Crayon Shin-chan (?????????, Kureyon Shinchan) is a manga and anime series written by Yoshito Usui. The American version of the manga is titled "Crayon ShinChan" while the UK, Catalan, Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, Hindi, Danish and American version of the anime is titled Shin-Chan. The series follows the antics of a five year-old boy Shinnosuke Nohara, his parents, neighbours, and friends. This story is set in Kasukabe, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. The show is called "Crayon Shin-chan" because "crayon" signifies the fact that it is a tool commonly used by kindergartners and that Shin-chan goes to kindergarten. "Shin-chan" is the affectionate name for the main character. (R.I.P. Usui Yoshito April 21, 1958 – September 11, 2009)
Coffee! Passion! and Love! Dive into the world of Coffee!
"Crazy Convenience Store" is a comedy manhua for all audiences. It is great for destressing, laughing and reflecting together. Each and every one of the small stories will make you want to go back and reread it multiple times. The more you think about them, the more interesting they become. Items of daily use, that can be found everywhere, are the main characters of the convenience stor(i)e(s). This comedy manhua is relatable, funny and pack(ag)ed with wit and education.
Gordon is an unsociable middle-aged man driving his food truck through a world buried in sand. One day, he meets a girl named Arisa sleeping stark naked in the middle of the desert. While Arisa wolfs down any and all food she can fit in her mouth, a mysterious armed group seems to be pursuing her, too.
From Beautiful Soup: Takami has an 'eye power' that causes guys to fall in love with him by looking them in the eye and Ninomiya has a 'pheromone power' that gets both men and women fall in love with him. What happens when these two characters clash together?
The daily lives of an extraordinarily jealous (yandere) girl, Hiyori Koharu, and her boyfriend, Minoru Fujito Original Comic: Motion Comic:
Sachi goes to an all-girls high school, and is quite the clueless one. At her first goukoun, she meets a boy called Yuki-chan, which finally ends 17 years of a boyfriend-less life, and!? -- Manga Updates
16-year-old Hanii Miku is on the same tennis team as her life-long crush, Harada Tomonori. Not only can this guy kick butt in tennis, he's also good-looking and super nice! The only thing that Miku doesn't like about him is his brother, Natsume. Completely opposite from his older brother, Natsume is known to play girls, and be a basic cocky pain in the neck. But one day, Miku finds out something about him that ends up shocking her to no end...!! -- Selene Scans
When a tough, lazy, money loving, yet beautiful high school student named Shin Bia jumps down from a building , she thought she would die but instead she falls into the era where the ancient Goryeo Dynasty ruled?! She had to transform into a proper and elegant lady and while she's there she faces many obstacles.
Not every girl has the misfortune to see the boy she likes confess to the most beautiful girl on the tennis team--or the luck to see him get rejected! Unfortunately for Kazusa, her beloved Kurosaki has absolutely no interest in dating her even after he's been turned down, a confession from another upperclassmen only serves to make this "love game" even crazier.
A girl who doesn't do her homework and dreams of becoming an amazing comic writer one day. In order to do that, she rushes to her to the place where the dreams begins!
"Don't waste your life on useless things!"<br>Two middle-aged men revived their youth souls and set to Shangai to meet the daughter of their late bandmate!