A side story from the popular Granblue Fantasy adventure series. Pommern, a soldier in the Imperial Erste Army, is thrown from a ship, and, guided by a mysterious voice, finds an ancient book on an unnamed island. From there, the story delves deep into his past...
There was once a land by the name of Feendrache that was blessed by a primal beast. Upon the arrival of Gran and his companions Lyria and Vyrn, the kingdom becomes entwined in turmoil. With the aid of the Dragon Knights, they rush to save it from those who intend to plunge it into darkness. An adaptation of the first two events/side stories in the "Dragon Knights" series from the mobile RPG *Granblue Fantasy*, Defender's Oath and Four Knights of a Fallen Land.
On a continent ruled by chaos, the Lords have the power of a holy seal that can calm the chaos and protect the people. However, before anyone realizes it, the rulers cast aside their creed of purifying the chaos, and instead start to fight each other for each others' holy seals to gain dominion over one another. Shiruka, an isolated mage who scorns the Lords for abandoning their creed, and a wandering knight named Theo, who is on a journey to train to one day liberate his hometown, make an everlasting oath to work together to reform this continent dominated by wars and chaos.
I, who detest the cold, pretended to be the wife of the Grand Duke of the North. But why the North!? She tries to escape because she feels like she's going to freeze to death, but the attempt was in vain due to the Grand Duke that catches her. "It's up to you whether you run or not. I'll always catch you again and again." Why do you keep obsessing over me when we're a bad couple in the original story? I can't live here because it's cold!Grand Duchess of the North It's Cold,Grand Duchess of the North I Can't Do This Because It's Cold, mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.
I, who detest the cold, pretended to be the wife of the Grand Duke of the North. But why the North!? She tries to escape because she feels like she’s going to freeze to death, but the attempt was in vain due to the Grand Duke that catches her. “It’s up to you whether you run or not. I’ll always catch you again and again.” Why do you keep obsessing over me when we’re a bad couple in the original story? I can’t live here because it’s cold! 북부 대공 부인, 추워서 못 하겠습니다
For 52 years, Takumi Fujimura, a craftsman who has continued to hone his skills at a town factory, finds himself in a predicament when he has a dispute with a client and stops getting loans from banks. After many years of hard work, he finally collapses, but he awakens in a different world where he meets Frau, a girl who aspires to become a hero. With the benefit of modern technology and decades of crafting skill, can Takumi take this new world by storm?
For 52 years, Takumi Fujimura, a craftsman who has continued to hone his skills at a town factory, finds himself in a predicament when he has a dispute with a client and stops getting loans from banks. After many years of hard work, he finally collapses, but he awakens in a different world where he meets Frau, a girl who aspires to become a hero. With the benefit of modern technology and decades of crafting skill, can Takumi take this new world by storm?
“Stop there, Grand General!” The Omniscient Master, mentor of the Emperor and teacher of the Royal Guards. He had a path to follow even if it meant abandoning his title as the strongest in history. He walked as he was hit by the wind. His old appearance and white hair was nowhere to be seen. All that was left was a young man with flowing pitch black hair! “I am called Lee Gwol.” I will not be restricted. I will roam the world like the wind. The smell of tea will cleanse the bloody world. The Unbending Ruler. Witness the path of the Grand General, Lee Gwol! Genres: Action, Shounen, Martial Arts, Adventure
A boy killed by his superhero idol, then he decided to become a Dark Walker. \"Saving the world by destroying the world\"
I drew a lottery at the Shopping District and won the privilege to go to another world. After drawing a lot of balls, unexpectedly I got a cheat-like skill. Silencing those who are noisy and getting hold of all the things that I want. I will satisfy all my desires. (Source: Shousetsuka ni Narou, translated)
Jung HyeonWoo had neither ‘Talent’, ‘Money’, or ‘Luck’. “Why can I see the hidden information in the game?” After an electrocution accident, I started being able to see stuff I couldn’t before in the game. --- - **\"BJ\"** is a Korean slang that means **Streamer**. --- - [Webtoon PV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7M4wH6g1eI)