The "psycho suspense" manga follows Godai, a policeman who was removed from the investigations division of the police due to violence toward criminals. He teams up with Hidaka, a man who is a self-proclaimed "paranormal police investigator" with claims to have the ability to send Godai in the past to prevent all the horrific crimes that happened, is that even possible and what will be the consequences?
In a world full of zombies, will a psychopathic zombie with an ego can save mankind?!
After becoming a magical girl, Oriko Mikuni befriends other magical girls at her school-and not always on initially positive terms! Complications arise when Oriko's friends, unaware they both know Oriko, fight over a grief seed, leading to someone's death...
A deformed female human goes out with a pumpkin on her head to kill all those who bullied her in the past after escaping from a mental hospital.
Locked away in a mental hospital, Naoko Kirino recovers from major trauma caused by a freak accident at her school wherein acid burned her face. But for the plucky heroin and the staff within, the never ending nightmare has just begun!
Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa have been living all on their own. One day, Yume sees red butterflies and something strange happens to her body!! As the siblings are toyed with by “Pupa,” so begins their tale of heroic love... (From JManga)
After having lost his son many years ago, an elderly carpenter seeks to reunite with him by reviving him as a wooden puppet. While they live happily together in a peaceful village, their newfound lives would all be disrupted when news of a serial killer erupts. What challenges will they face now?
In this dreamy science fiction fantasy, Junko Mizuno illustrates a story full of catfights, alien safari adventures, evil experiments, and a girl who dreams of becoming a pop idol signer. Following the Third World War, humankind left the toxic surface of the Earth and built an underground city to survive. A serious social problem has emerged in this new society: hyperorexia, or severe overeating, a side effect of the "Pure Trance" life-sustaining pill. The story begins in the hospital which has been ruined by a tyrannical director, Keiko Yamazaki...
Meet Sakai Hiroaki, a high school teenage mastermind with a genius-level intelligence and a lack of interest in anything that is easy to him.During one unlucky day, in an attempt to stop a student from committing suicide, he ends up committing suicide himself.After he awakens, he finds himself not in the real world, nor in heaven, but in purgatory, along with a group of others who did the same: commit suicide.Sakai discovers that he and his peers are subjected to never-ending intense death games in this world for reasons unknown to him, and he tries to find a way to escape.
At the National Local Mascot Festival, children all across Japan can meet their favorite local mascots. But as the festival gets underway, it becomes clear that what's inside these costumes aren't people - they're something much darker, with a taste for human flesh. Amid the chaos spreading through the entire country, Keigo Ayahara, his little brother Makoto, and his friend Ako must now fight for their survival and their humanity.