chocolate shop still stands, and as she passes by one day she notices that it’s reopening under the same name, selling the same homemade chocolates. Not only that, but the new chocolatier there is a girl whose name is also Chiyoko! Can this new Chiyoko bring back some warmth — and chocolate — into our Chiyoko’s life?