Shingetsutan Tsukihime is a manga based on Type-Moon's famous visual novel, Tsukihime. The story follows Tohno Shiki, a teenage boy who, after a near-fatal accident in his childhood, gained the mysterious power to perceive lines covering everything around him. When he cuts along these lines, whatever it was immediately falls apart with a clean cut; in other words, killing it. Troubled by it he accidentally met a wandering self-proclaimed magician who gave him a pair of glasses that blocked his unnatural perception when worn. Soon afterwards, he was disinherited from his family and sent to live with some relatives. For eight years he lived a normal life, hiding his special eyes, until one day he receives a letter inviting him to come back home. Shiki suddenly becomes caught up in strange and life-threatening events, ones that are somehow linked to his childhood accident and a forgotten past...
From Seven Seas: In this comedic reimagining of World’s End Harem: Fantasia, Lord Arc Nargala and the women who serve him must navigate a whole new heart-pounding world. Even the mysterious dark elf Lati makes an appearance. As Arc’s new homeroom teacher! Do Arc and Aurelia stand a chance of being happy together in this place? What of Arc’s power to wield Macht? And is it even legal for a homeroom teacher to be so scantily dressed?
From MangaHelpers: Suddenly finding himself in the Sengoku era, regular high school student Sagara Yoshiharu is about to be killed in the battlefield. He is saved by none other than the man who later becomes the infamous Toyotomi Hideyoshi but at a cost to his life. With history completely changed because of Yoshiharu’s actions, he tries to make things right again but it seems that history is taking a different course than the one he learned in school. Oda Nobunaga is now a brilliant but young girl named Oda Nobuna. Yoshiharu starts working under her command to bring back history to its correct course and find his way back home to the present world.
Just before they enter high school, the boys Meguru and Shou are whining about the fact that neither of them has a girlfriend. A strange, large-breasted woman shows up, claiming that she will fix their problem, and kisses Meguru. This odd occurrence is pushed out of the boys' minds when they meet up with Souko, a friend from elementary school, who is going to be in their high school. She's grown up into a pretty young girl, and it seems like the boys might have a shot with her! That evening, Meguru realizes that the strange kiss may have had more meaning than he thought: he's turned into a girl! He convinces Shou and his mother of his identity, but no one has any idea how to turn him back. Now he's going to have to learn how to be a girl and let go of his hope of dating his cute childhood friend Souko. What will happen to his hopes for a popular high school life?
Shiro Masakatsu is a boy people can't stand touching. One day, while walking, a floating bra falls around on his face. Wanting to find the owner, he looks around and gets splashed with water, thinking some big boobed girl was naked somewhere and playing with water, he rushes to find her, but instead he finds a bra-less girl, with water coming from a katana finishing a fight with someone, so naturally, he ran away. Later he meets the same girl at school, and another katana-wielder picking a fight with her. these are cursed katanas called youtou. Youtou cannot be used if the condition of the curse is not met, like with the girl's katana the katana of perversion, the youtou ganari, the katana that can only be used when feeling perverted.....hehe how dirty right ^.^
Kitamura Yui, a young teenage girl, manages to fall for a woman on the train- Ichinose Hitomi. In her eyes, shes goregeous, beautiful.. And on a whim, she kisses her. Hitomi's reaction is something that surprises Yui beyond belief.
Matsuka Ryou is a school girl who doesn't seem to take life seriously. She dreams of growing up and becoming a wanderer or a minstrel. She's the adviser and sole member of the light music club (although it's not really a club). However when she picks up a key that a teacher drops, a whole new world is opened up to her...
(Summary from here): Wakamatsu Masato lives with his step-sister, Miyuki, whom he does not have blood relationship with. Their father is always working oversea (in fact, he has not appeared in the manga at all...) and left the two of them living by themselves in Toukyou. Miyuki is cute, nice, sensitive and very popular among guys around Masato. Masato has a girlfriend at school whose name is Kajima Miyuki, who is pretty and gentle, the ideal dream of every high school boy. It took years for Masato and his sister to realize whom they love and care most after a lot of events. The manga is very nicely written, with excellent layout, interesting story and character developments, refreshing art style and filled with youth and emotion. It also shows the dramatic improvement of the author's skill.
Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry: As the leader of the “Dead Night” team with the most outstanding record in China’s Secret Army – “Dead Doctor” Feng Lin was asked by his father to choose one of the ten goddesses who had already engaged in marriage. Feng Lin, who had no intention of doing so, had to come one by one to break off the marriage. During the process, Liu Nian, the traitor of “Dead Night”, appeared. In order to get revenge… Dad Asked Me to Choose One of Ten Goddesses to Marry Lǎo Bà Ràng Wǒ Cóng Shí Gè Nǚshén Zhòngxuǎn Yīgè Jiéhūn 老爸让我从十个女神中选一个结婚
Kazuma, a highschool student who loves eroge, has been confused by the honour student and beautiful girl, Misaki Honoka, who's the school's prodigy. What's more, Honoka had declared that she would try her best to become a "heroine" that Kazuma likes?! "Can you..... train me?" What kind of eroge is this?
Kabukicho, Shinjuku – the district that burns with desire is struck by an incurable disease. In this district, a doctor, Inui Date, runs a small medical clinic Night after night, patients with extraordinary cases come to the clinic. Things change when one day detective Maria Daigo, a troublesome patient, appears. Set in a Shinjuku that has been plagued by an incurable disease, the doctor and the detective become entangled in one mysterious case after another as they face the darkness in this psychological thriller. Will the two be able to save this town?
Basically, the teenage detective kiddo was frozen by some EVIL MASTERMIND PROFESSOR back in near-mid-1900’s, and gets unfrozen in the 2000’s by his granddaughter. Hilarity ensues as he encounters weird new stuff and does silly blunders in his daily life with his granddaughter, Hikari.